106,000 bus cards distributed three weeks before deadline, Museum for kids, 57 new police

Mar 13, 2018 | 0 comments

Lunes, 12/3/2018

Hola, Todos –

Pagina cultural –

Today’s agenda events –

Book announcement – The Chilean ambassador, Eduardo Tapia Riepel, announced that they will publish a book about Gabriela Mistral in quichua and Spanish this year.

Articles about –

Community store – There is a Tienda Comunitaria that shows work from 12 members of the “Asociación de Bordado (embroidery) Turi-Guhhanzhapa” on calle Generl Torres y Pres. Córdova in the “portal” of the Casa de la Mujer. They embroider the clothing worn by the chola cuencanas for whom a complete outfit can cost from $500-600. The pollera or skirt can run $280 <which is a lot of money for a skirt that makes your hips look big>, the blouse from $25-60, etc.

Museum visits for children – There will be a program of guided visits to 5 museums for students at various schools. These will take place the 1st martes of each month. <So if you would just as soon avoid a lot of kids, keep that in mind.>

Teatro – “La Mama Waka” will be performed el próximo miércoles a las 19:00 in the Teatro Sucre as part of the míercoles de Teatro , “Cuenca Vive el Teatro” program.

Otras cosas –

Titular – “Derrotar la pobreza” (“Defeating poverty”) – See below in International.

Bus cards – The Cámara de Transporte has distributed over 106,000 “Movilízate” cards. In less than 3 weeks, only cards can be used to pay bus fare. Of those cards that were distributed; 47,016 were regular fare cards; 23,983 preferential; 34,760 to students; and 960 tourist cards.

Landslide – Owners of 7 houses in Jaime Roldós will be compensated. The houses need to be vacated to continue with soil stabilization work.

New Guardias Ciudadanos – In Mayo, there will be 57 new Citizen Guards in Cuenca who are finishing a 6 month academy with training in discipline, conduct, Código de Trabajo (Work Code), Ethics Code, first response, tourism, treatment of the indigent, emotional and social intelligence, English, and more. Out of the 100 who were admitted to the academy, 89 showed up. 43 washed out for indiscipline, not passing medical exams, and low academic achievement. The classes were from M-F from 7-18:00 with practical experience on sábados y domingos.

Internacional –

Chile – Sebastián Piñera was sworn in yesterday as president of Chile. In his speech, he promised to “revertir el estancamiento económico” (reverse economic stagnation) and defeat poverty. He accepted the presidential sash from Michelle Bachelet. The two have been exchanging this sash for the past 12 years as they have alternated presidencies.

Colombia – Iván Duque won the primary election for the coalition of right wing parties, and Gustavo Petro for the left wing coalition.

China – Pres. Xi Jinping of China is now president for life after the National People’s Assembly voted to approve 21 constitutional amendments including one that eliminated term limits for Pres. and VP. <How long do you think it’s going to take Trump to tell Congress to do something similar?>

Descuentos y compras –

Jeep – Grand Cherokee from $69,990 incl. taxes – Maresa Center at Expaña y Elia Liut. <For those of you with deep pockets.>

Chery – Tiggos from $18,990. <For the rest of you.>

And that’s all for today so Hasta Mañana –



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