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1. A person with a plastic box selling large chocolate covered donuts approaches. Why might this be a good or bad idea to buy one?
2. A person’s iron finally dies. What might be better than buying a new one? Why?
3. A person needs to sign an official legal document. What should they check before doing so? Why?
4. A common question for Expats is whether they’ve tried cuy (pronounced ku-eé). What is it and what are some reasons for doing so or not?
5. How much does it cost to get a tank of gas refilled and why should one care?

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5. I need to talk to you about being a content provider. Please go to and click Support.

* Alternatively, one can go to Amazon and buy the book for only $9.99.

Stay tuned for more questions in a few days.

Contact information:

Rick Ochoa


What is one of the most common items to be stolen from a house and why?
A cat owner runs out of kitty litter. How big an issue will this be?
The water in the shower goes back and forth from, freezing cold, to lava scalding hot. What are the four most common reasons for this?
Before buying a new car, what might a person be required to do that is unheard of in the U.S.?
On an interprovincial bus a person gets on the bus and begins handing out “free” candy. Should one accept it? What happens if one does?

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I need to talk to you about being a content provider. Please go to and click Support.

* Alternatively, one can go to Amazon and buy the book for only $9.99.

Stay tuned for more questions in a few days.

Contact information:

Rick Ochoa


When selecting a health insurance provider, it is essential to consider the company’s financial stability and the quality of its customer service. Financial stability ensures continuous coverage, timely reimbursements, a stable provider network, and excellent customer service. To assess a provider’s financial health, research the company’s background, consult independent financial rating agencies, seek advice from local experts or expats, review financial statements, and be cautious of unusually low premiums.
Here is a link to verify the financial status of BMI Insurance Company; which is one of the best in Ecuador []. By accessing this resource, you can gain valuable insights into the company’s financial stability, ensuring you make an informed decision when choosing your health insurance provider.
The quality of customer service is crucial for a satisfactory health insurance experience, as it provides policyholders with guidance, timely assistance, effective communication, efficient problem resolution, and trust-building. To evaluate customer service, read reviews and testimonials, test the company’s responsiveness, seek recommendations from friends or colleagues, and assess the provider’s transparency regarding policies and pricing.
In conclusion, carefully evaluating a health insurance provider’s financial stability and customer service quality can help individuals make informed decisions, ensuring they receive the coverage and support they need. This approach can prevent unforeseen challenges and foster trust, loyalty, and satisfaction in the long run.

Click here to learn more about us

Contact information:

Daniela Cordero


1. There is a skinny two-inch long black bug in one’s garden. What should one do?
2. A panaderia has some brownies on display. What might one want to consider before buying one?
3. How likely is a gardener to find packaged seeds in Ecuador?
4. What is Güitig? How is it pronounced? Why does everyone keep asking me if I want some?
5. In Cuenca, a bus passes a passenger waiting at a bus stop. What are the two most common reasons why that might happen?

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5. I need to talk to you about being a content provider. Please go to and click Support.

* Alternatively, one can go to Amazon and buy the book for only $9.99.

Stay tuned for more questions in a few days.

Contact information:

Rick Ochoa


1. Which are the two biggest players in the Cell Phone Market in Ecuador?
2. What is a botellón and who cares?
3. Why are HVAC filters virtually impossible to find in Ecuador?
4. A man with a clear plastic box selling cupcakes approaches. Is it a good idea to buy one?
5. When brushing one’s teeth, where might it be best to use bottled water?

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5. I need to talk to you about being a content provider. Please go to and click Support.

* Alternatively, one can go to Amazon and buy the book for only $9.99.

Stay tuned for more questions in a few days.

Contact information:

Rick Ochoa


1. An Expat finds several cans of the following at a grocery store: Cranberry sauce, Campbell’s Chicken Noodle Soup, and Enchilada Sauce. Assuming the Expat will want all of these in the next 12 months, what would be the normal response to each?
2. Why is the selection of lawn mowers so limited and weed eaters so plentiful here?
3. A diabetic Expat runs out of the triangular needles on her / his insulin “pen”. What will be their reaction?
4. A flower delivery service offers to bring two dozen fresh roses to one’s house, every week for $20 / week. Is this a good deal?
5. A reliable mechanic confirms that a used car is in good shape. The owner is asking 50% more than the U.S. price for the same exact year, make, and model. Is this a good price?

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5. I need to talk to you about being a content provider. Please go to and click Support.

