
By German Lopez America’s Covid-19 vaccine rollout has dwindled in recent weeks, plummeting from a previous high of nearly 3.4 million doses administered a day, on average, in mid-April to around 2.2 million a day this week. The best analogy I’ve heard to explain the trend comes from Brown University School of Public Health dean...
Long recognized for having the best drinking water in Ecuador, a new government report shows that Cuenca does the best job of taking care of its water supply. The government reports that Cuenca has the country’s lowest rate of water waste and theft. The country’s national office of water resources, part of the environmental ministry,...
As the newly elected National Assembly meets today for the first time, it already faces controversy. In a deal only revealed late Wednesday, the Assembly’s two conservative parties, Creo (Creating Opportunity) and the Social Christians, have formed an alliance with the leftist Correista Unes (Union of Hope) party. Assembly members from both the right and...
Jueves, 13/5/2021 Hola, Todos – Actividades – De la pagina cultural – Artesanos inauguran tienda y galería (Artisans open store and gallery) – AYNI, a space where artisans can sell their works, opened today. A group of craftspeople formed a cooperative with the help of CIDAP, the CCE, and Jardín Azuayo to improve their ability...
By Adrianna Rodriguez The U.S. public health system was thrust into the limelight by the coronavirus pandemic, and a survey published Thursday found many Americans aren’t happy with its performance. According to the survey, conducted by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health in February and March, ratings of the nation’s public health...
Cuenca bus owners announced Thursday afternoon that they will suspend next week’s strike as talks continue with the city on a variety of issues. “This is a temporary action based on negotiations with the municipality about the allocation of routes, bus capacity restrictions and a fare increase,” Manolo Solís, president of the Cuenca Bus Chamber,...
An angry President Lenín Moreno blasted pharmaceutical companies Wednesday night for delays in shipments of Covid-19 vaccines to Ecuador. “We have contracts for these doses that were signed months ago. We have made our payments and have the dates we should receive them and yet the vaccine makers are shipping to wealthier countries, in some...
Miércoles, 12/5/2021 Hola, Todos – Actividades – Nada. Otras cosas – Titular – A 5 ejes destinarán crédito CAF (CAF credit will be allocated to 5 areas) – The Concejo Cantonal approved a new debt from the Banco de Desarrollo de América Latina (CAF) in the amount of $48 million to be used for 5...
The Cuenca Transport Chamber, which represents the owners of the city’s 475 municipal buses, announced Wednesday that it will end service beginning Monday, May 17. According to the Chamber, the service stoppage is the result of an “economic crisis” due to increasing fuel costs and the city’s refusal to pay a subsidy it agreed to...
By Kaylee McGhee White A well-respected science writer has published a thoughtful and convincing piece this week that helps confirm what most people with common sense have long believed: Covid-19 wasn’t just randomly discovered in a Chinese wet market; it escaped from a human lab. The lab-leak theory was always the most plausible one, but...
President-elect Guillermo Lasso’s proposal to use Ecuador’s election system to administer Covid-19 vaccines is being praised by health professionals and politicians. Diana Atamaint, president of the National Election Council said the plan is “workable” and she is ready to commit her resources to a mass vaccination program. National Assemblymen Salvador Quishpe of the leftist Pachakutiks...
Martes, 11/5/2021 Hola, Todos – Actividades – De la pagina cultural – Fotografías y obras de artists en dos espacios culturales (Photographs and works by artists in two cultural spaces) – A photo exhibit about the restoration and change of use of the property that belonged to the priest and historian Jesús Arriaga opened ayer...

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The Cuenca Dispatch

Week of September 22

Ecuador on the Brink: Corn Shortage Sparks Food Crisis.

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Country Faces Severe Rainfall Deficit Across Multiple Regions.

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The United States Clarifies No Plans for Permanent Military Presence in Ecuador, Amidst Growing Cooperation.

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