IMF loan conditions not met, Yunguilla highway falling apart, Ecuador lags in rights for children, International puppet festival, Flower show

Nov 21, 2019 | 16 comments

Miércoles, 20/11/2019

Hola, Todos –

Actividades –
De la pagina cultural –

Bienal – The Casa de la Bienal (Bolívar 13-89) plans to exhibit the winners of past Bienals – some of the most notable Latinamerican art. The 54 item collection is stored in the Casa and MMAM and needs to be assessed and restored as needed. Because the Bienal gave out cash awards in the past, the winning works were kept by the Bienal.

Titeres – The IX Festival Internacional de Titeres Titiricuena (IX Titiricuena International Puppet Festival) will run through el próximo domingo. It has a Facebook page.

Del cuerpo del periodico –

“Mujeres en Bici” – The 2nd edition of the Women on Bikes Race <Nothing to do with

The puppets are coming!

the Dikes on Bikes motorcyle parade units.> will be el domingo, 24/11 a las 9:00 starting in the estancia San José on km 4.5 of the Vía a Racar in Sinincay. 200 women of all ages are expected.

Flower show -The Club de Jardinería Cuenca (Gardening Club) will hold the Exposición Estánder de Flores, “Infinita Naturaleza,” starting mañana a las 15:00 in the Casa de las Posadas (Gran Colombia y Octavio Cordero), and continue until domingo.

Christmas cooking – There will be a free class starting este sábado, 23/11 in the casa comunal (community house) in San Juan Pamba in the Nulti parish to learn how to prepare Christmas recipes including Christmas turkey and chicken, red rice and arroz verde (green rice.) <Nothing to do with bribery cases.> Classes will be from 14-18:00. For more information, call 02 787 6493 or 098 308 9049. To register, bring a copy of your cedula, <your facilitator if you’re still struggling with conversational Spanish>, and fill out a form at the offices of the Govierno Autónomo Descentralizado de Nulti.

Ruta de la Pitajaya – Promoters of tourism in Morona Santiago are organizing tours in the Palora canton featuring your favorite new fruit, the pitajaya. <Those are the knobby yellow and sometimes red fruits.> The ruta (route) will include farms, forests, rivers, waterfalls, and restaurants and lodging such as the Finca Prócel, La Vaca Swiss Bistro, and the Amuntai Rainforest Lodge.

Otras cosas –

Titular – Se agravan daños en vía (Damage to road worsens) – The vía Cuenca-Girón-Pasaje in Yunguilla, from Salado to Léntag, mostly in the lane coming to Cuenca, has cracks, sinking and deformation. Technicians and transporters agree that a good part of the damage is due to the weight of dumptrucks transporting rocky material taken from the ríos Rircay and Jubones. Other areas of damage at km. 40 near Girón, km. 45 at the entrance to Pichanillas, and km. 53 at La Asunción are due to geological faults.

Agreement with FMI (Fondo Monetario International (IMF)) – The agreement with the IMF will continue although with changes. Minister of the Economía y Finanzas, Richard Martínez, said because the Asamblea Nacional did not approve the Ley de Crecimiento Económico (Economic Growth Law), there was a large increase in the Ecuador’s risk index from 850 to 1,111. This makes the loans from the IMF indispensable. The President submitted a new proposal for a tax reform that aims to raise $500 million.

Ecuador has not completed at least 5 of the points in the agreement with the IMF including removing fuel subsidies. <Get ready to start paying $25 for a tank of gas. I can already hear the screaming and threats to leave Ecuador.> High level officials of the IMF said they want to continue working with the country, but with changes to the agreement which might be a reduction in the $4.2 billion loan offered or a change in the conditions. <As in increasing the interest rate?>

Rights of children – <This is for those of you interested in social issues.> 20 years after signing the Convención sobre los Derechos del Niño, an international treaty of the UN dealing with the rights of children and the special protection they require, Ecuador has only achieved 2 of the 169 goals and 17 objectives which are supposed to be reached in 2030. A study found some of the principal problems have to do with poverty. 45% of children and teens in rural areas and 22% in cities live low income households. Children in indigenous households make up the highest percentage of children in poverty.
Another situation that preoccupied researchers was malnutrition including anemia, over weight, and obesity; and under-nutrition. 24% of children under 5 years old suffer from chronic undernourishment. Another alarming statistic was suicides by children and adolescents. In 2017, there were 21 in Azuay. Violence against children, sexual abuse and child labor were also issues. 8% of children between 5 & 17 work.

Hostería Durán – The Hostería Durán, a family company which has owned spas in Baños for 80 years, remodeled the “Tucumán” restaurant as well as the lobby, cafeteria, rooms, spa and pools.

Internacional –

Azogues (it’s a local joke – get your visa in El Descanso) – 6 of the 7 bridges over the río Burgay and the banks of the river have been damaged by high water levels from rains in may and this month.

And that’s all for today so Hasta ? –



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