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As 2023 begins, it is a good time to review your health insurance coverage and make any necessary changes. With the start of a new year, you may have new health needs or goals that your current insurance policy does not cover. It is important to take the time to review your policy and make sure it meets your needs. Additionally, the new year is a good time to enroll in a health insurance plan if you do not currently have one. Don’t wait until you are faced with a medical emergency to realize the importance of having insurance. Make sure you are protected and prepared for any potential health issues in the new year by reviewing and potentially updating your health insurance. I have written an overview for new expats, and all expats who have lived here longer, about the need to have good private health insurance in Ecuador.

As an expat living in Ecuador, it is important to consider the role that health insurance plays. Even though Ecuador does have a public healthcare system, it is limited in terms of availability of medicine, supplies and quality of care. Although medical care in Ecuador may be less expensive than in some other countries, it is still important to be protected and have access to quality medical care in the event of unexpected illness or injury.

However, living in Ecuador can change and improve your lifestyle tremendously. It can certainly increase the chances of living a healthy life, but it is not a guaranteed. There are many other factors that can impact an individual’s health, such as genetics, environmental factors, and access to healthcare. There are silent illnesses, such as high blood pressure, diabetes, cancer and heart disease, that can often go undetected until they become more serious and lead to serious complications. These conditions can be life-threatening if not properly managed, making it important to have access to quality healthcare and medical treatment. Health insurance can help cover the costs of treatment for these silent illnesses and ensure that expats have access to the necessary medical care.

Health insurance can help cover the costs of medical treatment and ensure that expats have access to quality healthcare while living in Ecuador. It can also provide peace of mind knowing that you are financially prepared in the event of an unexpected medical emergency.

The quality of private health insurance in Ecuador varies. Some private insurance providers offer comprehensive coverage with access to a wide network of healthcare providers and facilities. These policies may have higher premiums but offer more protection in the event of unexpected illness or injury. Other private insurance policies may have lower premiums but more limited coverage, such as only covering certain types of treatment or requiring higher out-of-pocket costs. It is important to carefully review the terms and conditions of any private health insurance policy before purchasing to ensure that it meets your needs and provides adequate protection.

It is very important to have an insurance agent when purchasing health insurance in Ecuador. An agent can be a helpful resource in understanding the different options available and determining the best policy for your needs. Find one who speaks your native language may be helpful if you are not fluent in Spanish or have difficulty understanding the terms and conditions of different insurance policies.
Besides, the availability of English-speaking doctors in Ecuador may vary depending on the location and specialty. In larger cities or more tourist-oriented areas, it may be more common to find doctors who speak English. If you are an expat living in Ecuador and do not speak Spanish fluently, your agent should help you research and find doctors who speak English or who have staff members who can assist by translating.
Overall, it is highly recommended for expats living in Ecuador to have health insurance to protect their health and financial wellbeing. It is also important to consider other factors that may impact your health, such as genetics and environmental factors, and to make healthy lifestyle choices to improve your chances of living a healthy life. It is important to carefully research and compare different private health insurance options before making a decision to ensure that it meets your needs and provides adequate protection. It may also be helpful to work with an insurance agent or find doctors who speak your native language to ensure effective communication during the process of purchasing and using health insurance in Ecuador.

Click here to learn more:

Contact information:

Daniela Cordero


What is the point of hiring someone to process your visa if you have to go with them and waste your whole morning at the government offices?

At Expat Community EC we include in our package a power of attorney that authorizes us to carry out the visa and cedula process for you. This way we guarantee that your visa and your ID are not a headache for you.

The only thing you have to do is go to the Civil Registry for your fingerprints and the photo for your Ecuador ID

25% discount on retiree visas

Visit our website:

Contact information:

Karina Urgiles


You’ve got no choice now, as or if that little issue has now become a big one. In that case, you’re going to Mediation/Arbitration, or even Court to settle this one.

It doesn’t matter which legal venue, as just you need to make sure that the best lawyer in the room is that of your own! You need Attorney Sara Chaca. Plus, see BOTH of Attorney Sara’s “CuencaHighLife” published articles on this specific theme and directly associated legal matters right here!:  AND

Email Sara today for free answers to your questions. Or schedule a complimentary phone consult or office visit. Remember, Attorney Sara Chaca is here to help you get the most out of your life in Ecuador.





