
Mass protests, many of them violent, continue to rage in Bolivia, Chile and Colombia despite calls for elections and dialog. According to the United Nations, 58 people have died in the three countries since late October and more than 4,000 have been seriously injured. On Friday, Bolivia’s interim government accused former President Evo Morales of...
The last holiday of 2019 will be the longest of the year, the government decreed on Friday. To boost tourism and post-Christmas commercial activity, the Ministry of Tourism announced that Monday, December 30 and Tuesday, December 31 will be added to the official January 1 New Year’s Day holiday. “Including the prior weekend, this extension...
Every year, on the fourth Thursday of November, USAmericans celebrate the feast of Thanksgringo by cramming a giant bird into their stoves and sharing a tense meal with annoying relatives. Most Americans hate turkey which is why they slaughter so many of them at this time of year. After the annual massacre, Americans consume the...
Long-time Cuenca expat Jennifer Martin, 64, died Tuesday afternoon after she collapsed on an Av. Ordoñez Lasso sidewalk. Emergency responders were unable to resuscitate her and listed heart failure as the cause of the death. Jennifer moved to Cuenca from Austin, Texas in 2011 and started Grits Catering Service shortly afterward. An accomplished chef, she...
Ecuador’s Confederation of Indigenous Nationalities (Conaie) pledged its support to the national strike in Colombia that began Thursday. “We stand with our brothers and sisters of Colombia and are gratified to see that the fight for people’s rights has spread throughout the Andean region,” Conaie said in a Twitter statement. Hundreds of thousands of Colombian...
Jueves, 21/11/2019 Hola, Todos – Actividades – De la pagina cultural – Exposición – There is an exhibit of paintings of children at play in the Salón del Pueblo of the CCE. Mural – “Esta es mi ciudad” is a mural on the lower level of the multifamiliares del IESS, diagonal from the Centenario. The...
By Jason Daley Archaeologists excavating a site in Salango, Ecuador, have discovered evidence of a burial ritual that might even make Indiana Jones shiver. As the researchers report in the journal Latin American Antiquity, excavations at a pair of 2,100-year-old funerary mounds revealed several unusual sets of remains: namely, the skeletons of two infants wearing...
Having failed in his first attempt, President Lenin Moreno hopes the revised, shortened version of the Economic Reform Law will be a winner with the National Assembly. The new legislation was submitted Wednesday night to the Assembly president’s office and will be available to the full Assembly on Thursday. The first version of the law,...
Miércoles, 20/11/2019 Hola, Todos – Actividades – De la pagina cultural – Bienal – The Casa de la Bienal (Bolívar 13-89) plans to exhibit the winners of past Bienals – some of the most notable Latinamerican art. The 54 item collection is stored in the Casa and MMAM and needs to be assessed and restored...
The Cajas are an amazing range of the Andes Mountains and I’ve certainly enjoyed hiking and exploring deep in their rugged realm. These mountains can be very challenging and, as I’ve written before, folks do “go missing” in this unforgiving terrain to literally never be heard from again. Yes, they were by themselves when they...
Colombia’s government has announced plans to close its borders, part of a string of measures to contain mass strikes and protests planned this week amid sweeping unrest in South America. Tens of thousands are expected to join protests on Thursday against the rightwing government of Iván Duque, whose popularity has dwindled steadily since he took...
The International Monetary Fund said on Tuesday that it will continue working with Ecuador to advance economic reforms after the country’s National Assembly rejected a bill proposed by President Lenin Moreno to address a large fiscal deficit. Ecuador reached an agreement with the IMF in February for a $4.2 billion loan along with a three-year...

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The Cuenca Dispatch

Week of September 29

Cuenca’s Deluge: Rains Bring Relief and Risks After Prolonged Drought.

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Government’s Decision to Relocate CELEC Headquarters Sparks Local Backlash.

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Eight years and counting…

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How to Receive Amazon Orders in Ecuador for Just $5 with the New ‘Flat Rate’.

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Puerto Cayo Property News

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