Jueves, 7/1/2016: Bull and cock fighters vs. dogs and cats, Rain forecast, Experimental music

Jan 8, 2016 | 0 comments

Hola, Todos – 

Pagina cultural –

Documental – “Con mi corazón en Yambo” (With my heart in Yambo)  (Where ever Yambo is – not in San Francisco, though.) will showchl jeanne logo Fri in the Sala Comunitaria del Museo Pumapungo at 10:00 and at 18:30. Free.

Concierto – a concert, “Extraño todas tus patadas” (I miss all your kicks) with bands like Pateando Piedras (Kicking rocks) and Alci Cooper (Is that a name like Costto or Hell Kitty?) Fri at 19:00 in La Barranca (Borrero 9-68).

Salsa – “Los del 53” will present their repertoire of salsa Fri at 21:00 in the República Sur (Pres. Córdova 5-55).

Articles about –
An international expo of masks with other activities.  The exhibit opened Thurs at the Museo Pumapungo with projections of about 800 masks from all over the world as part of the Gira Mundial de Máscaras 2016 (2016 World Tour of Masks), organized by the Mask Collective and the Alianza Francesa.

Besides talks, the Alianza Francesa is holding a mask making workshop, open to the public, on 15/1 at 17:00 in their auditorium.  Learn how to make a digital mask from digitized drawings.  (So make a mask and explore your inner lion, or puppy or vulture.)  Free.

The exhibit, “Naturaleza Viva” by Bernarda Arguello opened yesterday at the Quinta Bolívar and will run through 31/1.  The 25 paintings of nature will be for sale.

Experimental music at the Segundo Festival Internacional de Música Académica Contermporánea (2nd International Contemporary Academic Music Festival) from this coming Mon. for 10 days. It will include a percussionist (I won’t translate percusionista as a drummer because who knows what he’ll be pounding on) who takes photos of the public as he plays or a video camera that records the movements of the audience and translates it to sound.  (Sounds like the kind of stuff that’s meant to intimidate “real” musicians who are making music for “real” people. As in “Here is the future of music – why are you still stuck in rhythm and melody?) There are free workshops – register on Facebook at FimacCuenca (not sure if it’s one word or two since it was it was on two lines of print) or at fimac.cuenca@gmail.com.

Otras cosas –

Titular – Reir con la sátira (Laugh with satire) at last night’s celebration of the Día de Inocentes.  Comparsas (the groups) spoofed mobility in Cuenca (none), Pope Francis, and Deportiva Cuenca.  The U of Azuay students paraded in car costumes and the accompanying photo looks like a 40 car pile-up on a freeway. The Vanegas family had Papa Francisco as their theme with Papa chola, Papa Natas and Papa chaucha as well.  (If you’re not a cook, you might not know that the last 3 papas are various kinds of potatoes.  And it’s a pun since Papa means pope, and potato – I really hope you knew a papa was a potato – that’s basic knowledge in my mind.)

Aero Yoga – is in Cuenca at the Centro de Gimnasia Iván Moscoso (Miguel Moreno 5-55 y Roberto Crespo).  There are morning (8-9:00) and evening (from 7:30) sessions on Mon-Wed-Fri.   Cost: $30/mo.

Asphalt – is coming to the vía Tenis Club-Sústag.  The paving will go as far as the Yanuncay water treatment plant.  (And will probably cut the 13 km drive from over 1/2 hour to less than 10 min.  That road was nothing but a series of potholes.)Galapagos – the islands have had heavy rains and authorities are inspecting the islands to determine if there was damage to the wildlife.

90% chance of rain – for Fri. and Sat. according to ETAPA’s radar on top of Paraguillas hill near the north edge of the Parque Nacional Cajas.  (So dust off your paragua or impermeable – umbrella or rainwear – your words for the day.  Useful if you want to buy a paragua if you’re caught unprepared.)

Más discrepancias por norma animalista (More disagreements over animal ordinance) (Another word for the day – discrepancias can mean discrepancies or disagreements.  I just looked it up on Google so I should know.)  The ordinance to protect domestic animals is opposed by cock fighting enthusiasts and Rómulo Pinos, ex-novillero (someone who raises bulls or steers) who says the ordinance is unconstitutional (based on an argument I know I’d get all confused and bass-ackward).  Supporters have been assembling at the Glorieta in parque Calderón on Tues. nights.  At the first debate, more than 500 supporters and their pets showed up.  (I guess it would be hard to bring in roosters or bulls.)  The second and last debate has to be scheduled by Mayor Cabrera.

Trees  – at risk of falling are being cut down along Las Americas. Many of the trees were eucalyptus (the crabgrass of the tree world and extremely flammable to boot.) with their roots exposed.  (I think recognize where the photo was taken near the turnoff for the Industrial Park.  And I noticed trees leaning towards the road.)

Small and mid-sized – milk producers are going to form their own micro-business. They feel victimized by the big dairy processers and point out that Ecuador imports milk which is not in accordance with supporting Ecuadorian businesses.

The “Diablada de Píllaro” is a festival in Píllaro near Latacunga with devil masks and costumes.

Internacional – 

US – Nogales, Ariz. is trying to stop the flow of immigrants an drugs by building 7 solar powered radar towers.  (Big Brother will be watching you.)

Descuentos – 

Home Vega – 20, 30, 40, 50% auction – 2 to 10/1.  (Like a Dutch auction where if it doesn’t sell in x days, another 10% gets taken off?)

And that´s all for today so Hasta Mañana –




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