Phone: 099-296-2065 (Ecuador) OR 1-800-655-1581 (USA)


Physical Address: Calle Larga 6-16 & Hermano Miguel (2 story office building with balcony that shows directly above it the words “Ecuador Visas”)

Contact information:

Attorney Sara Chaca



You used your Bank CD to get your Residency Visa, or maybe even for some other purpose. Many expats do, and for varying reasons as you might imagine. But now it’s time to renew it or undo it, and you’re not sure if you want to, or how to do so at that, including whether you have to get your Visa backed by something else or cancelled before you do (all kinds of variables to think about in any situation)!

That’s okay though, as Attorney Sara Chaca knows how to protect your investment and your Residency status, plus the details and know-how with respect to the necessary timing and way to do so without getting caught up in bureaucracy or problems as a result of any such failure to get it done on time or in the right way.

Email Sara today for free answers to your questions. Or schedule a complimentary office visit or phone consult with her. Remember, Attorney Sara Chaca is here to help you get the most out of your life in Ecuador.




Phone: 099-296-2065 (Ecuador) OR 1-800-655-1581 (USA)


Physical Address: Calle Larga 6-16 & Hermano Miguel (2 story office building with balcony that shows directly above it the words “Ecuador Visas”)

Contact information:

Attorney Sara Chaca



Naturally, your Facilitator or Lawyer won’t admit that they are/were in error, or worse that they told you something which just isn’t or can’t be so (say nothing of refunding the monies you paid them!).

Attorney Sara Chaca of “Ecuador Visas” is able to discuss the issue with you via email, video call or even in person if convenient (ALWAYS in English of course), so as to serve as the remedy for your Visa & Legal woes. ONLY you need send an email to to advise briefly what ales you and who is responsible for that pain, per her quickly responding back to you via email (she has a LESS than 24 hour email return policy and often really much closer to 24 minutes).

The time is now to get you and your situation FIXED and done RIGHT, especially BEFORE any new Covid-19 requirements, restrictions or rules further complicate your Visa & Legal matter(s).

Email Address:

WhatApp: +593 99 296 2065

Phones: 099-296-2065 / 07-410-4087 (Ecuador) OR 1-800-655-1581 (USA Toll-Free)

Physical Address: Calle Larga 6-16 & Hermano Miguel (2 story office building with balcony that shows directly above it the words of “Ecuador Visas”)



Contact information:

Attorney Sara Chaca


Yes indeed, Attorney Sara Chaca (“Ecuador Visas”) and her fully English speaking staff is ‘Paying it Forward’ by providing a 100% TOTALLY FREE ($0.00) 2 hours of Spanish Lessons for EACH Expat as “ONE-on-ONE” Private Lessons provided to EACH INDIVIDUAL EXPAT (or IF preferable can be together for any couple/family) on a daily basis from Monday to Friday (every non-holiday business day), located at their office of Calle Larga 6-16 & Hermano Miguel

Email Attorney Sara Chaca at so as to sign up for this first ever of its kind TOTALLY FREE SERVICE TO ALL EXPATS (NO DONATIONS & NO TIPS permitted under any circumstances whatsoever)!! 

Email Address:

WhatApp: +593 99 296 2065

Phones: 099-296-2065 / 07-410-4087 (Ecuador) OR 1-800-655-1581 (USA Toll-Free)

Physical Address: Calle Larga 6-16 & Hermano Miguel (2 story office building with balcony that shows directly above it the words of “Ecuador Visas”)



Contact information:

Attorney Sara Chaca


“Find Health in Ecuador Dental Clinic” CARES about your overall health, with special emphasis on your teeth, which is why as stated above, we’re now providing the following benefits to ALL Dental Vacationers who travel to Cuenca to get their (your) Dental Work done right!:


  • Private English-speaking Taxi Pickup holding a White Sign with your Printed Name on it at Guayaquil Airport (GYE) going straight to your Airbnb or Hotel in Cuenca.
  • Cuenca Airbnb/Hotel stay with breakfast each day (*Ask for details)
  • English-speaking Dentists & Staff
  • All Dental Costs plus any/all Surgeon fees too
  • All Laboratory costs and/or as per any Revisions needed
  • All-On Comprehensive Evaluation of your full Dental/Oral Health
  • FREE Dental Cleaning & Teeth Whitening
  • All Panoramic & Periapical X-Rays
  • All 3-D Dental Tomographies (TAC)
  • All type Medications/Dental Supplies
  • All Occlusal Guards IF needed
  • All Post-Operative Care as well as EVERY Follow-Up visit
  • FREE ($0 Cost) Day in “Volcanic Spa of Cuenca”: Pool, Dry & Wet Saunas, Thermal Baths & Therapeutic Full Body Mud Mask

