Australian visa agreement, Landslide blocks river, Recycling reminder, New Challuabamba shopping center, Ballet, Flower-making course, Hat festival,

Sep 30, 2017 | 0 comments

Viernes, 29/9/2017

Hola, Todos –

I will be taking time off from el próximo viernes, 6/10 to el miércoles, 11/10 to do volunteer work elsewhere and for a more helpless population <than monolingual gringos who can’t even cross a street without a facilitator>.

Pagina cultural –

Today’s agenda events –

“Noches del Museo” – Therewas another “Night at the Museum” Friday in the Museo Remigio Crespo Toral. “La Vieja Guardia” group will play. Free.

Articles about –

Ballet Causanacunchic – This dance troupe will have a show el 10 de octubre <Or el 11 de octobre – one date in the headline and the other in the middle of the article. Not that it matters since there’s no location or time either. Maybe it’s actually two shows.> The show will feature contemporary ethnic dance or ethnic contemporary dance.

Festival del Sombrero – The 7th Hat Festival continues Saturday from 10:00 on av. 12 de Abril, next to the Centenario Bridge. This festival was organized as part of honoring 150 years of the U. of Cuenca, and students and alumni will wear “Panama” hats in the parade el sábado.

Escenarios del Mundo – “Lámina y pintura,” will be performed by the Teatro el Paso from Colombia hoy a las 20:00 in the Teatro Pumapungo.

Teatro – “Los Durmientes” (The Sleepers) <Of the human variety and not the construction or railroad variety.> premiered Friday at the El Prohibido. The play is about 3 characters in a dream who try to entertain the sleeper and arrange scenes about daily life in which they talk about the lack of love, family violence, class struggle, and solitude. <Sounds less like entertainment and more like a nightmare.>

Otras cosas –

Titular – Procuradoría acusa a Glas (The Attorney General’s Office accuses Glas) – Accusations of illegal association were made against 18 people including VP Jorge Glas. After listening to testimony from Odebrecht’s ex-director in Ecuador, the AG Carlos Baca ratified the accusation. According to the ex-director, Glas’ uncle, Ricardo Rivera, received “sobornos” (bribes – your word for the day. <If you’re training a dog or puppy, you might consider the use of bribery yourself. Only it’ll be cheese or salchichas instead of sacks of cash.>) for the VP.

CREO (opposition party) plans to start another impeachment against Glas and AP members are defending him under the presumption of innocence.

Festival de Saberes y Sabores (Festival of Knowledge and Flavors) – MAGAP, MAE and 34 parochial and municipal governments in the Jubones River basin joined forces to support community initiatives. The Festival was held Thurs. in the coliseo in Saraguro. One exhibitor said that before the FORECCSA project, she cultivated 3 kinds of potatoes, but after this project on adapting to climate change, she has diversified with 5 more kinds. The project receives financial support from Germany. The family farmers are experimenting with recuperating traditional crop species with the goal of diversifying “la chacra.” (I think it must refer to the Andean cross which is linked to agriculture.) They are experimenting with the goal of food security. The delegation of Zapotillo canton brought goat milk products such as yogurt. They raise a lot of goats that have adapted to this dry area. San Lucas showed off a huge variety of potatoes.

SERT – The Sistema de Estacionamiento Rotative (paid street parking) is in effect in El Centro, El Ejido, Clinica Santa Inés, Feria Libre and the Mercado 27 de Febrero. These areas are designated after studies are made and it’s found that the same cars park in the streets for long periods of time. The average monthly sales of parking cards is $80,000 and collections of parking infractions is between $60 & 70,000. All of this income goes into EMOV’s budget. SERT also issues passes to the disabled, people who live in El Centro and don’t have garages in their houses, and vehicles belonging to public institutions.

