An exhibition to nurture Cuenca’s next generation of artists and artisans, November 1 – 10

Oct 22, 2017 | 0 comments

Marco Antonio Machado Delgado

By Robert Bradley

Artisan Craftsmanship has long been heralded as a defining characteristic of Cuenca.

Marco Antonio Machado Delgado lived among the metal workers — a craft honed by his father and grandfather. As a very young boy, he would often spend the day in the home of a nearby family of weavers. He soon began to blend weaving, crochet, and macrame with copper and silver, a passion he has maintained for over 30 years.

Claudio Alberto Soriano was born in Cuzco, Peru — “the navel of the world”,  pitched atop the mystic southern Andes.  Although he chose to move to Cuenca many years ago, his Peruvian heritage is the reservoir from which he draws his inspiration.

These two masters have joined together with a dozen other artists and artisans to address a critical issue for Cuenca´s artists and artisans: Mentoring the next generation of creatives in Cuenca.

Claudio Alberto Soriano

You are invited to see the results of this collaboration at the Municipal Museum of Art Modern, San Sebastian Plaza, from November 1 to November 10.

Under the direction of Robert Bradley, this exhibition and art show showcases a variety of mediums being explored in Cuenca while establishing new program vital to enhancing the arts.

Reunion de Arte y Artesanias.
Museo Municipal de Arte Moderno
November 1 to November 10

In collaboration with the University of Cuenca, VINCULO establishes a program that will record a video-based/oral history archive of artisans in Cuenca that will be updated throughout the year.

VINCULO also establishes a continuing fundraising program to benefit the students of Talleres de MMAM.

Alberto Soriano, Eduardo Segovia, David Williams, Jamie Lara, Garry Kaulitz, and Klever Moscoso will be showing their recent paintings, drawings, and ceramic art.

As a special treat,  three of Mr. Soriano’s students who he has guided to exhibition level will be showing their work along with their maestro.  They are Evelyn Johnson, Lorena Duca, and Sandra Doren.

Eduardo Carrasco, Robert Bradley, Diego Toral, Evelyn Johnson, Burt Johnson, and Mauricio Torres will be showing their recent photography.

20% of all sales will go to assist in creating classes, developing workshops, providing material support, and mentoring young  artists and artisans attending  Talleres de MMAM.

Throughout the 10 day exhibit, there will numerous workshops and demonstrations.

Please join us in supporting the next generation of artists and artisans in Cuenca. For more information, please write me at

Robert Bradley

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