
Arms control, Old Cuenca photos, Klaus Kuhnke on electric future, Kinti Wasi community tourism

Oct 27, 2017 | 0 comments

Jueves, 26/10/2017

Hola, Todos –

Pagina cultural –

Today’s agenda events –

Program – The “Cuenca, ciudad de los cinco sentidos” (Cuenca, city of the five senses) program is at the Catedral Vieja, de 9:00 a 21:00, extended hours.

Muestra (Show) – “Ríos de Cuenca,” a photo exhibit by the Fotoclub Cuenca opened hoy a las 17:00 in the Museo de la Ciudad.

Articles about –

La Lira – “VI Certamen de poesía Hispaniamericana Festival de la Lira: Las aguas profundas poesía y naturaleza” (VI Latin American poetry competition Lyre Festival: The deep water poetry and nature) will be in Cuenca from 6-9/11. This year it will honor Ecuadorian poets César Dávila Andrade y Alfonso Moreno Mora <Who is probably now more known for being the street an ItalDeli is on.>

CCE – There was a business and budget meeting yesterday.

Teatro – “Al diablo con el pan” (To the devil with the bread) was performed by the Argentinean group Saltimbanquis Thurs. in the teatro Pumapungo. <One of the puppets is larger than the puppeteer.> A second performance, “El maleficio de la mariposa” (The Curse of the Butterfly) which uses shadow puppets was in the Sala “Alfonso Carrasco Vintimilla.”

Fotos – There is an exhibit of photos at the Instituto Nacional de Patrimonio Cultural (INPC) taken by Manuel Jesús Serrano, a doctor, and Miguel Días Cueva, a “doctor en Jurisprudencia” (doctor in Jurisprudence) <Is that just a longer way to say lawyer?>, in the 1920’s, 30’s and 40’s. The negatives were silver bromide gelatin plates. Miguel Días, now 98, attended the opening on Thurs.

Altiplano – The band played Thurs. in the teatro Carlos Cueva Tamariz. Cost: $10.00.

Otras cosas –

Titular – Vicepresidente Glas sufre otro revés (Vice President Glas suffers another setback) – See Thursday’s CHL for the story.

Gold crown – The city of Cuenca and the Dominican Community have signed an agreement to allow a public exhibit of the gold crown given to poet laureate Remigio Crespo Toral in 1917. <Doesn’t say where it will be shown, but where ever it is will need good security.>

Premio – The Instituto de Parálisis Cerebral del Azuay (Cerebral Palsy Institute of Azuay) won an award from the city for their work with disabled children.

Vehicle auction – EMOV is selling 60 abandoned vehicles in a sealed bid auction for cars costing from $100 to $2500. You can see the cars at the EMOV’s “Centros de Retención Vehícular (Impound lots) in the lot at the Traffic jail on av. Enrique Arízaga Toral, vía Medio Ejido today, mañana y lunes, 30/11 from 8-13:00 and from 15-18:00. <There’s your famous Cuenca two hour lunch.> Bids are due before 16:00 on lunes, 6/11 in a sealed envelope with the offer and 10% of the offer in cash or certified check made out to Empresa Pública Municipal de Movilidad, Tránsito y Transporte de Cuenca EMOV EP. <I wonder if the bank will have to switch fonts to fit all that on the payee line.>

Hospital Santa Inés – The hospital opens a new branch in Ambato mañana.

Conference – Klaus Kuhnke who spoke at a conference at the UPS yesterday said that the future of transport is electric. <I wonder how soon electric charging stations will show up at the gas stations in Ecuador.>

San Joaquín – The parish launched its 2nd tourist guide, “San Joaquín y su Gastronomía, Tierra de Sabores” (San Joaquin and its Gastronomy, Land of Flavors) at an event yesterday in which 11 restaurants participated.

Arms control – The army is conducting traffic stops to control the carrying of weapons and ammunition. <So if the Army stops you and starts crawling through your car, that’s what they’re looking for.>

Work accident deaths – Ecuador has more deaths from work related accidents than either Colombia or Perú. The percentage of deaths from work related accidents in Ecuador is 11.9% compared with Colombia at 5% and Perú at 6%. <Not so surprising if you look at the average construction project. OSHA, were it able to, would have a heart attack.>

Kinti Wasi – On 28 & 29/11 the community fo Mil´Mil, 5 minutes from the Suscal Canton in Cañar will share “Experiencias de Vida en Comunidad” (Life Experiences in Community) in the Kinti Wasi Community Tourism Center. There will be transportation from Parque Calderón. For more info, contact 098 736 8822 or whatsapp- 099 288 3227. Cost: $30.00 per person per day. Children under 15 years, $15.00.

Descuentos y compras –

Sukasa – Buy now, first payment in febrero, 2018 and 18 mo. without interest. <That means you’d still be paying for this Christmas next Christmas.>

Expocuero, muebles y calzado (Expo: leather, furniture and footwear) – Buy direct from the factory with manufacturers from Cotacachi, Ibarra, Otavalo, Pelileo, Gualaceo y Quito – Sindicato de Choferes (av. Solano between Remigio Crespo y Colegio Benigno Malo – 27/10 – 5/11.

And that´s all for today so Hasta Mañana –



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