Ecuador News

U.S. President Donald Trump’s decision to lift some restrictions on Chinese communication giant Huawei could provide a big boost to Latin American telecommunications interest, especially its move to 5G technology. It will also provide a boost to Huawei’s bottom line. Trump reversed course following a meeting with Chinese President Xi Jinping at last week’s G20...
We recently returned from a three-week journey in Florida, U.S., traveling almost two-thousand miles around the state, visiting big and small cities, little towns and, of course, beaches. And everywhere was plastic, from plastic bags at every grocery store to plastic-wrapped sandwiches and double-wrapped salads (plastic bowls surrounded by plastic wrap,” to individually-plastic-wrapped plastic utensils...
Editor’s note: I’ve had the honor of being appointed the Country Representative from Ecuador of the International Association of the Academy of Nutrition & Dietetics (IAAND) of the U.S. I have been networking with nutritionists here in Cuenca, learning more about career education and credentialing requirements, as well as practice opportunities. I look forward to...
By Susan Burke March The stevia plant is a perennial that does best in sunny, warm climates with plenty of rain. In the battle of commercial sweeteners, consumers who want to enjoy the taste of sweet without calories and without artificial ingredients have increasingly turned to packaged stevia powders and extracts. Here are some facts...
Hailing from Louisiana, I’ve weathered many summers with 90-plus straight days of temperatures above 100 and humidity to match. A quick trip outside my home would have sweat droplets as big as buckshot scattered across my forehead and rivulets of the same running down my cheeks. I grew up living on a bayou in Louisiana....
By Steve Clark I’m a Genetically Modified Organism. That is the reason I’m alive and writing this essay. Several years ago, I had several serious bumps on my head, which turned out to be active melanoma tumors. My doctors sent me in for scans and they located several additional tumors in my lungs. The prognosis...
Editor’s note: Michelle’s Foods of The Americas series continues this week with the first of a three-column series on squash, the noblest of vegetables. By Michelle Bakeman The following is an excerpt from “The Pumpkin,” by fireside poet John Greenleaf Whittier: On the banks of the Xenil the dark Spanish maiden Comes up with the...
During the last week in April, 2019, the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) and its partners celebrate the 17th annual Vaccination Week in the Americas with the slogan “Protect your community. Do your part. #GetVax.” “The slogan is a strong call to action to the general public, health care workers, and donors and decision makers...
Editor’s note: Michelle’s Foods of The Americas series on tomatoes continues this week with a surprising account of the origin of everyone’s favorite condiment, ketchup. Click here to read Part I about the origins of the tomato, and click here to read Part II as the tomato makes its culinary journey across the ocean from...
What was life like in Ecuador prior to antibiotics? In a word: short. For people with bacterial infections, life was cruel… but of course, not just in Ecuador. As described by the American Chemical Society, “Before [penicillin was introduced] there was no effective treatment for infections such as pneumonia, gonorrhea or rheumatic fever. Hospitals were...
Editor’s note: Michelle’s Foods of The Americas series continues this week with the third of four fascinating accounts of the tomato’s impact on global cuisine. Click here to read Part I about the surprising origins of the tomato, and click here to read Part II as it makes its culinary journey across the ocean from...
By Christine Stiparo We choose the foods we eat for a variety of reasons. Taste and convenience seem to top most of our lists, but healthfulness, enjoyment, and affordability are part of it too. We all have different needs, and knowing what those are and how to fill them is the best way to a healthy lifestyle....

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The Cuenca Dispatch

Week of June 09

Nene Case Transferred to National Court Jurisdiction Unit Due to Possible Links with Vice President Verónica Abad.

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Ecuador’s Safest Regions Highlight 25 Murder-Free Cantons in 14 Years.

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Kia and Aymesa Announce $62 Million Investment to Assemble Five New Vehicle Models in Ecuador by 2026.

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