Stay tuned for more questions in two days.

Contact information:

Rick Ochoa


What is the point of hiring someone for your visa or legal processes if you have to go with them and waste your whole morning at the government offices?

At Expat Community EC we include in our package a power of attorney that authorizes us to carry out your processes for you. In this way we guarantee that your processes, especially your visa, will not be a headache for you.

We have recommendations about our efficiency and honesty.

Learn more about us at:

Contact information:

Karina Urgiles


1. A woman is selling fruits and vegetables on the sidewalk, which is illegal. Would it be wise to buy from her? Why or Why not?
2. A person wants to buy their own home. What are the benefits and what are the risks unique to Ecuador?
3. There’s a car parked against the curb in both directions allowing only one car to pass between them. What will likely be the reaction of cars coming from opposite directions at this bottleneck?
4. At a fairly popular department store, there is a 65” HD TV with a sticker price of $85. Why?
5. As one approaches a check-out lane at a U.S. style grocery store there are a number of empty shopping carts, including one against the conveyor belt at the clerk without any customers. Why, and what should one do in this situation?

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5. I need to talk to you about being a content provider. Please go to and click Support.

Stay tuned for more questions in two days.

Contact information:

Rick Ochoa


1. Because they’re human, a person leaves their cell phone visible in their car. What will their reaction likely be if the car is parked in a parqueadero? On the street?
2. A recipe calls for, among other things, a graham cracker crust, cinnamon, a cup of Passion Fruit juice, and whip cream. Which, if any, of these ingredients might be an issue?
3. An Expat has pictures of a piece of furniture that is long gone, but which they treasured. What’s the chance that they can get it duplicated here?
4. There’s a formal wedding coming in six weeks and a person wants a new dress or suit. However, they are over six feet tall, 1.8 m. What are the chances that they can have what they need at a reasonable price in time for the event?
5. For the same event they want new shoes. What are the chances they will be able to get them? What would be the best way to do so? (Assuming they have fairly large feet.)

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5. I need to talk to you about being a content provider. Please go to and click Support.

Stay tuned for more questions in two days.

Contact information:

Rick Ochoa


1. At many panaderias there are one or more stray dogs loitering around outside. Why is that?
2. Roughly 30% of Ecuador is at or above 8,200 ft. (2,500 m). At that elevation what percentage of oxygen is there compared to sea level? (Yes, I know it’s a trick question.)
3. Normally how would an Ecuadorian write out the following number: $1,795.13?
4. If an Expat receives an invitation to a party on 3/6/24 what day would that be?
5. If one wishes to buy a car with the greatest chance of finding parts for it down the road, which brand(s) might be best to purchase? Which would be the best to avoid?

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5. I need to talk to you about being a content provider. Please go to and click Support.

Stay tuned for more questions in two days.

Contact information:

Rick Ochoa


1. There is a Ferretería just down the street and a True Value across town, which will likely be best for buying: Some paint? A nice planter? Needle nose pliers?
2. At a Ferretería the woman asks, “¿Consumer Final?” What is she asking and how should one reply? After replying she gives the price and points down the counter. Why?
3. It’s 12:30 p.m. at a government office. After waiting 30 minutes, true story, the guard says that it’s “Almuerzo” and come back later. What should one do and not do?
4. After boarding a bus, the driver says, “Sigue, no más.” [Continue no more]. What should one do?
5. While waiting for a domestic flight at an Ecuadorian airport a well-dressed airline employee is seen carrying a small cardboard box with a company emblem on it. What should one do?

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5. I need to talk to you about being a content provider. Please go to and click Support.

Stay tuned for more questions.

Contact information:

Rick Ochoa


In mid-2022, the IESS began grappling with a severe economic crisis. This led to medication and medical supply shortages and prompted several doctors to retire. Patients wondered if they should continue their affiliation with the IESS. As an insurance expert, I’ve received numerous inquiries about this issue. The following should help individuals make informed decisions.
Assess your financial status.
The IESS costs approximately $80/person, which is affordable. In contrast, private insurance costs start at $100 and vary based on age and deductible. Thoroughly investigate insurance costs to determine if they fit within your budget before opting out of the IESS.
Consider pre-existing conditions.
The IESS covers pre-existing conditions, whereas private insurance typically only covers them after two years of affiliation, up to a maximum of $8,500/condition. If you have pre-existing conditions, it’s advisable to maintain both IESS and private insurance for at least the first two years to ensure continuous coverage.
Explore dual coverage options.
If your budget allows, consider obtaining private health insurance with a deductible of $2,000 or $5.000 while retaining the IESS for minor issues such as X-rays, annual check-ups, and basic tests. This dual coverage approach offers the benefits of private insurance while mitigating the financial burden of routine healthcare expenses.

