Mining referendum efforts continue, Max Uhle tribute, ‘Visit Cuenca’ tourist app, Prison overcrowding solution, One million pilgrims

Aug 20, 2019 | 1 comment

Lunes, 19/8/2019

Hola, Todos –

Actividades –
De la pagina cultural –

Concurso de Literatura “Miguel Riofrío” 2019 – This competition sponsored by the CCE of Loja is accepting submissions of short novels until 16:00 el 6/7 from Ecuadorians of any age or sex. <So if among you writers, there are some who write in Spanish, are Ecuadorian, and have a novelette laying around – go for it.> Get more info at or

Taller de danza – “Espacio Danza” (calle Fernandina 1-20 y Av. 12 de Abril) is holding 2 weeks of dance workshops, “Entrenamiento intensivo de Danza Contemporánea” (Intensive Contemporary Dance Training) that started Monday. The first week is with Ecuadorian dancer Gustavo Vernaza. Classes with Eliana Guerrero of Venezuela will be from 26-30/8.

German archeologist Max Uhle

Del cuerpo del periodico –

Tribute to Max Uhle – There will be an International Symposium, “Arqueología Urbana. Problemas y Perspectivas: 100 años de la presencia de Max Uhle en el Ecuador,” (Urban Archeology. Problems and Perspectives: 100 years of Max Uhle’s presence in Ecuador) from 18-20/9 in the Museo Pumapungo. Registration opened el 14/8. There is an accompanying museum exhibit on Max Uhle which opened el 18/9.

Otras cosas –

Titular – Observan gestión de Bomberos (Management of Fire Dept monitored) –
The Contraloría General del Estado (Comptroller’s Office) looked at the Cuenca Fire Department from 1/1/2013 to 30/6/2018 and made 12 observations on human resources, personnel costs, and the contracting process for projects and consultants.

Resistance to mining – Communities are collecting signatures in Molleturo to control mining. Over 50 representatives from almost 70 communities in the parish <You did know that Molleturo is a rural parish of the canton of Cuenca, didn’t you? That means mining on the other side of the continental divide does affect water sources for Cuenca.> met el sábado to talk about 4 issues – the referendum to declare Azuay free of metal mining, putting in commmunity controls, strengthening and expanding the resistance, and collecting signatures to declare Molleturo free from mining.

Prison overcrowding – The prison system has about 40,000 inmates in a system designed for 28,554. To relieve the overcrowding there is plan to release prisoners with good conduct and who have served at least 60% of their sentence. They will be allowed to conduct certain activities under supervision and electronic monitoring. Prisoners are also allowed to petition for early release if they have served 80% of the sentence. They would need to appear before a judge periodically and wear an electronic monitor. <Mark Zuckerberg’s wannabe “partner” can attest to how effective those are.>

Ley de los Personas Adultos Mayor – The Ministerio de Inclusión Económica y Social (MIES) has posted the new law about seniors in the Registro Oficial on 9/5. This age group has new rights.

Centro de Salud – The Carlos Elizalde Health Center located at the start of the vía a Baños is open 24/7 and has served about 13,500 patients from 1/1 to 31/7/2019. You can make an appointment at phone number 171. Services provided include obstetrics, dentistry, pediatrics, psychology, speech and physical therapy, gynecology, neonatal screening, general and family medicine, nutrition, a testing lab, assessment of disabilities and more. They also make house visits and provide activities to promote health and prevent illness through clubs to help people create healthy habits. There are clubs for patients with chronic diseases, adultos mayores (older adults/ seniors – if you’re retired here, these are your words for the day to be memorized and used.>, teens, lactating mothers and others.

“Visit Cuenca” – The app which now has 1,360 users, contains information about all the tourist attractions in the city including events, hotels, restaurants, bars and discos, travel agencies, and other novelties. <Like where to chow down on the best cuy? Is that one of the gringo “best of” categories? Or is it too disgusting to most gringos? Or is the voting public too small?>

Pilgrimage – The Virgen de El Cisne pilgrimage has completed its two first stages. On el sábado, the 17 km pilgrimage started in the Basílica de El Cisne and went to San Pedro de la Bendita. El domingo, they walked to Catamayo where they will have one rest day until they resume the walk to Loja mañana. Authorities state that about a million people from all over the country participate. <Any of them gringos?>

And that’s all for today so Hasta ? –


Editor’s note: Jeanne’s Periodico is a translated digest of news from the Cuenca daily newspaper El Mercurio. If details, such as event dates and times, do not appear in the translation, they did not appear in the newspaper. The text between the carrots, or guillemets (< … >), is Jeanne’s personal opinion and not part of the news translation.


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