
The Russian food safety regulator, Rosselkhoznadzor, has partially banned imports of bananas from Ecuador, the world’s largest exporter of the fruit, after claiming it found dangerous pest in shipments, the agency said in a statement on its website on Friday. The ban targets five Ecuadorian exporters, and will come into force Monday, February 5. The...
Former President Rafael Correa is denouncing what he says is an attempt by Attorney General Diana Salazar to connect him to the Metastasis corruption case. He says alleged references to him in telephone conversations involving narco trafficker Leandro Norero cannot be proven. In the transcripts of 17,000 Norero phone conversations, Correa is mentioned 25 times,...
At least 110 people have been killed in Chile as forest fires rage throughout the country, with authorities warning the death toll is likely to rise. They say that hundreds remain unaccounted for. A state of emergency has been declared as coastal cities are choked in smoke and people living in central regions are forced...
A young Ecuadorian woman made history by being the first member of an indigenous community in her country to graduate from Harvard University. She is part of a new generation of migrant students of indigenous origin making their way at that institution. Amy Chalán, 22, set a precedent by being the first indigenous Kichwa Saraguro...
In a joint Ecuadorian-Colombian police operation, Henry Loaiza, alias ‘El Alacrán’, was arrested Thursday in Guayaquil. The arrest, based on a tip from the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration, is the second of a high-profile Colombian narco-trafficker in a week. Carlos Arturo Landazuri, alias “El Gringo,” leader of the Oliver Sinisterra Brigade and considered Colombia’s “most...
Viernes, 2/2/2024 Hola, Todos – Jappy Día del Groundjog. Actividades – Una feria gastronómica se organiza en San Joaquín (A gastronomic fair is being organized in San Joaquín) – San Joaquín is readying a gastronomic and entrepreneurial fair from 8 to 11/2 to celebrate 79 years of political emancipation. It will be in the area...
By Brian Winter When masked criminals in Ecuador invaded a TV station, took prison guards and police hostage and paralyzed the business capital of Guayaquil in early January, the prevailing reaction across the Americas was: Oh no, here we go again. Another country overwhelmed by organized crime. Another possible narcostate in the making. But in the...
President Daniel Noboa said Wednesday that Ecuador will begin a gradual reduction of its gasoline subsidy in May or June. He also announced plans to eliminate some government agencies and reduce the size of others. “This is essential for reducing our budget deficit and providing funding for essential services,” he said in a television interview....
–Bonus issue– Jueves, 1/2/2024 Hola, Todos – Actividades – Lectura de cuentos – On el domingo, 4/2, the Fundación Lirón Lirón will hold “Cuentos Lironeros,” a story telling event. It will be at Paccari Centro on Simón Bolívar y Juan Montalvo a las 11:00. Cost: $3.00 for children and $5.00 for adults. Titular – IVA:...
By Arthur Neslen The global extraction of raw materials is expected to increase by 60% by 2060, with calamitous consequences for the climate and the environment, according to an unpublished UN analysis seen by the Guardian. Natural resource extraction has soared by almost 400% since 1970 due to industrialization, urbanization and population growth, according to...
By Garnett Stewart Last week, in a public open-air market in Centro, the salesperson sneezed three times on her produce without trying to control her secretions. I respectfully asked her to wash her face and hands. I begged her to protect everyone’s health. I asked her not to touch the produce with dirty hands. She...
It started when former president Rafael Correa referred to current President Daniel Noboa as “short but good looking,” in a Twitter post. In a second post, Correa mentioned that Noboa speaks English “like a gringo.” Two days later, Noboa responded, mocking Correa’s strong accent and mispronunciations when he speaks English. “He is like a tv...

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The Cuenca Dispatch

Week of September 15

The Massive Blackout of September 2024.

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Getting Rid of Verónica Abad: The Conflict the Government is Racing to Resolve.

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Puerto Cabuyal: the commune that protects a marine reserve in Ecuador.

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Fund Grace News