Just email your most recent Dental X-Rays to the ‘Find Health in Ecuador Dental Clinic’ (home of Dr. Andres Pacheco as “Dr. No Pain”) TODAY to and we’ll IMMEDIATELY prepare for and send you a plain language English “Dental Treatment Plan” providing you with several relevant options for purposes of planning your Dental Vacation to Cuenca, and of course note that we ALWAYS respond via email in minutes to hours at most and even do so on ALL holidays/weekends!!

WhatsApp: +593 98 392 9606
Phones: 098-392-9606 / 07-410-8745 (Ecuador) OR 1-941-227-0114 (USA)
Physical Address: Edificio Medimagen (Second Floor), Av. Pumapungo & Av. Paseo de los Cañaris, Cuenca, Ecuador 010105

Contact information:

Find Health in Ecuador Dental Clinic



Just email us your most recent Dental Quotation for new Dental Work ahead received from ANY other Dentist in Cuenca, or if you prefer just send your Dental X-Rays to the ‘Find Health in Ecuador Dental Clinic’ (home of Dr. Andres Pacheco as “Dr. No Pain”) TODAY to and we’ll IMMEDIATELY prepare for and send you a plain language English “Dental Treatment Plan” providing you with several relevant options for purposes of advancing with your Dental Work in Cuenca, and of course note that we ALWAYS respond via email in minutes to hours at most and even do so on ALL holidays/weekends!!

WhatsApp: +593 98 392 9606
Phones: 098-392-9606 / 07-410-8745 (Ecuador) OR 1-941-227-0114 (USA)
Physical Address: Edificio Medimagen (Second Floor), Av. Pumapungo & Av. Paseo de los Cañaris, Cuenca, Ecuador 010105

Contact information:

Find Health in Ecuador Dental Clinic



Just email us your most recent Dental Quotation for new Dental Work ahead received from ANY other Dentist in Cuenca, or if you prefer just send your Dental X-Rays to the ‘Find Health in Ecuador Dental Clinic’ (home of Dr. Andres Pacheco as “Dr. No Pain”) TODAY to and we’ll IMMEDIATELY prepare for and send you a plain language English “Dental Treatment Plan” providing you with several relevant options for purposes of advancing with your Dental Work in Cuenca, and of course note that we ALWAYS respond via email in minutes to hours at most and even do so on ALL holidays/weekends!!

WhatsApp: +593 98 392 9606
Phones: 098-392-9606 / 07-410-8745 (Ecuador) OR 1-941-227-0114 (USA)
Physical Address: Edificio Medimagen (Second Floor), Av. Pumapungo & Av. Paseo de los Cañaris, Cuenca, Ecuador 010105

Contact information:

Find Health in Ecuador Dental Clinic



There’s never been a better time to cease being a Renter so as to eliminate your monthly “Rent Receipts” and move onto being your own Landlord, by purchasing your Landlords’ Apartment or House where you currently already reside!! 

Email Attorney Sara Chaca at so as to request a COMPLIMENTARY ($0.00 cost) video call, in person meeting or even just to receive information about her handling your any type Real Estate Closing for you to without any issues or problems, buy your landlord’s Apartment or House, so as to no longer pay them each month and instead you start being able to earn the monthly/yearly appreciation ahead!!! 

P.S. Here’s Attorney Sara Chaca’s article on “CuencaHighLife” all about Real Estate Closings:

Email Attorney Sara Chaca at so as to request a COMPLIMENTARY ($0.00 cost) video call, in person meeting or even just to receive information about moving to Ecuador”!!!

Email Address:

WhatApp: +593 99 296 2065

Phones: 099-296-2065 / 07-410-4087 (Ecuador) OR 1-800-655-1581 (USA Toll-Free)

Physical Address: Calle Larga 6-16 & Hermano Miguel (2 story office building with balcony that shows directly above it the words of “Ecuador Visas”)



Contact information:

Attorney Sara Chaca


With the historic climactic, economic and political messes worldwide, plus even higher levels of danger to ‘life and limb’ that’s currently happening on a daily up in the US specifically, including most of Europe too as well per such uncertainty across the entire globe, there’s NEVER been a more APT time to move to Cuenca, as how referenced in the title above, moving to Cuenca ELIMINATES ALL the monthly costs of Natural Gas/Oil to Cool/Heat homes (the temperature in Cuenca virtually NEVER goes above 80 degrees Fahrenheit during the day or virtually EVER below 40 degrees Fahrenheit at night!), besides of course the also obviously DRASTIC overall lower cost of food, rent, plus entertainment & trips around this beautiful country!! 

