New photo radars will ID traffic offenders; Officials look for tourism boost from Cuenca foundation holidays; Mining-free zone agreement signed

Apr 5, 2022 | 3 comments

Lunes, 4/4/2022

Hola, Todos –

Actividades –

Azogues inicia sus festividades con pregón cultural (Azogues starts its festivities with a cultural proclamation) – The start of the festivities of the 197th anniversary of cantonization of Azogues was el pasado sábado with a parade with thousands of people participating. There will be an event to elect the “Azogueñita 2022” el próximo sábado a las 14:00 in the Plaza de la Juventud “Gonzalo S. Córdova. The candidates for the Reina Nacional de la Toquilla 2022 will be presented este miércoles a las 18:00 in the Casa de la Cultura del Cañar. There are more than 90 events scheduled.

Titular –

Agricultural producers in the Jubones community of Santa Isabel have signed an agreement with a rock-mining concession to protect the watershed that provides water to an irrigation canal. (El Mercurio)

Nueva masacre en Turi (New massacre in Turi) – See article in Monday’s CHL for story.

Cuenca –

El turismo local será la prioridad en el feriado (Local tourism will be the priority for the holiday) – One of the priorities for the city is reactivating local tourism during the Fundación de Cuenca and Semana Santa holidays. There are various options for contributing to reactivating the economy including Cuenca by night, restaurants, and museums. There is the possibility that all restrictions will be ended, allowing greater numbers of people to gather. During a special council meeting, changes to the Covid ordinance were proposed including allowing 100% capacity at large public events. This would allow event centers, community houses, churches, theaters, movies, gyms, pools, sports venues, and more to funcion at 100% capacity as long as biosafety measure were met. This would also include bars and discos which could also extend their hours to 3:00 am. <How about that – all you hard drinking gringos would have an extra hour to imbibe – assuming you can stay awake until 3 am.> The Gobierno Nacional announced that the IVA would be reduced from 12% to 8% during the holiday. <Time to unleash that credit card!> Events that have been confirmed include:

9/4 – Aterciopelados, Guanaco MC, Lola Bum, Zuchos del Vado in the Ciudadela
Álvarez. Free.

8-17/4 – Mega Feria de Totoracocha and cultural artistic show in the Complejo de
Totoracocha. Free.}

30/4 – Zeta Bosio y Charly Alberti of Soda Stereo in the Estadio Serrano Aquilar.
Cost to be confirmed.

Region –

Acciones para proteger el canal de riego Rircay (Actions to protect the Rircay irrigation canal) – The Rircay irrigation canal serves 54 agricultural producers in the Jubones community of Santa Isabel. They are signing an agreement with the “Milagrosa” mining concession to create a zone at the bocatoma (intake – your word for the day because I like the compounding of boca (mouth) and toma (take).) that will be free of quarrying. The 4 km long irrigation system was built 50 years ago to irrigate over 65 hectares of onion, yuca, camote, mango and other crops. <I think miners are well aware of the lengths that people who live off their land are willing to resort to when mines become bad neighbors. Burning camps, sabotaging equipment, and closing roads come to mind.> The area that will be free of rock quarrying will extend to 200 m below the bocatoma, and to 100 m. above.

Old News –

From domingo, 3/4/2022:
Plan de radares, en medio de indagaciones (Radar plan in the midst of inquiries) – The installation of 32 photocontrols at 16 intersections is proceeding in the middle of investigations by the Asamblea Nacional, la Comición de fiscalización, and some Cuenca councilmembers. EMOC EP has identified 16 of the most conflictive and dangerous intersections out of Cuenca’s 50,000 intersections where electronic devices will be installed to control drivers who don’t respect red lights, make illegal turns, and invade the pedestrian crossings. <Probably everyone who drives has done one of those things at some point in their driving history only now we´ll get caught on camera.> As a reminder, the speed limits in the urban zones are up to 50 k/h. After that, there is a moderate speeding range of 51-60 k/h which is santioned with a fine of 30% of the SBU (Salario Basico Unificado). Beyond 60 k/h you get a pena privativa (prison sentence – a phrase for the day. <One that drivers should take seriously. After reading the article about another massacre in the prison, is that really where you want to spend a few days for being in a rush?>
The new photo-radars are being considered for the following intersections:
Redondel de 3 Puentes
Redondel de la av. 3 de Noviembre y Simón Bolivar (near the Corazones
Sagrados High School)
At Las Américas and av. España (puente Fabián Alarcón), and av. Turuhuayco,
and av. Del Chofer, and av. Primero de Mayo, and av. México, and av. Amazonas, and Mariano Cueva, and Armenillas
Av. Del Toril y Chasquis
Sebastián de Benalcázar y Núñez de Bonilla
Av. Paseo de Los Cañaris y av. González Suárez
Carlos Arízaga y Roberto Crespo (Feria Libre)
Av. Héroes de Verdeloma, Calle Vieja y Del Rollo
Av. Paucarbamba y Miguel Cordero
Eduardo Arias y av. De Las Américas.

And that’s all for today so hasta ? –



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