Health News

By Amy Gorin You hear about calories all the time. But what are they really? A calorie is technically the amount of energy required to raise the temperature of one gram of water 1°C, per Merriam-Webster. Confused? No worries. In plain speak, calories provide energy in the food you consume—and when you exercise, you burn calories as...
By Amy Fleming David Whitlock has not showered or bathed for 15 years, yet he does not have body odour. “It was kind of strange for the first few months, but after that I stopped missing it,” he says. “If I get a specific part of my body dirty, then I’ll wash that specific part”...
Could the foods you eat help determine when you start menopause? They might, says a study published in the Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health. Researchers found that women who ate more fish and beans and other legumes started menopause at a later age, while women who ate a diet heavy on refined pasta and...
By Luisa Torres As we age, the risk of falling increases and becomes increasingly perilous. A fall can be a real health setback for a frail, elderly person. And, more older adults are dying from falls today than 20 years ago. A recent study showed that more than 25,000 U.S. adults age 75 or above died from...
Women who have high levels of the antibacterial agent triclosan in their urine have worse bone health than other women, new research indicates. Triclosan, which was recently banned in hand sanitizers, is used in a variety of “consumer goods and personal care products including soaps, hand sanitizers, toothpaste, and mouthwash,” Shaofang Cai, the Second Affiliated Hospital of...
By Jacqueline Howard Is coffee safe or risky for your heart? Two recent studies appear to contradict each other on this question, which often leaves coffee-lovers scratching their heads. A study presented at the British Cardiovascular Society conference in June 2019 suggests that drinking five cups of coffee a day was no worse for the arteries than...
Let’s cut to the chase. The number one cause of death around the world is type 2 diabetes. You may have heard that cardiovascular disease is the number-one killer, but it’s cardiovascular disease, stroke, and kidney failure, all secondary to type 2 diabetes. And type 2 diabetes is a largely preventable disease. Recently, I presented...
By Nicole Spector Move over seven wonders of the world! We’re obsessed with the five Blue Zones, the mysterious regions where people statistically live the longest. These five locales, Sardinia, Italy; the islands of Okinawa, Japan; the Nicoya Peninsula in Costa Rica; Ikaria, Greece; and Loma Linda, California; don’t appear to have too much in common at...
By Pam Belluck Can certain medications increase your risk of dementia? A new study suggests that people who take a class of common medicines called anticholinergic drugs for several years may be more likely to develop dementia as they age. This is not a new hypothesis about these drugs, which are used to treat a wide range of conditions from...
By Wellness Newsletter Contact with nature has a host of potential physical and psychological benefits, according to a growing body of evidence. Researchers have focused mostly on the health effects of spending time in parks and the wilderness, but two recent studies suggest there are potential benefits of living in leafy, green neighborhoods or even...
Editor’s note: One of our favorite things about living in Cuenca is not having to worry about ticks and mosquitos. A few flies, yes, especially when it’s warmer. Enjoy this column from the Washington Post that suggests some nontoxic methods to protect yourself against mosquitoes and ticks. And yes, you can spell mosquitoes with an...
By Catherine Saint Louis Efforts to improve what children eat should begin before they even learn to walk, a series of nutritional studies published on Tuesday has found. Taken together, the data indicate that infant feeding patterns persist far longer than has been appreciated. “Our early taste preferences, particularly for fruits and vegetables, and on the flip side...

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The Cuenca Dispatch

Week of September 15

The Massive Blackout of September 2024.

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Getting Rid of Verónica Abad: The Conflict the Government is Racing to Resolve.

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Puerto Cabuyal: the commune that protects a marine reserve in Ecuador.

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