35,000 help in clean-up, La Posada San Francisco serves the poor, Moreno worries about global warming, Brazilian night at the Sheraton
Martes, 24/9/2019
Hola, Todos –
Actividades –
De la pagina cultural –
Cine Etnográfico – There will be 2 venues for the 4th Ethnographic Film Festival of Ecuador – the auditorium of CIDAP and the Sala Alfonso Carrasco of the CCE. The Festival will screen short and full length documentaries about the history and situations of indigenous peoples in their own languages. The festival will run until el viernes with films from Chile, Bolivia, Nicaragua, Ecuador, France, México, Colombia, Argentina y Perú.
Festival de Culturas Urbanas – This festival organized by the Alianza Francesa will continue through this week. As part of the festival 2 new murals were painted on the walls of the mercado 10 de Agosto.
Taller de Capoeira – There will be a workshop, “Taller con un enfoque preventivo frente a las enfermedades de la vida cotidiana a través de la práctica del Capoeira” (Workshop with a preventive approach to diseases of daily life through the practice of Capoeira) from hoy to el 26/9 from 15:00-17:00 in the Casa del Artista. This physical activity has a long list of physical and psychological benefits. <And here I thought it was just a type of martial arts developed by Brazilian slaves for fighting when their hands were chained.>
Chorus – El Coro Vivace, a project of the Colegios Alemanes in Cuenca, Guayaquil and Quito will perform in Cuenca mañana a las 19:00 in the Teatro Sucre. <If you miss this performance, you can catch them in Quito on the 26th.>
Del cuerpo del periodico –
Brazilian food – The Cook’s Restaurant in the For Points By Sheraton (Sic) will be serving a special Brazilian menu este viernes from 19:00. Dishes will include feijoada and moquecada de pescado. Cost: $20.00.
V Expo Azuay – The 108 member of the Cámara de la Pequeña Industria del Azuay (Chamber of Small Industry of Azuay) is planning its 5th Expo from el 31/10 – 4/11 from 10-22:00 at CREA on de Las Americas to coincide with the fiestas of Cuenca. There will be 150 exhibitors with many in the areas of leather, shoes and foods.
Otras cosas –
Titular – Reacción ante calentamiento (Reaction to heating) – The article is about the UN climate summit. Pres. Moreno spoke and said that el Niño will become more aggressive and put the Galápagos in danger. He also said that warming will cause deterioration of the Andean glaciers and affect the Amazon. He noted that Ecuador is a signer of the Paris Agreement, that despite its size, it is one of the most bio-diverse countries on Earth, and it has recognized the rights of nature, la Pachamama, in its constitution.
Request for new interchange – The rector of the U. of Cuenca anticipates proposing a new interchange at av. Ordóñez Lasso y Los Cerezos to handle increased traffic. In 2020 the new campus in Balzaín will open with 1,500 students. The internal mobility plan for the campus envisions very little access to vehicles given the high traffic on Ordóñez Lasso, Los Cerezos, y av. Escandón. The U. of Cuenca started its year este lunes with over 16,000 students. <Now that is one big school.>
La Posada San Francisco – Each day, 80 to 200 people are served in the Posada San Francisco, a large number of whom are Venezuelans. In charge of the kitchen is Venezuelan chef Douglas Pérez who brings familiar Venezuelan dishes. He is helped by young volunteers. <The accompanying photo shows what looks more like retirement age gringos in the kitchen.>
Nobel de la Paz – The “Unión Binacional de Veteranos de Guerra de Ecuador y Perú” (Binational Union of War Veterans of Ecuador and Peru) has been proposed as a Nobel Peace Prize candidate. The union is composed of ex-military and reservists who fought on both sides in the wars between Ecuador and Perú.
Driver training – A new cycle of 20 workshops started yesterday to train bus drivers with respect to the rights of the disabled. These workshops were given to taxi drivers last year. Each workshop will have 30 drivers who will learn about the regulations protecting the disabled. Workshops will also cover human rights in general, rights of seniors, and who uses public transportation with the goal of guaranteeing they will be respected. <How about just waiting until everyone is totally on or off before hitting the gas. And then closing the door so no one gets thrown back off.>
Photo-radars – <this is for you drivers with lead feet> 3 more photo-radars to catch speeders have been installed. They are on De las Americas at Paseo Milchichig in both directions and on the Panamericana Norte between av. Del Bombero y calle de La Unión. There will be no fines in the first 20 days of operation of the radars.
Clean up – Some 35,000 volunteers all over Ecuador picked up 122 tons of garbage from beaches and rivers este domingo as part of the Action for the Planet, 2019. Volunteers from local governments, universities, private businesses and social organizations worked at 294 sites.
And that’s all for today so Hasta ? –