Navigating the economic crisis at the IESS requires careful evaluation of individual circumstances. Each person’s situation is unique. If you require more information, contact us. We will find the best option for your needs so you can make a well-informed decision about your healthcare future.

Click here to learn more about us

Contact information:

Daniela Cordero


1. At KFC a person has finally become first in line when an older gentleman quietly steps up beside them. What is about to happen, why, and what is the proper response?
2. Why do Expats often have to go shopping for a fridge? Where are the best places to go? What four things should one check before buying one? What’s the safest way to pay for a fridge?
3. At an American style grocery store a stocker is sitting on the ground stocking the bottom shelf. Before asking him / her a question, what will be required?
4. For those who decide to move here, what are some things that would be best done in the States and how might they save the Expat thousands of dollars, time, and headaches?
5. For those wanting a Visa, a Driver’s License, a Car, and a license plate. Which of the following is best for each item: Company, Lawyer, Handler, Facilitator, or do it oneself?

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5. I need to talk to you about being a content provider. Please go to and click Support.

Stay tuned for Quiz #3.

Contact information:

Rick Ochoa


Congratulations Cuenca! You Made the Match!
Watch our Review of the FAAN Shelter Campaign on YouTube and see the Community of Volunteers and Donors who have been working to make Cuenca known as the City that Cares.
You can see the pups too of course.

Our Celebration at Kolo’s Restaurant was FAAN-tastic on Saturday and made even better with the surprise announcement that our Mystery Donor says we did so well, he wants us to “Go for It! and he’ll quadruple donations to add $10,000 toward the land purchase this week”

So we have just seven days Cuenca to raise $1,925 for this special celebratory match that will bring us one step closer to our dream of a permanent, safe, sanctuary for our animals.
If we make it, we will have raised $68,575 toward phase one and the land purchase.

Well Done Animal Lovers, Well Done!

Create a Beautiful Week!
The FAAN-atics

You can donate to the celebration match at and/or Volunteer with Us!
Special Hugs to Frank and Kolo Restaurant, Duo NoAN, Photographer, Janet Engelhard our FAAN-atic Volunteers, and FAAN Hero, Jose Gomez

Contact information:

FAAN Ecuador



One of the most important things to consider when deciding whether to get private health insurance is to have a clear understanding of what a pre-existing condition is and how it affects coverage. Coverage for pre-existing conditions is available AFTER 24 months from the start of the Health Insurance Policy, and each pre-existing condition has coverage up to $8,500. It’s also important to know that pre-existing conditions do not affect the cost of insurance or cause any client to be denied coverage.

A pre-existing condition is any disease, surgery, or condition that the applicant knows about, whether it occurred recently or more than 20 years ago. The length of time the condition has been present is not relevant. Pre-existing conditions can include illnesses such as hypertension, thyroid disorders, and high cholesterol, as well as more serious conditions such as cancer, surgeries resulting from accidents, kidney stones, and even appendicitis.

Here are two examples of what would be considered pre-existing conditions and what would not:

• If someone has had a mole near their right ear since birth and it has not caused any discomfort or grown before purchasing insurance, it is not considered a pre-existing condition.
• If someone has a mole near their right ear and has a history of skin cancer or begins experiencing discomfort before purchasing insurance, it is considered a pre-existing condition.

Determining whether a condition is considered pre-existing or not can be difficult, but clients can rely on their treating physicians to provide reports that explain the onset of symptoms, among other things. These reports are presented to medical auditors of health insurance companies to confirm or rule out pre-existing conditions. It’s recommended that clients declare any diagnosed illnesses or conditions they are aware of so that the insurance company can determine whether or not it is considered pre-existing based on the medical auditors’ evaluations.

Click here to learn more about us

Contact information:

Daniela Cordero


We only need $4,137 to meet FAAN’s Community Match Challenge to double a $20,000 donation by March 15th and we just know that animal lovers in Ecuador and around the world will make that happen and even go beyond our dream.

