
Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Guyana, Peru and Suriname signed a pact Friday, setting up a disaster response network and satellite monitoring to protect the Amazon jungle. At a summit in Colombia, they also agreed to work on reforestation. The meeting was the result, in part, of more than 80,000 fires have broken out in the...
Editor’s note: In an ongoing project, photographer Johis Alarcón explores identity within Ecuador’s African diaspora through the lens of ‘Cimarrona’ – the wild female spirit. The photos were part of the July exhibit at Latin American Foto Festival 2019, at the Bronx Documentary Centre. By John Huck The term ‘Cimarrona’ refers to what Johis Alarcón...
By Margaret Winter Maritsa Ochoa, 69 years old, arrived penniless in Cuenca on August 22 after a three-week odyssey from Venezuela through the mountains. She is nearly blind and too disabled by osteoporosis and diabetes to walk. She traveled to Ecuador in a decrepit wheelchair, pushed by her 41-year-old daughter Esperanza Pelaéz and two grandsons....
Jueves,5/9/2019 Hola, Todos – Actividades – De la pagina cultural – Exposición – “Mnemografías,” a show by Miguel Betancourt opened Thursday in Saledentro. He works in inks and watercolors on thin papers, ideal for Asian caligraphy, but with images of local places. Teatro – “Uróboros: la Batallas por el distino empieza” will be presented Friday...
For the first time since taking office, Cuenca’s new city government is suggesting a start-up schedule for operation of the city’s beleaguered tram system – the end of the year. The tram director, Carolina Ormaza, cautions however, that operations could be pushed back to early 2020. According to Ormaza, three major obstacles must be overcome...
Miércoles, 4/9/2019 Hola, Todos – Actividades – De la pagina cultural – Conciertos – The OSC will perform the 9 symphonies of Luis Humberto Salgado in three concerts on the first 3 sábados in septiembre a las 20:00 in the teatro Pumapungo. Free. Book launch – “Nigeria” will be launched Thursday a las 19:00 in...
Four medical clinics have been closed in Cuenca for lack of operating permits, unqualified staff and poor sanitation. In addition, the Agency for Quality Assurance for Medical Services (Acess) said it is conducting investigations of several area health care practitioners, including foreigners, who may be operating without proper education and licensing. “We have received an...
As part of a new anti-crime campaign, President Lenin Moreno and Interior Minister María Paula Romo claim that Ecuador’s criminal justice system is going soft on criminals. Meeting with police in Quito, Moreno said his government is working with courts to put more “hardened and repeating offenders” behind bars. “Every day, the police of Ecuador...
In a Tuesday court appearance, former presidential aid Pamela Martínez corroborated earlier testimony by an assistant that she managed financial contributions demanded by former president Rafael Correa to the Alianza Pais political party. According the federal attorney general’s office, the contributions were part of an extortion and bribery scheme to fund Correa’s political activities and...
Martes, 3/9/2019 Hola, Todos – Actividades – De la pagina cultural – Exposición – There is a showing of works by stained glass artist Guillermo Larrazábal at the Museo Pumapungo this month. Opening – “Origen,” a show of oil paintings by Carlos “Coco” Valdez will open el miércoles a las 1900 in the Galería de...
New law enforcement measures announced last week by President Lenin Moreno went into effect on Monday. Called the “Great Crusade for National Security,” the plan involves the assignment of army personnel to law enforcement activities and increasing the number of police on the streets and highways. The Interior Ministry, which is responsible for law enforcement,...
The National Customs Service is reminding travelers of the items and quantities of items that can be brought into Ecuador without paying taxes. Although the list has not changed significantly since 2016, customs service officials say that they continue to detain tens-of-thousands of incoming airline passengers a year for rules violation. According to the law,...

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The Cuenca Dispatch

Week of September 15

The Massive Blackout of September 2024.

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Getting Rid of Verónica Abad: The Conflict the Government is Racing to Resolve.

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Puerto Cabuyal: the commune that protects a marine reserve in Ecuador.

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