FYI, here’s a first link to the comprehensive “Ecuador Relocation Guide” that Attorney Sara Chaca wrote for purposes of anyone to be able to make their move to Ecuador, in addition to her article on the “10 Things to Know Before Moving to Ecuador” (respectively shown in link #2 and #3 below) which have each been published for your viewing pleasure on “CuencaHighLife”: 

Email Attorney Sara Chaca at so as to request a COMPLIMENTARY ($0.00 cost) video call, in person meeting or even just to receive information about moving to Ecuador”!!!

Phone: 099-296-2065 (Ecuador) OR 1-800-655-1581 (USA)
Physical Address: Calle Larga 6-16 & Hermano Miguel (2 story office building with balcony that shows directly above it the words “Ecuador Visas”)

Contact information:

Attorney Sara Chaca


With the historic climactic, economic and political messes worldwide, plus even higher levels of danger to ‘life and limb’ that’s currently happening on a daily up in the US specifically, most of Europe too as well as so very much uncertainty across the entire rest of the globe, there’s NEVER been a more APT time to apply for your Ecuadorian Citizenship in order for you to finally receive your new, shiny and worthwhile Ecuadorian Passport (enables travel to all of South America on ONLY your Ecuadorian Cédula AND Americans can travel to Cuba)!! 

FYI, here’s a link to the article Attorney Sara Chaca wrote about applying for Ecuadorian Citizenship, which is also published on ‘Cuenca High Life’ and presently has well in excess of 5,000+ views by your fellow Expats:

Email Attorney Sara Chaca at so as to request a COMPLIMENTARY ($0.00 cost) video call, in person meeting or even just to receive information about you getting your “Second Passport”!!!

Email Address:

WhatApp: +593 99 296 2065

Phones: 099-296-2065 / 07-410-4087 (Ecuador) OR 1-800-655-1581 (USA Toll-Free)

Physical Address: Calle Larga 6-16 & Hermano Miguel (2 story office building with balcony that shows directly above it the words of “Ecuador Visas”)



Contact information:

Attorney Sara Chaca


With the historic economic mess and even high level of danger to ‘life and limb’ that’s currently happening on a daily basis up in the USA, plus the sheer amount of time and money spent on flights, hotels, rental cars/taxis and drastically higher food/utilities in returning to the USA, surely it’s enough to choke a horse when going through ‘all of that business’ just to be able to order your needed USA Documents & USA Apostilles!! 

Email Attorney Sara Chaca at so as to request a COMPLIMENTARY ($0.00 cost) video call, in person meeting or even just to receive information about her Florida Administrative Office getting your USA Documents & USA Apostilles on your behalf – ALWAYS ZERO additional charge for having your USA Documents & USA Apostilles sent via FedEx right onto her Cuenca office, plus for comparison purposes she’ll also beat ANY formal price quote on an apples-to-apples basis that you send!!! 

Email Address:

WhatApp: +593 99 296 2065

Phones: 099-296-2065 / 07-410-4087 (Ecuador) OR 1-800-655-1581 (USA Toll-Free)

Physical Address: Calle Larga 6-16 & Hermano Miguel (2 story office building with balcony that shows directly above it the words of “Ecuador Visas”)



Contact information:

Attorney Sara Chaca


Yes indeed, Attorney Sara Chaca (“Ecuador Visas”) and her fully English speaking staff is ‘Paying it Forward’ by providing a 100% TOTALLY FREE ($0.00) ALWAYS FREE Pozo Millonario Ticket provided to EACH INDIVIDUAL EXPAT @ EVERY single scheduled appointment WITHOUT exception for ANY Expat that has an appointment with her or any member of her staff from Monday to Friday (EACH business day) no matter what the specific theme of interest is, directly at her/their downtown office that’s so very conveniently located right at Calle Larga 6-16 & Hermano Miguel

Email Attorney Sara Chaca at so as to schedule your ALWAYS COMPLIMENTARY ($0.00) appointment regarding ANY Visa, Passport, Notarization, Marriage/Divorce, Legal, Insurance, Driver License or even Citizenship related matter, right here in the center of Cuenca!! 

