Animal shelter site selection, Women’s program, More flights, Vote for the worst and best ads

Mar 8, 2018 | 0 comments

Miércoles, 7/3/2018

Hola, Todos –

Pagina cultural –

Short issue today
– got un resfrio malo.

Today’s agenda events –

Concierto – “Ínsula”, a French trio performed Wednesday in the Teatro Sucre. They will play their own compositions which mixes oud <a lute like instrument> and piano, tradition and modernity. Free.

Upcoming and ongoing agenda events –

Teatro -“Bumbatal. Qué error tan animal” will be performed by the Teatro de la Ría theater group Thursday a las 10:30 in the Teatro Sucre. It will be a solo performance in the form of a fable.

CCE – The authors selected for publication by the CCE will be announced mañana a las 9:00 in the Sala de Sesiones.

Articles about –

Concierto – There was a concert by music and dance students from the Conservatorio with 17 numbers Wednesday in the Salón de la Ciudad.

Adolfo Parra – This writer and journalist received an invitation to attend a writers’ meeting in Mexico with his book, “Inmortales Personajes Morlacos” (Immortal Morlacos Characters).

Museo Remigio Crespo Toral – There will programs on the theme of the role of women in society Thursday. There was a conference Wednesday on “Feminismos y religiones: de la discriminación a la igualdad de género” (Feminisms and religions: from discrimination to gender equality). Mañana a las 18:00 there will be a performance called “Mujeres en el arte” (Women in art).

Votes – There is an exhibit on the upper level of the Museo de la Ciudad which is part of the Salón de la Comunicación conference. The exhibit contains 24 printed advertisements, 8 radio and 8 TV ads. When you enter, you get a ballot and you vote for the most sexist ad and for the most inclusive ad.

Otras cosas –

Titular – El acceso al agua con alta demanda (High demand for access to water) – The Secretaría Nacional del Agua (Senagua). The agency processes up to 30 applications for water use each month.

More flights – Starting ayer, both TAME EP and LATAM Airlines added flights. LATAM has 3 flights to Quito at 7:25, 12;45 and 20:25. TAME has returned to the Cuenca-Guayaquil route with a flight leaving from the José Juaquín de Olmedo a las 12:30 and leaving Cuenca at 13:30. The Mariscal La Mar Airport now has an average of 12 daily flights. The airport sees 24,000 passengers a year, with Quito as the principal <and, for a while, the only> destination. The two airlines currently operating out of the airport have fares from $220-$350. Aéreo Regional is close to starting flights to and from Cuenca, Quito and Guayaquil for $160, round trip. <Go to to the article headlined “Mas vuelos de LATAM y TAME EP” to see more flights.>

Sales of medicine – Antibiotics should be sold with a prescription only at an authorized pharmacy.

Public servants and elected officials – Notarías in Cuenca were full yesterday with public servants filing their sworn statements that they do not have money in tax havens.

Excuartel – Land on the Cayambe base was donated by the Ministry of Defense, and the proceeds from the sale of the land is earmarked to finish the Tranvía. The land is now ready to be auctioned off.

Animal shelter – City officials and representatives of animal protection organizations met Tuesday to learn more about the site selected for a shelter. The management of the shelter will be mixed between the Municipio and the animal protection groups.

Pagina Intercultural – The article is titled “Saberes ancestrales en auge por su efectividad” (Ancestral knowledge on the rise due to its effectiveness). The article is about the “mamas” or cuanderas who do cleansings and treatments using ancestral medicine. There are some who practice in the Diez de Agosto market.

Descuentos y compras –

RM – 20% discount on all women’s clothes – 7-9/3 – conditions apply.

Tosi – once a year sale – 6-10/3 from 9:30-7:30 – open through lunch.

Cardeca – up to 60% off furniture floor samples – 26/2 – 10/3.

And that´s all for today so Hasta Mañana –



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