Cuenca could be overwhelmed, some say; Many judges, politicians receive disabled benefits; Yaku for president; Political party applications

Jul 16, 2020 | 16 comments

Miércoles, 15/7/2020

Hola, Todos –

Actividades –
De la pagina cultural –

Cultural spaces slowly reopening – At first, the Ministerio de Cultura published a guide for people in cultural activities to work in spaces without the public. Later a protocol for reopening libraries was passed. The Dirección de Cultura del Municipio de Cuenca is developing a plan for a progressive return to certain activities. The department is in charge of 43 cultural spaces divided between the Network of Municipal Museums and the public libraries. As part of a pilot plan, the Museo de Arte Moderno, the Galería de la Alcaldía, and the Museo Remigio Crespo will be reopened with limitations.

Otras cosas –

Titular – Cuenca podría verse desbordada por virus (Cuenca could be overwhelmed by virus) – For the 2nd day, all the ICU beds at the public hospitals were full. According to ECU-911 data, crowds, parties, disrespect for the curfew, drinkers and breaking quarantine are on the increase along with more cases of COVID-19. <I’m wondering if I’m taking this disease seriously enough, and acting accordingly. Or if I’ve gotten too casual about it.> Nationally, Cuenca is the canton with the 3d most infractions for not observing virus prevention measures with 2,451 incidences of illegal crowds since the start of the health emergency – 96 in just the last fin de semana (weekend). Between viernes y domingo, there were 52 curfew violations, 18 drinkers, 11 parties that ended with noise and disturbance complaints, 7 people breaking the epidemiological containment, and 6 crowds in markets. As of ayer there were 2,050 cases in Cuenca, and 10 corpse removal alerts over the weekend with only 2 attributable to violent causes.

Cuenca’s public museums are galleries are reopening with restrictions. (El Mercurio)

One Cuencano went to play volleyball el jueves at a court opened by a family member “solo para los amigos” (only for friends). They played, shared a few beers, and el lunes he woke up with a fever. He’d contracted the coronavirus, but luckily did not need to go to the hospital. <So – Guayaquil, Quito, and Cuenca next with international coverage of bodies piling up in the streets and stored in repurposed meat transport trailers?>
In Morona Santiago, there were confirmed 1,409 cases in the province with 70% in the cantons of Morona (Macas), Gualaquiza, Sucúa, and Palora.

Cards for the disabled – The use of cards for disabled people has hit new highs <or lows>. Now, the investigation is centering on the judicial system with 316 employees claiming some level of disability. Included are 98 judges and 16 notarios with one judge claiming 100% disability. Claimed disabilities include 43 physical, 13 intellectual, 22 visual, 13 auditory, 1 psychological, and 1 speech. Benefits are more than being able to import luxury cars, which 11 judges have done, but include extra points in merit based competitions, and job stability. Investigators will determine what cards were obtained in an irregular manner, and those judges can be fired for a serious offence which can carry both administrative and legal penalties. Judges claiming high degrees of disability will be analyzed to see if they have disabilities that make it impossible to do their work.

Certifications for political parties – The CNE has resumed verifying signatures presented by 13 political organizations that want to participate in the upcoming elections. The process was suspended due to the pandemic. Of the 13 groups, 2 are from Azuay – the Nueva Generación movement led by Cuenca mayor Pedro Palacios, and Renovación led by Marlon Torres, an ex-candidate for the assembly. The minimum number of signatures needed to qualify is 9,697, or 1.5% of the voters in the relevant jurisdiction. Both parties exceeded this number. The verification of signatures will end on el 16/8. Parties will hold internal elections to pick their candidates.

Coastal support for Yaku Pérez – The directors of the Movimiento de Unidad Plurinacional Pachakutic (MUPP) from 8 provinces on the coast announced their support for the pre-candidacy of Yaku Pérez for president. He has the support of MUDD from Guayas, Manabí, Esmeraldas, Santa Elena, El Oro, Los Ríos, Santo Domingo de los Tsáchilas, y Galápagos. He was also proposed by the expanded council of the Federación de Organizaciones Kañaris del Azuay (FOA). MUPP is also proposing a referendum on the themes of seizure of propery acquired through corruption, increasing penalties for those responsible for corruption, and repatriating off shore capital. Other issues are prohibiting the national government from using money meant for the IESS, Armed Forces social security and national police funds. The other pre-candidate from MUPP is Loenizas Iza, director of the Movimiento Indígena del Cotopaxi (MIC) and the Confederación de Nacionalidades Indígenas del Ecuador (CONAIE).

Torso identified – DNA tests confirmed that a torso found it the rio Burgay de Azogues on el 7/1/2019 was of a extranjero who was reported as missing from Cuenca in diciembre de 2018. He had been dismembered, and a leg, now confirmed to be his, was found at the end of diciembre, 2018 in Azogues. Investigators are working on the possibility that he had been shot. A family member of the Colombian was located and provided a DNA sample for comparison.

And that’s all for today so Hasta ? –



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