Health News

By Jack Goodman Whether it’s a post on your uncle’s account or an image your friend forwarded, fake coronavirus stories seem to be everywhere. To help, BBC teams are verifying and fact-checking the latest and most widely-seen examples of fake and misleading information. A fake Bill Gates message A long message attributed to Bill Gates,...
By José Luis Rosales With a compound of eucalyptus, verbena, ruda, marco, izu and uchu jiwa (chili pepper), the 21 communities and neighborhoods of Ilumán parish in Otavalo Canton, are disinfected. It is an alternative to stop the expansion of Covid-19. In this area, cohabited by indigenous and mestizos, these plants are known for their...
By Rachel Hosie Roughly one third of all the food produced for human consumption across the world is wasted every year. This equates to approximately 1.3 billion tonnes of food being thrown away – which is a cost to the environment and our bank accounts. But one incredibly helpful tool in the crusade against food waste is...
By Mark Mahoney As America and the global community continue to focus on addressing the continuing pandemic facing all of us, the issues related to mental health should not be forgotten.  Obviously, the need for testing, isolation and rapid treatment are issues that are widespread in our societies at present. However, we do ourselves a...
Food safety is of paramount importance during this time, but it’s important all year round. Here is a segment of a much longer article published in To read the complete article, click here. Can I get COVID-19 from touching or eating contaminated food? there is currently no evidence that COVID-19 has spread through food...
By Bryan Clark Conspiracy theorists are infecting YouTube and Facebook with bogus theories that 5G mobile internet is responsible for the coronavirus. One prominent anti-5G Facebook group has shared a number of erroneous posts, claiming 5G is the culprit behind a virus that has infected more than 80,000 people worldwide. Its creator, Dutch “UFO researcher”...
By Jaime Moreno What should you do to fight COVID-19? First and foremost, you must understand the disease. Then do not panic. And under no circumstances should you hide information. Ever. The incubation period is within 14 days after exposure. The most common clinical manifestations are: fever (99%), fatigue (70%), dry cough (59%), anorexia (40%),...
By Lisa Drayer Whether you’re housebound for the next couple of weeks from a COVID-19 quarantine, or simply trying to survive a school or work shutdown, you’ll likely be limiting or avoiding trips to the grocery store. So you may be wondering: What are the best foods to buy when you know you’re going to...
Thanks to Ted Kyle, of Conscience Health, for calling our attention to a useful post from the Dietitians of Canada. As Ted wrote in a recent post titled, Pseudoscience in the Midst of a Pandemic, “Perhaps this pandemic can sharpen our critical thinking. Pseudoscience in the midst of a pandemic is really intolerable. But why should...
Last week I reposted an article about food safety — this advice is relevant all year ’round, and certainly now that we all must take extra care to avoid contamination with the COVID-19 respiratory virus. I linked to Brenda Langdon’s important article about this contagion, and her wise prevention advice. Read it here. Readers who...
After reading Brenda Langdon’s excellent article about the Covid-19 virus and sensible precautions everyone can take to stay healthy I’d like to repost my column about food safety. One of the best reasons for living in Cuenca is the variety of vegetables and fruits, the freshness and the cost. Last year we visited Florida, “The Sunshine...
Credit: NIAAA: Understanding the impact of alcohol on human health and well-being For many people, a night of drinking can lead to a painful morning after and the dreaded effects of a hangover. What does science tell us about this phenomenon? What causes the typical symptoms of a hangover? And the question perhaps as old...

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The Cuenca Dispatch

Week of September 15

The Massive Blackout of September 2024.

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Getting Rid of Verónica Abad: The Conflict the Government is Racing to Resolve.

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Puerto Cabuyal: the commune that protects a marine reserve in Ecuador.

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Amazon eco lodge News

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