Email Address:

WhatApp: +593 99 296 2065

Phones: 099-296-2065 / 07-410-4087 (Ecuador) OR 1-800-655-1581 (USA Toll-Free)

Physical Address: Calle Larga 6-16 & Hermano Miguel (2 story office building with balcony that shows directly above it the words of “Ecuador Visas”)



Contact information:

Attorney Sara Chaca


Yes indeed, Attorney Sara Chaca (‘Ecuador Visas’) and her fully English speaking staff is ACTIVELY REGISTERING EACH DAY the University Degrees of Expats in their countries of origin who JUST want a 100% SURE qualification with which to at a moment’s notice be able to JUMP from their current country of “stress and strife” right into Ecuador (i.e. whether for geopolitical, inflationary, civil/international warfare or otherwise), and of course this being directly applicable to those in the U.S., Canada, Europe, even Asia, Australia and New Zealand.  

Just like with the game of Monopoly, this allows you to “Pass Go” right onto the “Boardwalk” that is Ecuador (and hopefully STILL collect MORE than $500, per month at that, from your home country when doing so, i.e. from your investments, pension, work, etc.), at any FUTURE time of your need/desire, WITHOUT any issues WHATSOEVER of having to later on qualify/requalify anew!!

This SIMPLE ACT of preemptively INEXPENSIVELY REGISTERING your University Degree does NOT require you to come to Ecuador NOR travel to ANY place outside the comfort of your own home within your country of origin (ALL can be done REMOTELY from your family room or home office, even at a Starbucks, literally right from your computer)!!!

See Attorney Sara Chaca’s following NEW article explaining all of the EASY to comply with requirements, process and relevant details, in order for you to do so right now: 

As well, IF/WHEN you wish to make your move become ACTIONABLE in relocating to Ecuador, see the following FREE FIRST of its kind “ECUADOR RELOCATION GUIDE” — LEARN ALL the “Soup-to-Nuts” of Ecuador:

Email Attorney Sara Chaca at so as to INEXPENSIVELY REGISTER your University Degree for if/when you either NOW, LATER OR EVEN NEVER elect to officially move to Ecuador, as per whatever in the world may be ahead!!!!

Phone: 099-296-2065 (Ecuador) OR 1-800-655-1581 (USA)
Physical Address: Calle Larga 6-16 & Hermano Miguel (2 story office building with balcony that shows directly above it the words “Ecuador Visas”)

Contact information:

Attorney Sara Chaca


The topic of massive inflation has as of late become super serious, and is now among the very largest of stressors in respect of my often (already) economically struggling U.S., Canadian, plus European clients too.

The absolutely OUTRAGEOUS cost of energy, gas, food, medicine (i.e. doctors, hospitals and pharmacies) in just the U.S. alone is plenty more than enough reason to make one cry, scream, shout and wish that they no longer had/have to deal with the struggles of daily life there simply to survive (say nothing of to thrive)!

Thankfully, Ecuador, in the most recently provided statistics just last month (May of 2022), recorded only a 2.9% annualized inflation rate for the entire country, even though it utilizes the U.S. Dollar as it’s ONLY form of currency and reserves – here’s the proof in the pudding:

This kernel, aside from the fact that particularly with regards to our U.S. Citizen friends, the sheer number and danger from the almost daily (often much more than daily!) seemingly endless mass shootings as well as political chaos/chasms between both Democrats & Republicans, Ecuador in comparison is literally “the land of milk and honey”, in and of its fertile and glowing oasis.  Ecuador is in all its natural beauty and grace, patiently awaiting and calling out to those U.S. Citizens who are just totally fed up with all the nonsense and racket of a forever stressed out life up there, per which Ecuador merely welcomes their initial “Visa-free” (100% free of paperwork & 100% free of price) 90 day entry/visit to its beautiful landscape, along with its people’s friendly smiles, helpful hands and virtually endless supply of inexpensively grown “farm to table” fruits and vegetables, sustainably procured meats as well as nutritional products, which are routinely made/prepared free from antibiotics, fillers and preservatives (and no GMO’s to boot).

It’s not too late to salvage what’s left of your as yet completely eroded savings in North America & Europe, because the time has never been better to relocate to Ecuador.  And at present (even as a present!), some of the most exciting Visa characteristics and options ever available that have recently become exercisable by Expats, simply await yours and their seizing upon, besides of course accessing the previously quite low (plus now even far lower) cost of living in Ecuador, in lieu of what the “price of poker” has been and surely will be ever more so going forward, just to be able to keep living day to day and hand to mouth ‘up yonder’.

