
The 18-day anti-government strike is over. At a 12:15 p.m. press conference, President of the Episcopal Catholic Conference of Ecuador, Luis Cabrera, announced that an agreement had been reached between the government and Confederation of Indigenous Nationalities. The key to the agreement, according to Cabrera, was a five-cent reduction in the price of Extra and...
President Guillermo Lasso has placed Azuay and three other provinces under a 30-day state of emergency as a result of indigenous strike disruptions and violence. The emergency rules, issued late Wednesday for Azuay, Imbabura, Sucumbíos and Orellana Provinces, include nightly curfews and the authorization of “progressive force” against violent protesters. Azuay Province Governor Matías Abad...
Miércoles, 29/6/2022 Hola, Todos – Actividades – Al migrar, el arte es terapia (When migrating, art is therapy) – There has been an art therapy program run by Marinés Cardoso for migrants in Cuenca. 24 artists and foreigners worked together for 3 weeks to explore the questions of What is home?, What is it like...
Government Minister Francisco Jiménez announced late Wednesday that President Guillermo Lasso has agreed to a proposal by the Catholic Church to resume negotiations with indigenous organizations to end the 18-day-old anti-government strike. “In order to restore tranquility to the Ecuadorian people, we have decided to accept the mediation process that the Episcopal Conference of the...
Colombian leaders must recognize how drug trafficking has penetrated the country’s culture, economy and politics and how the global war on drugs is driving its internal armed conflict, Colombia’s truth commission said on Tuesday in a long-awaited report. The commission, established as part of a 2016 peace deal between the government and the now-demobilized Revolutionary...
The Confederation of Indigenous Nationalities of Ecuador leadership said it was “shocked” by President Guillermo Lasso’s Tuesday decision to break off negotiations. “Despite this insult, we remain willing to continue the dialog for the purpose of reaching a satisfactory conclusion to the strike,” Conaie said in a statement on its Twitter account. “By breaking the...
Martes, 28/6/2022 Hola, Todos – Titular – Cuenca, “acorralada”; esperanza en diálogo (Cuenca, “cornered”; hope in dialogue) – See today’s (Tuesday) articles in CHL for the story. <Just about everything in the paper today is about the strike and the rest is public notices. So I’ll nibble around the edges and translate things that aren’t...
President Guillermo Lasso abruptly ended talks with the Confederation of Indigenous Nationalities Tuesday afternoon, blasting Conaie leader Leonidas Iza for “promoting his own political agenda” and ignoring the needs of the indigenous people. Lasso’s decision followed what he described as a “nighttime ambush” of a fuel convoy in Orellana Province that left one soldier dead...
Ecuador could suspend oil production in 48 hours if the nationwide indigenous protests and road blockades continue, the Ministry of Energy and Mines said Monday. The hydrocarbon sector was adversely affected by road blockades and the seizure of oil wells in the country’s Amazon region, Xinhua news agency quoted the Ministry as saying. “If this...
If you own car, keep it in the garage today. That was the advice of Cuenca taxi, bus and truck owners who plan to block city streets from a 5 a.m. to 5 p.m. “It will very difficult to navigate the city Tuesday since the entire transport sector will show its solidarity with the national...
Lunes, 27/6/2022 Hola, Todos – I will be taking a summer break from translating starting next week. Thursday’s post will be the last one until early September. Titular – Cuenca, aislada; salud en peligro (Cuenca, isolated; health at risk) – See today’s (Monday) article in CHL for story. Cuenca – La prevención es clave contra...
In the first day of negotiations between the government and the Confederation of Indigenous Nationalities of Ecuador, the price of  low-octane gasoline and diesel fuel dominated the agenda. Conaie President Leonidas Iza is asking for an additional 40-cent reduction in price following President Guillermo Lasso’s Sunday announcement of a 10-cent reduction. Iza also insisted that...

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The Cuenca Dispatch

Week of September 15

The Massive Blackout of September 2024.

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Getting Rid of Verónica Abad: The Conflict the Government is Racing to Resolve.

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Puerto Cabuyal: the commune that protects a marine reserve in Ecuador.

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Amazon eco lodge News

Fund Grace News