
Martes, 6/8/2019 Hola, Todos – I might be taking a vacation from this column next week. It will depend on if I can work with a houseful of painters and carpenters doing whatever it is that they’ll be doing. Actividades – De la pagina cultural – Día del Cine Ecuatoriano – The Cine Club Catarsis...
By Alexandra Valencia and Luc Cohen Ecuador’s market-friendly President Lenin Moreno is cracking down on illegal gold miners, who are increasingly encroaching on formal mines, but keeping them away from an Australian billionaire’s concession for good may prove a tall order. Moreno last month sent 4,000 troops and police to clear thousands of miners from...
Former Guayaquil mayor Jaime Nebot said Monday that he supports a woman’s right to an abortion in the case of rape. He also said that the entire “question of abortion needs a thorough review due to the high number of clandestine procedures.” Although he has not officially announced his candidacy, Nebot led all prospective 2021...
Lunes, 5/8/2019 Hola, Todos – Actividades – De la pagina cultural – Booklaunch – “Violencia contra mujeres lesbianas y hombres gays en la ciudad de Quito, 2008-2015″ (Violence against lesbian women and gay men in the city of Quito, 2008-2015) by Rafael Garrido Álvarez will be presented el jueves, a las 19:00 in the Pálier...
Newly elected president of Ecuador’s Socialist Party, Enrique Ayala Mora, says Ecuador’s political left must be rebuilt from the ground up. “We have suffered considerable losses in recent years and it is time to restore the legitimacy of the socialist struggle in this country,” he said in a Monday interview following his weekend election. A...
A dog chained to the back bumper of a dump truck was dragged to its death Friday night in Cuenca. The driver, who witnesses claim was drunk at the time of the incident, was captured by bystanders and handed over to police on the Cuenca-Azogues autopista near Hospital del Río. The case is the second...
By John Keeble Soon after the last ice age, when I was a young reporter on the London Evening News, some impertinent chap suggested subverting the stiff upper lips of commuters by wearing badges declaring – my apologies for using such language – their willingness to talk on trains and buses. Handsome Hollers, my news...
By Nacha Cattan At the nightclub door, a security guard checks every bag, pocket and makeup pouch with a mini flashlight. In the bathroom, another stands watch as drug dealers sell cocaine in bags marked with skulls. That guard escorts revelers into a stall where they can snort in private. Drug gangs are ever more...
By James Bargent and Mayra Alejandra Bonilla Thousands of police and military swept through the north Ecuador district of Buenos Aires last month in an attempt to control the illegal mining boom that has ravaged the region, but it may be too late to stop the country’s criminal gold rush. On July 2, 2,400 soldiers...
Aeroregional has been cleared by the civil aviation authority to begin service to Quito Monday, August 5. The airline announced Thursday that it will offer special introductory rates during its first weeks of operation. Airline representative Jaime León says connecting service through Quito to Guayaquil will be offered if the demand supports it. Deputy Director...
Jueves,1/8/2019 Hola, Todos – Actividades – De la pagina cultural – Book drive – 200-300 children from the city and the rural communities attend the Tambo de Lectura reading program in the Semillero de Artistas in the CCE. A book drive to provide reading material for these kids will start Friday a las 16:30 in...
By Gideon Long When Richard Martínez took over as Ecuador’s finance minister in May last year, the country’s accounts were a mess. President Lenín Moreno was picking up the pieces left by the previous leftwing government, which for a decade had financed Ecuador largely through opaque loans-for-oil deals with Beijing. It was not clear how...

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The Cuenca Dispatch

Week of September 15

The Massive Blackout of September 2024.

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Getting Rid of Verónica Abad: The Conflict the Government is Racing to Resolve.

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Puerto Cabuyal: the commune that protects a marine reserve in Ecuador.

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Fund Grace News

Amazon eco lodge News