Simply call, email or visit the office of Attorney Sara Chaca (“Ecuador Visas”) today so as to get started and have your Residency Visa done right and right away!!

Phone: 099-296-2065 (Ecuador) OR 1-800-655-1581 (USA)
Physical Address: Calle Larga 6-16 & Hermano Miguel (2 story office building with balcony that shows directly above it the words “Ecuador Visas”)

Contact information:

Attorney Sara Chaca


The following short note by Attorney Sara Chaca is with respect to a very personal matter, concerning the admittance of her 8 year-old daughter to the local Hospital in Cuenca this past week/weekend for a very serious case of Gastroenteritis.  

‘Attorney Sara Chaca in her own words..’

“Greetings to All Expats,

The reason I am sharing this information with all Expats via ‘CuencaHighLife’ (both those already here in Ecuador and those still located in their countries of origin), is so all can see, that along with the bad of any situation, always comes some good. And so, very specifically, as per my now ‘Thanks to God’ fully recovered 8 year-old daughter, the bad of course having been that ‘Hotdog from Hell’ which she ate at an off-site end of school year party (she just finished second grade here in Cuenca), whereas the good is per my equal ‘Thanks to the AMAZING Doctors and Hospital Staff in Cuenca’ for having so expertly cared for her and amazingly just charged the STANDARD (non-discounted) rate of a $779.42 GRAND TOTAL on behalf of BOTH the Emergency Room Admittance WITH 3 day (2 night) Hospital Stay along with all medications and food provided by virtue of their ASTOUNDINGLY GOOD CARE. 

As such, while NEVER could/would I EVER wish what happened to my 8 year-old daughter to happen to ANY Expat under ANY circumstances, naturally it’s true of this life for ALL of us that virtually NONE of us will escape the need for Hospitalization/Medical Care between birth and death (especially for Seniors or soon to be Seniors).  As many of my highly respected North American clients here in Cuenca have already informed me (besides their such kind understanding and lovely words with respect to my 8 year-old daughter and what consisted of her past days’ EXTREMELY necessary ‘Assisted Recovery’ per the employed Hospital/Medical professionals), that again $779.42 GRAND TOTAL would have been more like a $30,000 GRAND TOTAL (or much higher than that as in some cases potentially upwards of $77,942 or 100 fold of what it would be in Cuenca, Ecuador).  See the following digital proof for that in the pudding, per the primary healthcare website and first noted indication thereof, as published by the U.S. Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services: 

Notwithstanding the above for EMERGENCY purposes, I’m also well aware from my once more always such respected North American clients, that even for NON-EMERGENCY reasons, it’s in North America (particularly in the U.S.), what they call, OUTRAGEOUS, for such often things as Cosmetic Surgery, Dental Work, Hip & Shoulder Replacements, etc., and MORE OF THE SAME when it’s the purely ELECTIVE (though often hard to live without) type procedures, surgery and the like.  This of course says nothing as per the so often mixed EMERGENCY, NON-EMERGENCY & ELECTIVE medical situations, such as for example, those surviving the now often almost daily type mass shooting or otherwise, such as per the most recent ones in trifecta manner that all occurred in just the past less than two weeks in Texas, Oklahoma and Pennsylvania – that now unfortunately being “old” news besides the 10 other “new” mass shootings in the U.S. that are presently being reported on CNN from this past weekend (see as follows:, where survivors in and of the so many afflicted children and adults alike were first rushed to their local hospitals for immediate EMERGENCY care, who thereafter have to receive secondary NON-EMERGENCY after care, and finally continuing on with the long haul ELECTIVE procedural/surgical matters related to the fallout physical & psychological effects as a result of same.

Regardless of any alternate reality ‘could’ve, should’ve and/or would’ve’, quite simply I am very grateful to ALL Expats for their SUCH wonderful patience and support (especially for appointment rescheduling purposes!) throughout these past so challenging days per it all (and not to worry going forward since my schedule is now fully back to normal!).  Without your graceful cooperation and words of kindness, it would have surely been INCALCULABLY more difficult to get through this past weekend’s SAGA with my now FINALLY once again ‘happy, healthy and heavenly 8 year-old daughter’ (by now if you’ve read this far then I’m also quite pleased to tell you that her ‘very American’ name which was bestowed upon her by my also exceedingly supportive American husband, Adam, is affectionately, ‘Autumn Amelia’)..”

