
Lunes, 4/4/2022 Hola, Todos – Actividades – Azogues inicia sus festividades con pregón cultural (Azogues starts its festivities with a cultural proclamation) – The start of the festivities of the 197th anniversary of cantonization of Azogues was el pasado sábado with a parade with thousands of people participating. There will be an event to elect...
Interior Minister Patricio Castillo said Monday afternoon that order has been restored at the Turi Penitentiary south of Cuenca and that those responsible for Sunday’s riot have been identified and transferred to a prison in Guayaquil. He said the final death toll is 20 and he doesn’t expect more bodies to be found. “As soon...
By Heather Galloway Life expectancy is longer in Spain than it is in the United Kingdom – and much longer than in the United States. This is something that has been pointed out by a number of studies, the latest being from the University of Washington’s Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation, published recently in...
At least 20 prisoners at the Turi Penitentiary have died and an undetermined number have been injured during a riot that began shortly after midnight Sunday. In an afternoon news conference, Interior Minister Patricio Carrillo said the situation is “not yet under control,” adding that police and military police continue efforts to restore order in...
Philip Hall takes photographs of classic cars. Or, at least, at first glance that’s what the observer might assume. However, on closer look, it becomes clear that while the classic (and sometimes not so classic) car is his predominant subject, it isn’t the only subject. In fact, what Hall does is use the classic car...
The leadership of the indigenous Pachakutik party has expelled six members it accuses of failing to support party positions and advocating the resignation of Assembly President Guadalupe Llori, a member of Pachakutik. Those expelled are Mario Ruiz Jácome, Mireya Pazmiño, Darwin Pereira, Peter Calo, Patricia Sánchez and Fernando Cabascango. “Under difficult circumstances, Guadalupe Llori has...
By Paul Morland “One hundred and forty-six million [people] for such a vast territory is insufficient,” said Vladimir Putin at the end of last year. Russians haven’t been having enough children to replace themselves since the early Sixties. Birth rates are also stagnant in the West, but in Russia the problem is compounded by excess...
A day after one lane of the Cajas highway had been opened to bring supplies to residents west of Sayausí, new landslides made it impassable again. Heavy rains Friday afternoon also caused flooding in downtown Cuenca and temporarily pushed the Tomebamba and Yanuncay rivers to flood stage. New landslides, covered much of the highway with...
By Laurence Blair Jannina Campos walks up a sandy hillside in Arica, a port city on the edge of the Atacama desert, the driest place on the planet. The slope is dotted with dozens of orange markers placed in December. Each indicates skeletal remains recently uncovered by unusually strong winds and increased rainfall. “Every time...
Jueves, 31/3/2022 Hola, Todos – Actividades – See the article below, El artista que sueña sus obras. Titular – Lasso reestructura gabinete (Lasso restructures cabinet) – See article in Thursday’s CHL for story. Cuenca – A cuidar las cuencas hídricas (Taking care of watersheds) – The alluviums in Sayausí el último domingo show the need...
By Constance Gustkenov Rick Cloud, 68, knew that he wanted to stay in his home in Austin, Tex., as he aged. But Mr. Cloud, who is divorced, was not sure how he could do that without relying on his two daughters. Then he ran across the idea of virtual retirement villages, whose members pay a...
By Brooke Cato Recent research suggests that humans consume about five grams of small plastic particles every week, which is about the weight of a credit card. The plastic particles make their way into the human food chain from packaging waste, entering the body through sea salt, seafood and even drinking water, scientists at the...

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The Cuenca Dispatch

Week of September 15

The Massive Blackout of September 2024.

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Getting Rid of Verónica Abad: The Conflict the Government is Racing to Resolve.

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Puerto Cabuyal: the commune that protects a marine reserve in Ecuador.

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