Tax proposals go to final debate in Assembly; Lack of rain lowers hydroelectric reservoirs, rivers; City taxi cameras restored; Animal rescuers will be carded

Feb 2, 2024 | 0 comments

–Bonus issue–

Jueves, 1/2/2024

Hola, Todos –

Actividades –

Lectura de cuentos – On el domingo, 4/2, the Fundación Lirón Lirón will hold “Cuentos Lironeros,” a story telling event. It will be at Paccari Centro on Simón Bolívar y Juan Montalvo a las 11:00. Cost: $3.00 for children and $5.00 for adults.

Titular –

The National Assembly’s Economic Development Commission voted Wednesday to send tax proposals to final debate.

IVA: listo informe para debat final (IVA: report ready for final debate) – The Ley para Afrontar el Conflicto Interno will pass out of the Comisión de Desarrollo Económico committee for its 2nd debate in the full assembly. In addition to the proposal to increase the IVA from 12 to 13% permanently, there will be a temporary increase to 15% only through 2024, 25, & 26. The committee also included other proposals from the PSC and Revolución Ciudadana. The PSC proposed establishing a temporary 3.5% tax on profits on companies with taxable income in 2022 <?> which they would have until marzo, 2025 to pay.

The RC (Citizens Revolution) proposed a temporary tax on bank and cooperative earnings. It would apply to the taxable income with the 2023 income tax and include taxes from 5-15% in steps on income from $5 to $100 million, to be paid by mayo, 2024. Another proposal is to increase the ISD tax from 3.5% to 5%. See Thursday’s CHL article for more details. <I’m afraid it’s going to get debated to death and the only beneficiaries will be the narco-terrorists. Is there any way Ecuador can go after the arms manufacturers and suppliers as accessories to murders, riots and drug dealing? Extradite the Boards of Directors and upper management to Ecuador?>

According to Assembly President Henry Kronfle, a vote on a final tax package will be held Tuesday, February 6.

Cuenca –

Bajan cotas de hidroeléctricas (Hydroelectric power plant levels drop) – As of yesterday, Cuenca has had 14 days without rain which is reflected in the low water levels in its rivers. According to Rigoberto Guerrero, of the Departamento de Investigación y Monitoreo of ETAPA, this is not considered a hydrological drought. A drought would be when river flows drop to 1.2 cu. m/sec. Currently, the Inamhi weather agency has issued an alert about the heat wave. Cuenca reached 28° C (82° F.) <Ask someone from Texas or Arizona if that’s a heat wave or a balmy summer day.> It also forecasted occasional rains, especially in Cuenca, Paute, El Pan, Gualaceo & Pucará.

The lack of rain has also affected the rivers that feed the hydroelectric plants in Azuay with the levels of reservoirs behind the dams within a few meters of minimum levels. For Pablo Martínez, a biologist and professor, the lack of rain combined with the heat allows the entrance of masses of dry air that progressively decrease the humidity levels. High winds also contribute to the lack of humidity. For now, electricity service cuts will be maintained as a measure until el 29/2. <Does that mean there is no low-lying mist to feed the plants in the paramo that soak up moisture where it collects into micro-streams, then streams and finally the rivers?>

Se reinstalan las cámaras de seguridad en los taxis (Security cameras reinstalled in cabs) – The Unión de Cooperativas de Transporte en Taxi del Azuay (UCTTA) started the reinstallation and maintenance of surveillance video equipment inside taxis. Taxis that are part of the Azutaxi platform are also reinstalling security equipment. In 2013, the national government started placing security kits in buses and taxis which include cameras, panic buttons, digital video recorders, and GPS systems. These devices are connected to the ECU 911 which can attend to emergencies when the panic button is activated. The captured images are stored. <So don’t even think about mugging or stiffing your driver. In addition to 911 responders, every taxi close to your location will be there to help your driver, and they will be there before 911 gets there to rescue you. Lo he visto.>

Carnetizarán al personal de los grupos animalistas (Animal groups’ personnel will be carded) – The Comisión de Gestión Ambiental (CGA) is promoting adoption programs, an ordinance to control and register activities, and trying to stop mistreatment of animals. One proposal is to provide workers in animal rescue groups with a city ID. Technicians in the CGA ,working in conjunction with the Guardia Ciudadana, will hold training sessions prior to issuing IDs to animal rescuers. They started a campaign with foundations and shelters in enero. The program started with adoptions in the parque El Paraíso on los domingos, and the intent to include the Tarqui-Guzho and Miraflores parks. People who can’t adopt a pet for lack of space can donate food for pets at the Sunday events.

A publicity phase has started for an ordinance to control and register ativities related to the management of domestic and farm animals which would include vets, obedience schools, pet grooming, and other activities. The CGA wants to bring the ordenance to the Concejo Cantonal at the end of febrero for he 1st debate.

Una sala de exhibición dedicada a orquídeas (A showroom dedicated to orchids) – On el 6/2, Ecuagenera is opening a new ‘showroom’ (sala de exhibición – your reverse word for the day) on Gonzalo Cordero Dávila between Federico Proaño y Juan Iñiguez. A spokesman for Ecuagenera said that if you asked about orchids in Singapore, people there would know about Ecuagenera. He added that the showroom would be a place for Ecuadorians to learn about these plants. In addition to orchids, the showroom will have bromelids and aroids. For Carnaval and Valentine’s Day there will be an open house with discounts on 100’s of plants. Hours will be from 9-18:00.

And that’s all for today so hasta ? –


Editor’s note: Jeanne’s Periodico is a translated digest of news from the Cuenca daily newspaper El Mercurio. If details, such as event dates and times, do not appear in the translation, they did not appear in the newspaper (please don’t ask her for them). If information is incorrect, it is the responsibility of El Mercurio. The text between the carrots, or guillemets (< … >), is Jeanne’s personal opinion and not part of the news translation.


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