As always, please feel free to call, email or visit the office of Attorney Sara Chaca (“Ecuador Visas”) so as for her to assist you with any Legal and/or Visa related matters in association with your move/stay in this, her’s and hopefully soon and even always to be that of your own, beautiful country!

Phone: 099-296-2065 (Ecuador) OR 1-800-655-1581 (USA)
Physical Address: Calle Larga 6-16 & Hermano Miguel (2 story office building with balcony that shows directly above it the words “Ecuador Visas”)

Contact information:

Attorney Sara Chaca


Yes indeed, Attorney Sara Chaca (“Ecuador Visas”) and her fully English speaking staff is ‘Paying it Forward’ with their daily utilization of a Theater style Popcorn Machine as well as Espresso Maker and even Crystalline Water Cooler, along with the combined daily produce of FREE GOODIES they provide for all Expat visitors to their office.

“Bonus Bite” — Whenever you’re hungry on the go while walking on or near Calle Larga, just show up at Attorney Sara Chaca’s office any time from 9:00am to 5:00pm so as to grab yourself a COMPLIMENTARY SNACK serving of Cuenca’s freshest hot popcorn plus also finest ‘Cup of Joe Espresso Blend’ to go!!

Phone: 099-296-2065 (Ecuador) OR 1-800-655-1581 (USA)
Physical Address: Calle Larga 6-16 & Hermano Miguel (2 story office building with balcony that shows directly above it the words “Ecuador Visas”)

Contact information:

Attorney Sara Chaca


You know by now it’s true the cost of “Assisted Living” in the US & Canada is absolutely INSANE! 

You can turn the tables and do something absolutely SANE in respect of bringing yourself and/or your beloved Elderly Parent(s) with you to Ecuador and SAVE you & them (even yours and any siblings’ inheritance[s] at that) very many thousands of dollars EACH & EVERY month for the rest of yours and/or their lives ahead, while also enjoying the plentiful “pluckable” gifts South America (i.e. Ecuador) provides in contrast to the outsized “overpriced” racket North America (i.e. the US) has become!!

Simply as an example for purposes of us already having in advance done specific research for you, see the following links for yours and/or your Elderly Parents’ evaluation & review:

Multiple locations in the Cuenca area: 

Home Health Care Agency in the Cuenca area: 

Assisted Living Facility in the Manta area: 

Assisted Living Facility in the Vilcabamba area:

Email Attorney Sara Chaca at so as to discuss the specific circumstances of you and/or your Elderly parent(s)

Phone: 099-296-2065 (Ecuador) OR 1-800-655-1581 (USA)

Physical Address: Calle Larga 6-16 & Hermano Miguel (2 story office building with balcony that shows directly above it the words “Ecuador Visas”)

Contact information:

Attorney Sara Chaca




The defined (and finer) benefits of Ecuadorian Citizenship & Naturalization (i.e. receiving an Ecuadorian Passport) are shown in the following:


– You NEVER need to again have to prove/reprove your Residency Visa qualification under any circumstances.

– You NEVER need to again have to buy/maintain proof of health insurance in Ecuador under any circumstances.

– You can ALWAYS travel WITHOUT a Visa for up to 180 days to ANY other country in South America on just your Ecuadorian Cédula as a Citizen of Ecuador.

– For those having an Investor Visa linked Bank Certificate of Deposit OR Real Estate Property, they can then freely liquidate or sell that without any issues whatsoever.

– You still ABSOLUTELY continue to KEEP your original country’s Citizenship and Passport as well as DON’T pay taxes to the Ecuadorian Government on your foreign derived/received income (i.e. from the US, Canada or any other countries for that matter).

FYI too, as follows see Attorney Sara Chaca’s article about applying for Ecuadorian Citizenship & Naturalization (again getting an Ecuadorian Passport), along with all of the requirements and the like stated therein, which as you can see is published on “Cuenca High Life” and has already as of now been read by thousands of your fellow Expats alike:





Phone: 099-296-2065 (Ecuador) OR 1-800-655-1581 (USA)


Physical Address: Calle Larga 6-16 & Hermano Miguel (2 story office building with balcony that shows directly above it the words “Ecuador Visas”)


Contact information:

Attorney Sara Chaca


Blue Box CP

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