At FAAN, we’re dreaming big for animal welfare to build the first, modern shelter in South America and make Cuenca proud of our care, love, and respect for all animals.
Big dreams do and can become reality. One of our donors inspired us by sending the FAAN volunteer team this video of Big Dog Ranch in Alabama.
So our ask of you is to dream big with us, become a matchmaker by March 15th, and join the FAAN-attics who believe dreams do come true.

Tour the Big Dog Ranch and Dream with Us:

Contact information:




Presentation & Private Readings for Your Pet to Benefit FAAN!

Join FAAN (Familia Amor Animal Foundation) in our first in a series of Animal Wellness Education programs and a very special presentation to benefit FAAN’s Matching Grant Program!
Wednesday, March 8th, 2:00 – 3:30 PM
Kolo Restaurant, Cuenca

Eden Cross, Expert Animal Communicator will explain how she helps animals and people by giving animals a voice.
Eden has been featured in extensive media for her gift of being able to tell you what your pet is thinking just by looking at a picture of him or her.
This is a free event with donations accepted for FAAN’s matching grant program.

Separate from this presentation, Eden has given FAAN a special gift to help us meet the match of double donations through March 15th. WOW! Eden is donating her $85.00 pet reading fee for FAAN’s new shelter and will do a private reading of your pet. Attendance at the presentation is not required and you can live anywhere in the world to have this special pet reading of your best friend while supporting the creation of Ecuador’s most modern and sustainable shelter.

Eden will just need a photograph, the name of your pet, and 2-3 specific questions with your donation received by March 8th. Write us at for details and or/register for the event and/or pet reading on our Events Page.

So Help us Help the Dogs of Ecuador and Get to Know what Your Pet is Really Thinking.

Contact information:

FAAN-Famila Amor Animal Foundation


Months ago, an expat client who had recently arrived in Cuenca suffered an accident just a few days after signing his health insurance policy. He fell and broke his nose, and instead of calling me, his insurance agent, he called a taxi to take him to the hospital. After being seen by a doctor and a specialist who ordered x-rays, he paid and left without knowing the test results.
Three days later, the client called me to inform me that he was upset because the doctor had not called him to discuss the results and any necessary surgery. I was confused as to why the doctor would need to call him, but upon speaking to the client again, I realized that he did not understand how the medical system in Ecuador worked. I explained in detail how the system operates and how to proceed if he has another accident or incident.
The good news is that BMI, covered the cost of the nose reconstruction, medication and lab work, since it was an accident and had immediate coverage. The lesson learned from this situation is that expats in Ecuador should know that the medical process is completely different than what they are used to.
My advice to expats is to call their insurance agent if they need any help related to healthcare. At least that is how I work. It is my job to be with them and help them while they focus on getting better.

Click here to learn more about us

Contact information:

Daniela Cordero


Cuenca Expat Insurance is a health insurance broker agency that has been serving expats living in Ecuador for the past four years. We specialize in providing a wide range of insurance services, with a focus on health insurance. Our agency has grown significantly in the past year, now serving over 500 clients.
Health insurance is by far the most popular service that we offer. We have paid out almost 95% of all health insurance claims submitted to us in the past year. We understand that health insurance can be a complex and confusing subject, and we are dedicated to making the process as simple and straightforward as possible for our clients.
We work closely with BMI insurance, among others. It is important to know that the company that you are with has strong financial reports year to year. BMI publishes theirs online making it easy for you to find:
In addition to health insurance, we also offer a range of other insurance services, including life insurance, travel insurance, and property insurance. We are constantly expanding our services to meet the changing needs of our clients and to ensure that we are providing the best possible service.
Cuenca Expat Insurance by Millennial Brokers is a leading health insurance broker agency that is committed to providing high-quality service and support to expats living in Ecuador.

Click here to learn more about us:

Contact information:

Daniela Cordero


FAAN (Familia Amor Animal Foundation) is pleased to recognize our FAAN Community Matchmakers who are donating to the building of a new home for our FAAN Dogs who are facing eviction from their temporary shelter.

A generous donor says he’ll double every donation received through March 15th. This means $25 becomes $50, a gift of $100 becomes $200 and a generous gift of $1,000 is $2,000 for the shelter.
PS: Send us a picture with your pet as we profile animal lovers/Matchmakers who are making a difference to improve animal welfare and Make Cuenca Proud!

Visit us at and learn about our mission and the project and how you can join our building team as a “Matchmaker”

Contact information:

FAAN Ecuador

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