Photo-radars issue 27,000 speeding tickets, Dry season forest fires reported, Oil refinery set for restart, Old manuscripts exhibit

Aug 2, 2019 | 11 comments


Hola, Todos –

Actividades –
De la pagina cultural –

Book drive – 200-300 children from the city and the rural communities attend the Tambo de Lectura reading program in the Semillero de Artistas in the CCE. A book drive to provide reading material for these kids will start Friday a las 16:30 in the CCE theater vestibule. You can drop new or usable used childrens’ books off at the Biblioteca in the CCE, the Liberería Pálier and the Semillero de Artistas.

Teatro – “DeLirios” will show Friday a las 20:00 in the sala Alfonso Carrasco. The story is told though dance and sounds and the body. <No dialogue? You could leave your hearing aids at home.>

Forest fire fire season is begnning.

Old Manuscripts – An exhibit of hand-written documents from 3 to 5 centuries ago opened Thursday in the Museo de la Catedral Vieja and will run for 1 month. “La Iglesia Matriz de El Sagrario su adoctrinamiento y construcción” (The Mother Church of El Sagrario its indoctrination and construction) contains documents about the church, inventory books about the religious pieces in the collection, the construction of the organ, and more.

On-line publication – The CCE will present its on-line publication, “Fundamentos de paleografía” (Fundamentals of paleography) Friday a las 9:00 in the sala Alfonso Carrasco at the CCE.

Otras cosas –

Titular – 37% de multas van a empresa privada (37% of fines go to private company) – Between 1/4 & 26/7/2019, the EMOV’s 7 photo-radars issued 27,000 tickets for a total of $3,191,400. 37% of that amount goes to Traffic Safety Azuay (TSA), the concession that installed and operates the equipment which is on Ordóñez Lasso, González Suiárez, de Las Américas and the Panamericana Norte. The $4 million contract was signed in agosto, 2018 with a term of 8 years. TSA has an office at Fernando de Rojas y Primero de Mayo. You can also call 1800MULTAS (1 800 685827) (sic). Vehicle owners are notified by email and have 72 hours to contest the ticket.

Forest fires – The first forest fires in Azuay are starting to cause damage. There have been fires reported in communities in Nabón, Girón, and Cuenca this week. Avoid making bonfires, burning garbage or burning cane or matorrales (thickets, shrubbery – your word for the day) during the dry season since the winds can change quickly and carry the fire into wooded areas. So far this year there have been 60 forest fires in Azuay. In 2018, there were 538.

Park rangers – Día Mundial del Guardaparque (National Park Ranger Day) was started on 31/7/1992. It was celebrated in the Cajas yesterday with a ceremony that presented rangers with new equipment and uniforms for fighting forest fires. The kits included a jacket, pants, and ankle boots capable of resisting temperatures up to 300 C. The helmet with sun-visor is reflective and recharges with solar energy. The last item is leather gloves that can resist from 250-300 C.

MICE – Representatives from hotels, convention centers and other tourist businesses attended a workshop yesterday about a plan to make Cuenca a MICE (Meeting, Incentives, Conventions, Exhibitions) destination for businesses. The number of international tourists in Cuenca has fallen, and Ecuador will be promoting itself on social media, and exhibits at fairs and conventions as a destination for reunions and conventions.

Refinería de Esmeraldas – The refinery restarted operations yesterday after an almost $16 million maintenance project. It will start gradually at 55,000 barrels per day, 50% of its capacity; and the plan is to have it at full capacity by 8/8.

Internacional –

Venezuela – ICE included the Venezuelan Economic Vicepresident, Tarek El Aissami, in its most wanted list of fugitives, and is accusing him of international drug trafficking. <Isn’t that how it usually starts? The US criminalizes members of a government it doesn’t like, and that arc of activities eventually winds up with the bombing of the populace.>

And that’s all for today so Hasta la Próxima Semana –


Editor’s note: Jeanne’s Periodico is a translated digest of news from the Cuenca daily newspaper El Mercurio. If details, such as event dates and times, do not appear in the translation, they did not appear in the newspaper. The text between the carrots, or guillemets (< … >), is Jeanne’s personal opinion and not part of the news translation.


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