
The Cuenca Emergency Operations Committee voted to keep the city under yellow light restrictions as several members lashed out at the federal government for not allowing a tightening of the rules to combat an increase of Covid-19 cases. “We will push our case more aggressively next week when we meet with national representatives,” Mayor Pedro...
By Dan Sewell Millennials, you’re taking a big hit — again. And you’re not OK, either, boomers. Sometimes at odds, America’s two largest generations now have something to agree on: The coronavirus pandemic has smacked many of them at a pivotal time in their lives. For baby boomers, named for the post-World War II surge...
By John Keeble A British city that traded 500,000 slaves during the 17th and 18th centuries has been catapulted into the Black Lives Matter forefront by the toppling of a slaver’s statue and its replacement in a dawn protest raid with a resin-and-steel figure of a protester. Local authorities in Bristol, southwest England, have been...
By Marianne Brooker The Constitutional Court of Ecuador, the highest court in the land, has announced it will take on the case of the threatened Los Cedros Protected Forest by using the Rights of Nature enshrined in the constitution. The Constitutional Court chose to hear this case recently and apply, for the first time, Ecuador’s...
Jueves, 16/7/2020 Hola, Todos – Actividades – De la pagina cultural – Making bricks out of plastic – For 2 years, a group of students and their professor at the Universidad Católica de Cuenca have been working on a project to convert plastic bottles into bricks. First they developed a machine where people can dispose...
By Alice Chaummers Is this weird or what? The pandemia thing, I mean. What’s so lousy about it is that it’s gone on for so long and there’s no end in sight. We’re used to disasters, natural and man-made, that have some sort of sequence — like a beginning, a middle and an end —...
By Saurabh Jha The Covid-19 pandemic has been a testing time for the already testy academic discourse. Decisions have had to be made with partial information. Information has come in drizzles, showers and downpours. The velocity with which new information has arrived has outstripped our ability to make sense of it. On top of that,...
Following the government’s decision Thursday morning denying Cuenca’s request to extend the nightly curfew and restrict alcohol sales and the size of public gatherings, Cuenca Mayor Pedro Palacios and Azuay Province Governor Xavier Martinez said the city may return to red light health emergency status. Martinez said the Cuenca Emergency Operations Committee (COE) should carefully...
City and health officials in Cuenca and Quito blasted the national government on Wednesday for not allowing an extended nighttime curfew and a ban on the sale of alcohol. “We have been waiting for almost two weeks for the national Emergency Operations Committee (COE) to allow us to make the changes and have not received...
Miércoles, 15/7/2020 Hola, Todos – Actividades – De la pagina cultural – Cultural spaces slowly reopening – At first, the Ministerio de Cultura published a guide for people in cultural activities to work in spaces without the public. Later a protocol for reopening libraries was passed. The Dirección de Cultura del Municipio de Cuenca is...
Emerging evidence that the body’s immune defense against COVID-19 may be short-lived makes it even harder for vaccine developers to come up with shots fully able to protect people in future waves of infection, scientists said on Tuesday. Preliminary studies in China, Germany, Britain and elsewhere have found that patients infected with the novel coronavirus...
Peru reopened domestic air travel on Wednesday in a bid to reignite the economy as it announced a drop of 33 percent in GDP for May year-on-year. Long queues of passengers formed from dawn at the Jorge Chavez airport in the capital Lima with 17 domestic flights operating during the day. “We’re opening together the...

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The Cuenca Dispatch

Week of September 29

Cuenca’s Deluge: Rains Bring Relief and Risks After Prolonged Drought.

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Government’s Decision to Relocate CELEC Headquarters Sparks Local Backlash.

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Eight years and counting…

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How to Receive Amazon Orders in Ecuador for Just $5 with the New ‘Flat Rate’.

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Fund Grace News

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