Health News

By Elizabeth Kiefer  What does it mean to sit like a man? If you live in a city with a subway, your mind might leap to the scourge of “manspreading,” in which men sit with their legs wide apart, taking up more than one seat. But Barbara Bergin, an orthopedic surgeon in Austin, believes sitting like...
The National Institutes of Health: News In Health  November 2019 Have you ever had to get an X-ray, MRI, or other medical scan? Do you know what these tests involve? Or what they can do? Medical scans help doctors diagnose everything from head trauma to foot pain. There are many different types of imaging technologies....
I typed “superfood” into my browser and got 370 million ‘hits’ in 0.70 seconds! What’s a “superfood?” According to the Oxford Dictionary, a superfood is “a nutrient-rich food considered to be especially beneficial for health and well-being.” But, the word is used to promote more than healthy eating — it’s being used to promote and...
By Mark Mahoney The Community Gardening Network, a project of Sustainable Tallahassee [Florida] in partnership with the IFAS/Leon County Extension Services participated in the recent 2019 Farm Tour by holding four community garden fall workshops/open houses.  These included the following gardens: iGrow-Tallahassee Food Network Community Garden Havana Community Garden on US 27 outside Havana Macon...
By Alice Callahan Fifty years ago this summer, Melanie Dreher, a registered nurse and young graduate student in anthropology, landed in rural Jamaica to study how people there were using cannabis. It was the same summer of the moon landing and Woodstock, where “400,000 of my best friends were having a good time,” she said....
By Jessica Brown Even though alcohol kills millions of people every year, humans have been imbibing for millennia. In the last few decades, wine, in particular, has gained a reputation for being good for our health. Red wine even has been linked with longevity and lower risk of heart disease. But could wine really be good for...
By Susan Burke March The Journal of Wild Mushrooming is a fascinating resource for all things mushrooms. They say there are 10,000 described species in North American alone, but that may represent only a third to a fifth of what’s really out there! In percentages, 50% are inedible, 25% edible but tasteless, 20% will make...
By Consumer Reports Just about everyone experiences digestive problems on occasion. They’re some of the most common complaints in doctors’ offices. But for more than 10 million people, gas, bloating, constipation, diarrhea or heartburn are a regular occurrence. When your doctor can’t find an underlying reason for the problem, it’s dubbed a “functional” gastrointestinal disorder,...
British Olympic and professional athletes could be damaging their teeth by regular using sports drinks, energy bars and gels, according to a study. Researchers from University College London surveyed 352 female and male athletes across 11 sports, including cycling, swimming, rugby, football, rowing, hockey, sailing and athletics. The study concluded that elite athletes had poor...
By Erin Blakemore Amy Martin’s 3-year-old twins were sick yet again — and the Anacortes, Wash., mom was fed up. “We were just getting cold after cold,” she says. Her solution: Dietary supplements. She searched online for ideas, then picked up a bottle of elderberry gummies. She wasn’t alone. Google logged over a half-million searches...
Editor’s note: As published in on September 2, Ecuador is the world’s top banana exporter, and there are more than 7,000 growers and 2.5 million jobs dependent on a healthy crop. By Steven Savage, Ph.D. As I wrote for Forbes in 2018, we might lose bananas as an affordable part of our diet. A dreaded new...
Susan’s note: I admit it, I’m a National Public Radio fan. I take an hour-long walk in the morning and listen to podcasts of NPR shows I’ve missed. Yesterday I listened to an interview with Dr. Jen Gunter, a Canadian-American obstetrician-gynecologist, a specialist in women’s health and pain medicine. She frequently challenges dubious health and...

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The Cuenca Dispatch

Week of September 15

The Massive Blackout of September 2024.

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Getting Rid of Verónica Abad: The Conflict the Government is Racing to Resolve.

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Puerto Cabuyal: the commune that protects a marine reserve in Ecuador.

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