160 local schools to reopen in September; Lasso in town for events; Chile to produce Sinovac vaccines; Farming tech promoted; Heartwarming story

Aug 6, 2021 | 4 comments

Jueves, 5/8/2021

Hola, Todos –

Actividades –


Titular – OLÍMPICOS honores (OLYMPIC honors) – Sports, so you’re on your own.

Cuenca –

Dado de alta tras 100 días de hospitlizado (Discharged after 100 days of hospitalization) – <And here’s a feel good story – we all need these de vez en cuando (once in a while)> Don Manuelito will be remembered by all the staff at the Hospital de Especialidades José Carrasco Arteaga (HJCA) as the the patient who was hospitalized for 103 days after a work accident. Accompanied by his daughter, he was discharged with applause, balloons, and tears. The 62 year old lived off agriculture, harvesting potatoes, yuca, caring for cows and milking, and walking all morning and afternoon. While he was at the hospital he won the affection of the staff who would go to his room every day to cheer him up and cheer him on. He was admitted with an obstructed and perforated abdomen with 7 enterocutaneous fistulas, which are perforations in various parts of the intestine. <Sounds like he had a close encounter of an unpleasant kind with a digging fork.) He underwent 9 complex surgeries. <I hope his recovery is absolutely complete with no residual pain.>

160 planteles de Azuay volverán a la presencialidad (160 Azuay schools will return to in-person) – The Ministerio de Educación gave permission to schools in the Sierra-Amazonía to offer classes both virtually and semi- in person in the 2021-2022 school year which starts el 1/9. To date, 560 schools in the south, including 160 in Azuay, have received approval for their plans for a progressive return to class. In Cuenca, 61 schools were approved, most of them rural public schools. The plans needed biosecurity protocols including reduced capacity, ventilated spaces, and follow-up for the students’ health. The decision to send kids back to school is up to the parents or guardians. Each school has the power to follow its own process in addition to the basic biosecurity measures which could include asking for PCR tests. The processes were developed with the community.

Schools will reopen in September, 160 of them in Azuay Province.

As part of the return to class, the Ministerio de Educación has a program called “Puntos de Reencuentro” (Reunion Points) to assess the emotional and educational states of the kids through playful activities. In Zone 6, for students in the Costa-Galápagos which includes the coastal sectors of Azuay and Cañar, the reunion points will be available from 16/8, and for Sierra-Amazonía students, they will be ready el 23/8. Assessments will take 45 minutes.

Uniformes y útiles (Uniforms and supplies) – For the new school year, school uniforms will not be obligatory. The value of the list of school supplies for primary and secondary students can not cost over $12.00. Purchase of books should prioritize basic assignments of math, social and natural sciences, and language. Those who cannot buy the items cannot be excluded from education.

Region –

Presidente Lasso inaugurará obras en la vía Biblián-Zhud (President Lasso will inaugurate projects on the Biblián-Zhud road) – President Lasso will be in Azuay and Cañar mañana to inaugurate a road project and for meetings with different sectors. He will be in the El Salto sector of Biblián canton to officially open the Biblián-Zhud highway which includes the 192 km. stretch of road from La Troncal to Puerto Inca. <Nice to live in a country small enough that the president is inaugurating projects smaller than the Hoover Dam or the Federal Highway System.> The president will be in Cuenca to participate in an event of the Ministerio de Inclusión Económica y Social (MIES). He will also meet with authorities and representatives from the Cámaras de la Producción.

III Escuela de Emprendedores Rurales iniciará en septiembre (III School of Rural Entrepreneurs will start in September) – The Ministerio de Agricultura y Ganadería (MAG) is getting ready for the III Escuela de Emprendedores Rurales as an alternative to reactivate the economy through work in the countryside related to new technologies. This session will address “Ganadería Inteligente” (Smart Livestock) where participants will learn about managing livestock development, productivity, and livestock nutrition. The course is directed to youth between 18 & 29 and the virtual classes will run from 13/9 to 26/11. You can register on the web page or social networks of MAG. <Not you personally, since I doubt any of you are running cattle ranches here. Nor would most of you meet the age goals.> The first school was about managing drones with 33 students, and the 2nd was about parcel irrigation with 71 attendees.

Mundo –

Sinovac instalará en Chile su planta para producir vacunas (Sinovac will install a vaccine production plant in Chile) – Sinovac announced ayer that it will install a Covid vaccine plant in Chile with the capacity to produce 60 million doses per year which can be exported to other Latin American countries. The $60 million plant which will produce doses based on imported preparations from China, will start operating in the first half of 2022. Sinovac is also considering an innovation and development center in the Antofagasta region which will allow future doses to be completely manufactured in Chile. It would also produce flu and hepatitis vaccines.

And that´s all for today so Hasta ? –



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