
By Peter Kirsanow As the country commemorates the life of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. this weekend, it’s worthwhile to revisit the 1619 Project. Never content to leave unwoke history alone, last August the New York Times launched the 1619 Project. The “newspaper of record” states that this “ongoing initiative” “aims to reframe the country’s...
  Put on your dancing shoes and get ready to party! That’s the message from sponsors of a February 15 Valentine weekend gala aimed at providing assistance to children with autism and a variety of other disabilities. “This will be the event of the year in Cuenca,” says Ned Meisner, one of the gala sponsors....
Following a series of meetings with city officials, the Cuenca Chamber of Transportation (CTC) says the two sides have made “significant progress” toward reaching an agreement for integrating the tram into the public transportation system. The CTC represents owners of the 475 buses that provide service in the Cuenca canton. “We still have much work...
Although most of the physical damage has been repaired, business, agricultural and employment losses suffered during the October protests continue to take a toll on Ecuador’s economy. The agricultural sector, in particular, takes exception to the Central Bank’s official estimate of $821 million in losses suffered during the 11 days of protest and their aftermath,...
Ecuador made its first export of 22,000 tons of copper concentrate from the Chinese-owned Mirador mine, the energy ministry says, marking a new milestone in the country’s effort to develop a large-scale mining industry. The delivery was made January 6 and 7. Ecuador has large mineral reserves but is only beginning to establish industrial-scale mining...
National and local leaders say that Cuenca Mayor Pedro Palacios is disengaged from his constituents and has failed to build constructive relationships with the the municipal council and the national government. Following a visit to Cuenca in early January, Ecuador Interior Minister María Paula Romo said that Cuenca’s relationship with Quito has deteriorated since Palacios...
Cuenca’s public utility, ETAPA, is expanding the capacity of the city’s drinking water system. A new facility, attached to the Tixán plant, will allow the city to provide water to an additional 365,000 customers. An ETAPA spokeswoman said the expansion is necessary to keep up with city growth. “Projections show that Cuenca will have 1.3...
City officials are moving ahead with Cuenca’s second “superblocks” project, this one in a nine-block area around Parque Calderon. The project, intended to encourage alternatives to vehicular traffic, will include the blocks bordered by calles Gran Colombia, Presidente Borrero, Presidente Córdova and Padre Aguirre. According to Xavier González, coordinator of the El Barranco Foundation, one...
Although Ecuador’s official unemployment rate held steady in 2019 at 3.8 percent, the number of workers holding full-time employment dropped by more than one percent. According to the National Institute of Statistics and Censuses (INEC), 115,782 40-hour-per-week jobs were lost in 2019. Labor Minister Andrés Madero said that most of those who lost full-time work...
Jueves, 16/1/2020 Hola, Todos – Actividades – De la pagina cultural – Concierto – The Orquesta Sinfónica de Cuenca will start its 2020 season with a cycle of concerts dedicated to Beethoven and Ecuadorian composer Luis Humberto Salgado. The first concert will be este viernes a las 20:00 in the iglesia Santo Domingo. The orchestra...
By Keith Spencer Only three months ago, social media megalith Facebook made the universally-reviled announcement that they would not be fact-checking, censoring, or otherwise banning political ads that deceive or mislead. “We don’t believe [that] it’s an appropriate role for us to referee political debates and prevent a politician’s speech from reaching its audience and...
Something can beat down on you hard enough until you’re faded, like the sun beats down on fresh paint eventually robbing it of hue and saturation. A life can beat down on you like the sun and rob you of time, satisfaction or happiness. No one is born with any guarantee of those elements. Webster’s...

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The Cuenca Dispatch

Week of September 29

Cuenca’s Deluge: Rains Bring Relief and Risks After Prolonged Drought.

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Government’s Decision to Relocate CELEC Headquarters Sparks Local Backlash.

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Eight years and counting…

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How to Receive Amazon Orders in Ecuador for Just $5 with the New ‘Flat Rate’.

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