
Lunes, 19/8/2019 Hola, Todos – Actividades – De la pagina cultural – Concurso de Literatura “Miguel Riofrío” 2019 – This competition sponsored by the CCE of Loja is accepting submissions of short novels until 16:00 el 6/7 from Ecuadorians of any age or sex. <So if among you writers, there are some who write in...
By Brett Easton Ellis Somewhere in the last few years — and I can’t pinpoint exactly when — a vague yet almost overwhelming and irrational annoyance started tearing through me maybe up to a dozen times a day. This annoyance was over things so seemingly minor, so out of my usual field of reference, that...
By Roger Ellis In my 11 years’ experience as an expat, most of the things you don’t hear about in the glowing reports about life overseas turn out to be unpleasant. (“They didn’t tell me how hard it would be to learn Spanish … or how difficult it is to deal with a banana republic...
The United States Agency for International Development (Usaid) will reestablish its headquarters in Quito following a five-year absence. The agency, which had operated in Ecuador for decades, was expelled in 2014 by former president Rafael Correa. John Barsa, U.S. deputy for Latin American and Caribbean Affairs, said Friday that he had reached an agreement with...
Only minor damage was been reported from a 5.1 earthquake Sunday, morning centered 18 kilometers east of Guayaquil. The quake occurred at 4:28 a.m. at a depth of 66 kilometers, according to the U.S. Geological Survey. Guayas Province officials said some structures near the epicenter suffered cracking but no structural damage. Residents of several high-rise...
Sábado, 17/8/2019 Hola, Todos – Actividades – De la pagina cultural – Festival de la Cometa – The Cooperativa Jardín Azuayo is arrranging a kite festival, “Caldos, Calditos y Caldosos” domingo a las 10:00 in the Parque de la Luz in Miraflores. There will be kite making workshops and kite contests a las 14:00 on...
The removal of import tariffs on sporting goods in Ecuador will benefit both consumers and sellers, according to the owner of Cuenca’s Cube Bike shop, Diego Contreras. “Everyone benefits from the change and I look forward to meeting new customers.” Contreras says he has already received a number of inquiries about when the lower prices...
By Tom Larsen Six years ago, an old youth hostal on a dirt road in the hills outside of Cuenca began its second life as a shelter for abused women and their children. Under the auspices of the Fundación Casa Maria Amor the site has been transformed into a refuge where these women can not...
By Bethany Haye Ecuador is a small coffee producing country that has come into focus lately as an emerging source of high-quality, high-grown specialty arabica. Located in the northwest of the South American continent, it is blessed with exceptionally high biodiversity, very pure water for washing, high-altitude Andean plateaus, coastal plains, ample shade and rainfall,...
Although rain across Ecuador will taper off today the thick cloud cover over most of the country will remain for at least three more days. The Institute of Meteorology and Hydrology (Inamhi) adds that cool temperatures will also continue. In Cuenca, the weather institute predicts daily high temperatures will remain below 14 degrees Celsius (57...
More than a hundred cars and trucks have been stranded in the higher mountains east of Quito as snow and ice make highways impassable. At mid-morning Thursday, about 60 vehicles were idled at the entrance to the Cayambe-Coca Reserve and the Papallacta – Baeza highway remained closed as work crews cleared the ice. The highway...
Following the release of thousands of documents from the collapse of the Cuenca-based financial cooperative Coopera, Ecuador’s anti-corruption czar Iván Granda said that government officials are to blame for poor oversight as well as a subsequent cover-up. The 2013 Coopera failure left 113,000 account holders locked out of $48 million in savings, including an estimated...

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The Cuenca Dispatch

Week of September 15

The Massive Blackout of September 2024.

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Getting Rid of Verónica Abad: The Conflict the Government is Racing to Resolve.

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Puerto Cabuyal: the commune that protects a marine reserve in Ecuador.

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