Announcement of new strike denounced; Tarqui zoo and refuge offers new programs; Complaints about motorcycles mount; Amusement park in Naranjos

Nov 1, 2022 | 14 comments

Lunes, 31/10/2022

Hola, Todos –
Happy Halloween. I hope none of you ladies who’ve been collecting Social Security for at least a decade scared any little kids by walking through Parque Calderón in your Hooters costume.

Actividades –

From El Mercurio del domingo, 30/10:
Yurak Allpa abre granja interactive (Yurak Allpa opens interactive farm) – The Zoo-Refugio Yurak Allpa opened an interactive farm el sábado to promote environmental education and animal conservation. It is located on the vía Tarqui-Turi 1 km. from the Tarqui parish center, and it shelters 28 species of domestic animals and 28 species of wild animals including monkeys, ocelots, tapirs, macaws, toucans kand more. Children over 1 can feed rabbits, goats, and chickens and be photographed with a calf or pony. Visitors can also receive ostrich therapy. Getting pecked on your back transmits a good vibration with a relaxing effect that can relieve tension. <So they say – any of you who does this can let the rest of us know how it went.>

The grand opening started with a walk. The first part was through the areas for domestic animals which could be fed with alfalfa, bananas or carrots, available for sale at $1.00 per portion at the entrance to the center. The second part was the wild animals which cannot be touched. <They might touch back – with claws or teeth.> Many of the animals were rescued from captivity and the wild animals were not taken from the wild. Zoo staff try to reintroduce suitable animals back into the wild such as águilas, halcones, gavilanes, bújos, y lechuzas (eagles, hawks, sparrow hawks, owls, and barn owls – your words for the day).
Admission is $4.50 for adults, $3.00 for children from 2-12, and $1.00 for parking. For the fiestas de Cuenca holiday, el jueves 3/11, children will be admitted for free. Hours are from 9-17:30, 7 days a week.

As the number of motorcycles on Cuenca streets grows, so do complaints from the public.

From El Mercurio del domingo, 30/10:
Rainbow Park – This open air amusement park is on the vía a Paccha, in the Los Naranjos sector, 800 meters from the Polígono del Tiro. Its main attraction is a multi-colored innertube slide <but no water, and it looks safe enough for even unsteady geriatrics to enjoy>. It has other games such as a cama elástica (trampoline), bubble football, table games, hamster wheels, and inflatable bouncy castles. There is also an area where pets are welcome. Hours are from 10-18:00, jueves a domingo. Admission is $3.50 for children and $5.00 for adults. <No senior discount?>

Titular –

Uso indebido de motocicletas genera críticas (Misuse of motorcycles generates criticism) – In the past weeks, there have been viral videos in motorcycle social networks showing riders making acrobatic moves on public streets and commiting crimes. Complaints about disrespect for traffic signals are also common. This misuse of motos has generated worry and questions, but their defenders say they are a method of transport. They point out that motos are economical and can be purchased new for about $1,500; they move through traffic more rapidly <although I hope legally and safely>; and take less space to park.

According to EMOV EP (Empresa de Movilidad), there were 15,768 motorcycles registered in Cuenca in 2021, and that number will probably be exceeded in 2022. In 2018 there were 10,147, in 2016 there were 6,452, and in 2014, 5,289. Rolando Machado, an attorney and driving instructor, said that there are no fewer than 2,000 unregistered motorcycles in Cuenca. He said that since 2017 there has been an accelerated growth of the number of motos in Cuenca which has created problems with mobility especially due to lack of respect of transit laws. They are motorized vehicles and should observe the same rules as cars: circulate only in traffic lanes, respect traffic signals and limits, and not pass on the right.

Sucesos –

Avioneta aterrriza de emergencia en al cantón Gualaceo-Zharbán (Small plane makes emergency landing in Gualaceo-Zharbán canton) – Yesterday, a Cessna took off from the Mariscal La Mar airport in Cuenca bound for Macas in Morona Santiago. 10 miles out, it had engine problems and the pilot tried to return to Cuenca, but 5 miles later he had to make an emergency landing in a field in Uzhupud between Gualaceo and Paute. There were no injuries. The plane had landed in Cuenca at 10:00 with a patient from Macas and was returning to Macas when it crashed. <El Mercurio called it a crash, but the picture shows no damage to the plane – all wheels on the ground, wings level, and all propellor blades on the plane and not bent. I don’t know if a little Cessna (a 152?) can take off from a field, though.>

Nacional –

From El Mercurio del domingo, 30/10:
Rechazo al anuncio de paro de la Fenocin (Rejection of Fenocin’s strike announcement) – The Conferencia Episcopal Ecuatoriana and business and productive guilds rejected the announcement of a strike by the Federación Nacional de Organizaciones Indígenas, Campesinas y Negras (Fenocin). The strike would be in the first 2 weeks of noviembre and involve blocking roads in El Oro and the 6 coastal provinces of Guayas, El Oro, Emeraldas, Santa Elena, and Manabí. The president of Fenocin argues that the Government has not complied with the offer to forgive loans of up to $10,000 and for the granting of productive loans. The VP of Conaie said that its directors will be consulting with its base to evaluate the dialogue roundtables and make a collective decision. The Executive Director of the Quito Chamber of Commerce pointed out the damage that another strike would cause to the economy. He said that many businesses such as farms and medium and small businesses rely on sales at the end of the year and would be hit hardest by another strike.

And that’s all for today so hasta ? –



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