
Ecuador’s Central Bank is warning residents of the dangers of conducting business in cryptocurrencies, pointing out the volatility of digital money and that its use is illegal in Ecuador. The warning came two months after Worldcoin, a crypto project of U.S. billionaire Sam Altman, announced it was beginning operations in Ecuador. Altman, who made a...
Viernes, 16/8/2024 Hola, Todos – Actividades – Convocan a bailerinas para “El Cascanueces” (Call for dancers for “The Nutcracker”) – The Compañía de Danza de la Dirección de Cultura de la Universidad de Cuenca is calling for dancers at least 16 years old to join the cast for The Nutcracker which wil be presented el...
The El Salvador navy captured on Friday a ship in Pacific waters loaded with weapons headed for Ecuador. President Nayib Bukele tweeted that the weapons were sent by Mexican drug cartels to affiliate gangs in Ecuador. He added that the capture was one of several in recent months in which nine tons of cocaine destined...
Ecuador’s Ministry of Energy declared an emergency in Ecuador’s electricity sector Thursday, citing dropping water levels at the country’s hydroelectric generation plants. “We have entered the dry season, which means less water is available at our generation reservoirs, and today’s measure allows us to take extraordinary steps to avoid power interruptions later in the year,”...
By Juan Siliezar A new study that explores ancient temperatures and rainfall patterns in the tropical Andes of South America has revealed how 16,000 years of climate history in this part of the world was driven by carbon dioxide levels and ocean currents from global climate events. Led by Brown University researchers, the study marks...
Prosecutors in Argentina have launched an investigation into former President Alberto Fernández, who is accused of causing serious injuries to his ex-wife. Last week, former first lady Fabiola Yáñez, 43, filed a complaint accusing the 65-year-old ex-leader of beating her during their relationship, which ended after he left office in 2023. In testimony given from...
Miércoles, 14/8/2024 Hola, Todos – Actividades – Sábado de “Asado fest”, en la Feria (Saturday of “Asado fest” at the Feria) – This sábado, 17/8, “Asado fest” will be at the Feria Libre with a variety of meats and seafood cooked over charcoal. It will start at 9:00 in the platform that also serves as...
Former Manabí criminal court judge Joffre Rivera said Wednesday he was offered money in exchange for releasing gang leader Leandro Norero, alias El Patron, from prison. Testifying in the Plaga Case, Rivera also said that Cristian Romero, Norero’s attorney, also pressured him to issue rulings allowing former president Rafael Correa to return to Ecuador. Rivera,...
More than two weeks after Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro claimed reelection victory, the US and other Western countries are showing little sign of swift tough action over what many of them have condemned as voting fraud. Most governments have demanded that Venezuela’s National Electoral Council (CNE) release a full set of voting tally sheets after...
Vice President Verónica Abad has filed a political gender violence complaint against President Daniel Noboa before the Contentious Electoral Tribunal (TCE). The complaint, filed August 8, be heard by Judge Fernando Muñoz who was replaced on Monday as TCE president. Abad, who is said not to be on good terms with Noboa since before the...
The Social Christian and Democracia Sí parties announced their presidential candidates Tuesday, both expected to present strong challenges to President Daniel Noboa and Citizens Revolution’s Luisa Gonzalez in the February election. National Assembly President Henry Kronfle will represent PSC while Iván Saquicela, former president of the National Court System, was picked by Democracia Sí. National...
By Marley Markham María Amalia Matamoros found herself in a difficult position in late June 2024, when she got a message from her friend Marcos*, asking if it was possible to sell an organ for as much as $200,000. Matamoros, a Costa Rican surgeon and former president of the Latin American and Caribbean Transplant Society...

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The Cuenca Dispatch

Week of September 15

The Massive Blackout of September 2024.

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Getting Rid of Verónica Abad: The Conflict the Government is Racing to Resolve.

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Puerto Cabuyal: the commune that protects a marine reserve in Ecuador.

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