Program aims at Azuay’s plague of violence against women; Professional drivers union graduates 300; Sevilla de Oro remembers victims of 1917 landslide

Jun 28, 2022 | 2 comments

Lunes, 27/6/2022

Hola, Todos –

I will be taking a summer break from translating starting next week. Thursday’s post will be the last one until early September.

Titular –

Cuenca, aislada; salud en peligro (Cuenca, isolated; health at risk) – See today’s (Monday) article in CHL for story.

Cuenca –

Sevilla de Oro municipal officials lay the first stone of a memorial for workers who died in a 1917 landslide.

La prevención es clave contra violencia (Prevention is key against violence) – The Mesa Cantonal para la Prevención y Erradicación de la Violencia de Género contra las Mujeres (Cantonal Roundtable for the Prevention and Eradication of Gender Violence against Women – and please don’t tell me you couldn’t have figured this out for yourself.) was permanently convened this past 8/6 to address the resurgence of femicides in Azuay. Gabriela Brito, director of the Mesa Cantonal, said that there were 5 femicides in less than one month, an increase in the number of complaints filed about intrafamilial violence, multiple complaints about sexual aggression against minors in the educational system, and an increase in the number of teens and women who have disappeared. Part of the Mesa’s analysis found that prevention is a fundamental element in the fight against gender violence. The Mesa also presented the III Plan Cantonal de Cuenca para la Erradicación de la Violencia de Género 2021-2031. <Hopefully, this will save some 6 year old kids from growing up in abusive families and then reaching 16 and finding themselves abusive boyfriends to continue the cycle with.>

Sindicato de Choferes graduó a 300 conductores profesionales (Drivers Union graduates 300 professional drivers) – 300 new drivers completed training from the Sindicato de Choferes to receive Type C and E licenses, 150 for each type. Of the graduates, 55 were women. The next step is submitting the names to the Agencia Nacional de Tránsito which will review them and notify the new drivers to pick up their documents and pay the fee to ANT. The duration of the training was 6 months to get a Type B license, another 5 months to get a C or E license, and another 9 months for a first time E license. <I’m confused about the times, but I’m not trying for a professional license, so I’m not going to try to figure it out.>

Region –

Sevilla de Oro recuerda a 7 obreros (Sevilla de Oro remembers 7 workers) – A landslide on 11/7/1917 in the Rayoloma sector buried 7 workers from the Sevilla de Oro canton who were building a road to connect Azuay and Morona Santiago. The workers were part of a 15 man crew, and their bodies were never found. The Concejo Cantonal de Sevilla de Oro unanimously resolved that every 11/7 would be the Día del padre Albino del Curto and the 7 fallen workers.

Last week the first stone was laid for the padre Albino del Curto pathway project. The padre spearheaded the original road project. The pathway will connect the El Gallo sector with Rayoloma, near where the workers died. A cross bearing the names of the workers was also installed. The first commemoration will be this 10/7 with a mass, popular games, a community lunch and other surprises. <As long as the surprise isn’t another landslide.> A 92 year old nephew of one of the workers was interviewed and said he remembered his father telling him about the accident. The workers were opening the roadway with machetes and their hands, and only heard someone yelling “derrumbe,” (landslide) and then silence. He remembered that the workers named Maldonado were from La Unión, and those named López were from the Osorancho community.

And that’s all for today so hasta ? –



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