Migration to Australia – A memorandum of understanding has been signed by Ecuador and Australia for vacation and work visas which seek to promote the movement of youth for orderly, safe and transparent migration. Currently both countries are planning to issue 100 twelve month work visas for youth between 18 and 31 years. Requirements here will be a letter from the Chancellor, funds to maintain oneself <Wasn’t that the reason for migrating? To get a job?>, English <Will Australian kids need to know Spanish?), and at least 2 years of university. <Sounds like these visas are for well off kids doing internship kinds of things.>

Students – Ecuador is coordinating with Colombia to bring back 9 students affected by hurricane María on Puerto Rico. <Seems like Ecuador does a good job rescuing at least small numbers of its citizens when they’ve been caught in natural disasters abroad. Like from Perú after last year’s flooding.>

Trade – Trade between Ecuador and the EU is growing. Ecuador exported $2.182 billion and imported $1.303 billion in goods. As of the start of 2017, 99% of Ecuadorian agricultural products and 100% of industrial and fisheries products could enter the EU market without duties. The products going to the EU include those produced by family and small producers.

Curso – There will be a class on making paper flowers el domingo desde las 10:00 hasta las 12:00 en las mezquita islámica (islamic mosque) on Padre Aguirre y Gaspar Santurima. Register through WhatsApp at 099 826 7199. You need to bring the materials to make the flowers. Free.

Recycling – EMAC reminded readers that recyclables should go into the blue bags. You can recycle hard and rigid plastic, soft plastic, plastic packaging, aluminum and cans, scrap metal and electronic items, paper, and cardboard. Please wrap glass in protective paper or glass and put it into cardboard boxes before recycling.

Rabies – There haven’t been any cases of rabies reported in Ecuador since 2005. The Ministerio de Salud Pública (MSP – Ministry of Public Health) conducts massive dog vaccination campaigns each year. The campaign in Zone 6 (Azuay, Cañar and Morona Santiago Provinces) was finished in marzo and vaccinated 170,000 dogs. Vaccinations are available all year at whatever Centro de Salud has the vaccinations. If you’ve been bitten by a dog or other animal the MSP recommends you go to a doctor to see if you need the vaccination for humans.

Nabón – The Río Charcay has been dammed by a landslide and is forming a lake. The road between two communities has been cut off. Authorities are working on opening up a parallel passage for the river and they want to do it before the lake level reaches the top of the landslide. Water over-topping the dam would put at least 5 houses in danger where they are now safe.

Plaza Sur Challuabamba – A new shopping center which was started in febrero, 2016, will be finished el próximo 7/10 with the grand opening on 13/10. The center was developed by the Quezada-Pachar family for another branch of the Mega tienda del Sur store. The center will also have retail stores, ice cream shop, bakery, pharmacy, food and services. It is on the autopista Cuenca-Azogues, 500 meters from the Sixto Durán Ballén bridge.

Amenidades –

Agenda items –

Concierto – Cuencana band Santa Muerte will play hoy a las 21:00 in the Golden Prague. Cost: $5.00 for advance purchases, $7.00 at the door – includes a T-shirt.

Eva Ayllón – This 8 times Grammy Latino nominated singer was in Cuenca for the first time Fri. in the Convention Center at the Mall del Río. She is considered one of the major voices in Afro Peruano music.

Movies – as usual, go to for show times and locations. All movies this week are in 2D and Esp. The following movies open this week.

Kingsman 2
Lego Ninjago

The following movies are continuing.

La familia Monster
American made Barry Seal
Si yo muero primero

Discuentos y compras –

El Tucumán Restaurant – Viernes de Sabores (Friday Flavors) – Italian Buffet el viernes, 29/9 a las 19:00 – $24.99/person incl. taxes – there are 18 dishes plus a welcome limoncello – make reservations at or call 099 234 0985 or (07) 289 2301 or 289 2302 or 289 2485.

And that´s all for today so Hasta Domingo –



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The Cuenca Dispatch

Week of September 08

Expert Warns: Ecuador May Face Extended Blackouts Without Immediate Action.

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President Noboa Highlights Need for Legislative Support in Manabí Amid Key Infrastructure Deliveries.

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Travel time between Guayaquil and Cuenca could be reduced by at least one hour with a new highway.

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