
By Lise Josefsen Hermann For journalists covering the coronavirus pandemic, getting the story comes with life and death risks. There is perhaps no place where that is more apparent than in Guayaquil, where at least 12 reporters have died during the pandemic, and more than dozen have gotten sick, according to an organization that monitors...
Sunday was clean-up day in Cuenca following Saturday’s floods. On Saturday, emergency responders were called to three neighborhoods to evacuate families as rivers overflowed following two days of heavy rain. According to the Cuenca fire and rescue service, damaging flooding was widespread with flooding reported along all four of the city’s rivers. Rivers were still...
A former pensions minister has warned that people over the age of 70 would “rebel” and “risk going to prison” if the government mandates they must continue self-isolating even after the lockdown has lifted. Baroness Ros Altmann, a Tory peer, told Sophy Ridge on Sky News that if the over-70 age group were put “under house...
Yes, we are all still in lockdown, part of the “huddled masses yearning to breathe free,” holding out hope that there really is light at the end of the tunnel. Some of our friends up north keep reminding us that we need to stop complaining, we are in paradise. So true. At least Jackie and...
By John Koetsier Bye-bye shelter-in-place. Hello re-opening. Apple’s Mobility Trends report shows that traffic in the U.S. and other countries like Germany has pretty much doubled in the past three weeks. It had been down up to 72%. And location data provider Foursquare says that gas and fast food visits are back to pre-Covid-19 levels...
There will be no changes to the Covid-19 health emergency restrictions in Cuenca until at least May 17. The city joined all but five of the country’s 221 municipalities Friday in deciding to delay changes to the current “red light” status. “It is not yet the time to move to a yellow or green light...
By Anthony J. Castiglia, M.D. After reviewing the various information on the Covid-19 virus issues, I am submitting this opinion based on the content herein. The opinion is not to denigrate information currently gathered but rather to motivate inquiries to substantiate the content of the information. Due to the overwhelming information that one receives via...
The coronavirus pandemic is likely to last as long as two years and won’t be controlled until about two-thirds of the world’s population is immune, a group of experts said in a report. Because of its ability to spread from people who don’t appear to be ill, the virus may be harder to control than...
Jueves, 30/4/2020 Hola, Todos – Actividades – Nada. Otras cosas – Titular – Alcaldes plantean que semáforo siga hasta el 17 de mayo (Mayors propose that traffic light continues until May 17) – Not one mayor in the country is willing to leave the isolation phase or social distancing. After a meeting with government officials...
American intelligence officials said Thursday that they agree with “the wide scientific consensus that the Covid-19 virus was not man-made or genetically modified,” and that it was originally transmitted from animals to humans. Last week, U.S. President Donald Trump suggested that the virus was accidentally released by a laboratory in Wuhan, China, where it first...
A privately funded project aims to get Cuenca and Azuay Province back to “normal living and back to work” through mass Covid-19 testing of the population. The Trust Fund for Cuenca’s Proof for Life is raising funds to administer tens-of-thousands of tests to allow the reopening of  city businesses and to allow workers to return...
Miércoles, 29/4/2020 Hola, Todos – Actividades – De la pagina cultural – Digital publications – The Universidad Andina Simón Bolívar has put books and magazines on line at The material is in the area of law and society and includes theses and over 1,000 articles in 8 scientific magazines. <I think you’d have to...

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The Cuenca Dispatch

Week of September 29

Cuenca’s Deluge: Rains Bring Relief and Risks After Prolonged Drought.

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Government’s Decision to Relocate CELEC Headquarters Sparks Local Backlash.

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Eight years and counting…

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How to Receive Amazon Orders in Ecuador for Just $5 with the New ‘Flat Rate’.

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