Another scandal, Foreign trade, Intercultural day, Local movie premiere, Looking for opera singers

Feb 28, 2018 | 0 comments

Martes, 27/2/2018

Hola, Todos –

Pagina cultural –

Today’s agenda events –

CCE – The CCE presented its annual report Tuesday in the Sala de Conciertos. <That must have been a thrilling event.>

Upcoming agenda events –

Theater – “Del Budismo al casos…del caos al Zen” (From Buddhism to cases … from chaos to Zen) by Iván Petroff will be performed on the 1, 2, 7, 8, & 9 of marzo.

Taller – There will be a workshop on art with liquid tar del jueves al sábado in El Prohibido Centro Cultural. The hours will be 9-12:00 and 14-17:00. Register this week. Cost: $30.00 includes materials. <Or you could try to steal some from a road project.>

Articles about –

Cine – The film “Verano no Miente” (Summer doesn’t lie), was made in Cuenca and the “avant premier” will be el 5/4 in the Multicines at Milenium Plaza. At the gala event will be actors, producers, officials and invited artists from various cities.

Opera – The next opera project in Cuenca will be “Eunice” by Luis Humberto Salgado and it will open in julio próximo. There is a call out for lyrical singers for the 10 solo roles. Apply hasta el lunes, 12/3. Auditions will be lunes, 19/3 and martes, 20/3 from 10-13:00 and 15-18:00 with assigned times. If you’re interested, go to, fill out the registration form, and sent it to for “Postulación -Elenco Ópera Eunice” (Nomination – Eunice Opera Cast). <If your singing is better than your Spanish, get a facilitator to do this for you. Who knows – if the opera is in Spanish, maybe you’ll come out of the experience bilingual.>

Carmina Burana – The Carmina Burana by Carl Orrf will be performed Wednesday a las 20:00 in the teatro Carlos Cueva Tamariz. The cast of over 200 will include the Orquesta Sinfónica and chorus at la U. de Cuenca,, the Ballet Nacional, and the children’s and youth chorus at the Colegio de Artes. Tickets are available at the theater box office. Cost: $15 & $20.00.

Libro – “Dulce Mandioca para buscar a Manuelita” (Sweet Mandioca to look for Manuelita) by Maribel Proiette, a Venezolana poet, was presented hoy a las 19:00 in the Café Magnolia in the plaza de El Otorongo. The author digs into the character of Manuela Sáenz the “Liberadora del Libertador” (Liberator of the Liberator). <If you don’t know who she was, Google her and Simón Bolívar.>

Otras cosas –

Titular – Otro escándolo sacude al país (Another scandal shakes the country) – See Tuesday’s CHL story on the audio of a phone conversation between Assembly President José Serrano and Carlos Pólit. Attorney General Carlos Baca says the call shows they were conspiring against him.

Foreign Trade – Pablo Campana, the Minister of Foreign Trade, met with directors of the State oil and mining businesses of Qatar. He showed them $24 billion in investment possibilities in industry, mining and energy.

Results of Ser Bachiller – The results of the Ser Bachiller test given to 3d year high school students on the Coast, and to youth who want to apply for the public universities are ready and will be emailed to the test takers.

Pagina Intercultural – The article is about 12 de octubre: Día de la Raza, de La Interculturalidad o de La Resistencia? (Day of the Race, Interculturality or Resistance?) In Indian America and Mestiza America, this day is either celebrated or lamented. Javier Guamán, coordinator of the Indigenous Ministry for the Curia of Cuenca, said that thinking about original peoples such as the Kañaris, Puruhae or Saraguro needs to be decolonialized. <There is a photo with the article of North American writers Susan and Mike H. and Frances H. who are “parte de los grupos étnicos que ahora conviven en Cuenca” (part of the ethnic groups that now live in Cuenca). <As usual, if you want this issue, reply via the comments section with your email so I can coordinate getting it to you.>

Descuentos y compras –

Tía – you don’t pay the 12% IVA tax on purchases on 28/2.

SanaSana Pharmacy – 3 day sale, 27 & 27/2 and 1/3 – 25%, 30% & 35% discounts on 500 products – 40% off on medicines for hypertension, cholesterol, insomnia, gastritis, diabetes, nutrition and vitamins, migraines, flu, and depression.

And that´s all for today so Hasta Mañana –



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