Miércoles, 4/5/2016: Earthquake-proof architecture, Jet finally removed, Tranvía business losses, Roadwork delayed

May 4, 2016 | 0 comments

Hola, Todos – 

Pagina cultural – 

Upcoming events –

Tributo – There will be a tribute to the punk rock band the “Ramones” this Fri. at 20:00 in La Barraca (Pres. Borrero y Bolívar) with Los TKX,chl jeanne logo Anónimos, and Diablos del Circo from Quito; and Vandan and Animosh from Cuenca. Cost: $5.00.

Teatro – “Para siempre” (For ever) will be presented Thurs. at 20:00 in the Teatro de Bolsillo del Sono (Pres. Borrero 6-83). Cost: $5.00.

Comedy – 4 Latinamerican stories have been adapted to a comic form in “Desde Adentro” (From Inside) by Eduardo Espinoza Carrasco.  The show will be Thur. at 20:00 in the colectivo Lakomuna (on the stairs at El Otorongo).  Cost: $5.00.

Articles about –

Vilma Vargas – her show, “Huarmicaturas, por la libertad” opened( Wed. at the Salon del Pueblo at CCE (Sucre y Benigno Malo.)  You can see her work at www.vilmartraca.blogspot.com.

Fabiola Roura – This ceramic artistist opened a show, “Por eso te quiero Cuenca” (This is why I love you, Cuenca) Wed. in the Museo de las Conceptas (Hermano Miguel 6-33 y Juan Jaramillo. The event included the Citizen’s Guard Band and traditional sweets of Cuenca.  She shows and also gives classes at her workshop, “Arte y cerámica”.

Wilmer Guazhambo Saca – This classical guitarist will present a show tomorrow (Thu.) at 19:00 in the Sala de Conciertos in the Casa de la Cultura. The program will include Canarios by Gaspar Sanz, Fuga BWV 1000 by Bach (I flipped the W upside down, and read it as a new car model – old eyes and brain.), Fantasía by Ferdinando Carulli, Recuerdo del la Alhambra by Franciso Tárrega, Asturias by Isaac Albéniz, Danza del Altiplano by Leo Brower and Héchale morocho al pollo by Julio Cañar.

The Orquesta Sinfonica de Cuenca – The Orchestra will start a new teaching cycle of concerts in Cuenca, Victoria del Portete and Chordeleg for students in those areas.

Otras cosas –

Titular – Suspendidos los trabajos (Work suspended) – The widening and rehabilitation of the vía Cuenca-Azogues-Biblian has been suspended indefinitely. Work is partially completed all the way from the redondel at 12 de Octubre in Cuenca to Azogues except for the redondel at the IESS hospital which is finished.  For the rest, there are montículos (mounds – your word for the day) of dirt along the road, potholes, and paving at different levels.  (Just drive with caution.)

Claims of losses due to Tranvía delays – “Frentistas” (those whose properies front the Tranvía route) are claiming economic losses.

Evaluation of effects of earthquake – the government is setting up a registry of earthquake victims in order to develop policies and programs for reconstruction.  A study will focus on 3 areas – social (education, health and housing), infrastructure (power, roads, water and sanitation), and production (agriculture, fishing, tourism and commerce).  UN agencies will also be involved.

Shigeru Ban“El arquitecto de los terremotos” (The architect of earthquakes), a winner of the 2014 Pritzker Prize (like an Oscar for architects), visited Ecuador and will prepare a proposal for temporary housing using local materials.  He feels it is essential that the victims receive decent, comfortable housing while permanent housing is built, something that could take years. (If you’re entrepreneurially minded, start a bamboo farm – it’s local, fast growing and good for construction.)

A ministerial agreement – the Ministerio del Trabajo (Department of Labor) issued an agreement to protect employment in Manabí.  It included continued payment of wages tied to a promise to recuperate the hours not worked, telecommuting, reductions in hours, and maximum 3 month layoffs.  Public sector employees will be allowed to volunteer without losing pay or vacation. La Red Socio Empleo (Employment Network) will start a process to register workers in the affected zone for priority in job placement during the reconstruction.  Interested workers can leave their resumes at the offices of the Ministerio, Red Socio or the web page of La Red.

Airplane removal – The Tame jet that skidded off the runway of Cuenca’s airport last week was moved to a temporary parking area Wed. afternoon.   The removal will allow the airport to reopen Thurs. afternoon.

Trivia for the day – 97% of the businesses in Cuenca are family businesses.

“Feria Explosión de Saldos” – The Chamber of Small Industries in Cuenca has organized a trade exhibit with 9 factories showing shoes, blankets, clothing and more.  It will run until 13/5 and start at 10:00 at Octavio Chacón 1-19 in the Parque Industrial de Cuenca in the sector of the old Exposition Center of Cuenca. (The photo is of the owner of Kálido and a lot of bedspreads.  I need to go – some dogs haven’t learned that comforters aren’t chew toys.)

Amenidades – 

Geneva Motor Show – Max Prime will air a 30 minute program on the Geneva Motor Show on Sat, 7/5 at 19:40.  (This is for all you gearheads.)  It is exclusive coverage for HBO Latin Amèrica.

Magic show – by Juan Estrella will be at La Cuchara Mágica (Gran Colombia between Benigno Malo y Luis Cordero) on Thu, 5/5 at 19:30. There is only seating for 40 people.  (If you want to make a reservation you’ll have to Google the info all by yourself.)

Internacional – 

Bolivia – Protests by people with disabilities continued over their claim to a monthly bonus of $72.  Two protesters suspended themselves along with their wheelchairs from an overpass and a tree.  A main road in the center of La Pa was blocked.

Brazil – Defensa de Dilma Rousseff quema los últimos cartuchos (Defenders of Dilma Rousseff burn the last cartridges – take their last shots?)  It is unsure if Rousseff will be in office when the Olympic flame is passed to Brazil.

Panamá – President Carlos Varela issued reassurances that the success of Panama does not depend on “dinero irregular” (funny money) and promised financial transparency.  He wants to avoid use of the Panamanian financial platform for illegal purposes and says that the scandal exposed by the Panama papers is a global problem. He emphasized Panama is doing well with 6% growth, less than 4% unemployment and less than 1% inflation.  (Do I hear suitcases being packed and tickets being booked for Boquete?)

And that´s all for today so Hasta Mañana –




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