
By Veronique Greenwood Covid-19 patients who are 80 or older are hundreds of times more likely to die than those under 40. That’s partly because they are more likely to have underlying conditions — like diabetes and lung disease — that seem to make the body more vulnerable to Covid-19. But some scientists suggest another...
The impact of the Covid-19 virus in Quito and the rest of Ecuador’s sierra region is stable or trending downward, according to a research team at the Universidad de las Américas. “It is true that Quito has the highest number of infections in the country and this is cause for concern,” says research professor Raúl...
Rafael Correa will not be a candidate for vice president on the February election ballot. On Monday, Ecuador’s National Court of Justice confirmed the ex-president’s conviction on bribery charges, effectively ending his political career. The three-judge panel ruled that appeals filed by Correa and 15 other defendants were without merit in a scheme that illegally...
Lunes, 7/9/2020 Hola, Todos – Going to be a short issue today – I am on a borrowed computer with things in the “wrong” places and the mouse isn’t working. Actividades – De la pagina cultural – Del cuerpo del periodico – Titular: Pocas ventas en rutas y teminal (Few sales on routes and in...
A lack of passengers continues to plague Ecuador’s airline industry almost three months after national flights resumed, officials say. “We had hoped for a faster recovery but it is happening very slowly,” says Latam spokesman Jaime Miranda. “We will add flights as demand warrants but the trend shows modest growth into 2021 and possibly beyond.”...
By Alexandra Valencia Mechanic Darwin Heredia, before opening his Quito garage each morning, sends WhatsApp messages to dozens of neighbors to find out if anyone is showing symptoms of Covid-19. If any say yes, Heredia alerts a local clinic. Public health officials will then visit the neighborhood and, if needed, begin carry out contact tracing....
By Vijay Prashad On September 7, 2020, Julian Assange will leave his cell in Belmarsh Prison in London and attend a hearing that will determine his fate. After a long period of isolation, he was finally able to meet his partner — Stella Moris— and see their two sons — Gabriel (age three) and Max...
Driving restrictions and face mask and social distancing requirements will continue to be enforced after the national health emergency ends September 12, the Cuenca Emergency Operations Committee announced Friday night. Among the restrictions that will end, the COE said, are the daily curfew and prohibitions on personal movement. In addition, business and services that have...
Sweden, which attracted international notoriety for being one of the only countries to refuse a nationwide lockdown, has seen its death rate overtaken by other nations in Europe as the number of cases and deaths decline in the country, though its death rate still remains one of the highest in Europe. The Scandinavian nation was...
By Michael Braga Operation Quack Hack, the U.S. government’s initiative to clamp down on fake coronavirus medications and cures, has exposed a health underground in America brimming with distrust not only of mainstream medicine but the government itself. It’s a Tea Party for Covid-times. Its members are angry at government warning letters that many perceive...
Although Cuenca’s new tram may not run with quite the precision of the Swiss rail system, its service record is impressive none-the-less. According to one international transportation monitoring service, trains in Switzerland show up within 60 seconds of schedule 99 percent of the time. “We are very pleased with our scheduling since we started service...
Jueves, 3/9/2020 Hola, Todos – Actividades – No hay nada. Otras cosas – Titular – Dos créditos para obras (Two credits for projects) – The city of Cuenca has modified the approved 2020 budget from $239,177,636 to $242,637,052. It will include money from 2 loans from the Banco de Desarrollo. One for $17,283,350 will be...

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The Cuenca Dispatch

Week of September 29

Cuenca’s Deluge: Rains Bring Relief and Risks After Prolonged Drought.

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Government’s Decision to Relocate CELEC Headquarters Sparks Local Backlash.

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Eight years and counting…

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How to Receive Amazon Orders in Ecuador for Just $5 with the New ‘Flat Rate’.

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