
By Alexander Busch In August last year, contract killers shot and killed Ecuadorian presidential candidate Fernando Villavicencio. He had previously denounced links between the Los Choneros drug gang and top judicial, military and political figures – and revealed that he had received death threats. Shortly afterward he was dead. The Los Choneros gang is said...
President Daniel Noboa announced Monday that a “traffic light” system is being developed to apply curfew hours and other emergency restrictions based on local security conditions. “This will allow a return to normal life in cantons with low levels of criminal gang activity,” he said in a Teleamazonas interview. He said the new system will...
Lunes, 22/1/2024 Hola, Todos – Titular – No todos regresan a clases presenciales hoy (Not all return to in-person classes today) – Not all schools are returning to in-person classes after Friday’s announcement by the Ministerio de Educación. Principals from both public (fiscales) and private (particular) schools informed parents that their school would continue with...
Plans for a global pandemic preparedness agreement risk falling apart amid wrangling and disinformation, according to the chief of the World Health Organization, who has warned that future generations “may not forgive us”. Shaken by the Covid-19 pandemic, the WHO’s 194 member states decided more than two years ago to start negotiating an international accord aimed at...
By Dina Fine Maron  We’re living much longer than our ancestors, but is that always a good thing? With many people living well into our late 70s or beyond, more of us are also spending a greater portion of our lives—sometimes a decade or more—saddled with physical and mental health conditions that can make it...
A U.S. government delegation arrived early Monday in Quito to meet with President Daniel Noboa, the National Police and military command, and others, to provide assistance in Ecuador’s fight against drug gangs. The delegation is headed by former U.S. Senator Christopher Dodd, who currently serves as U.S. Presidential Advisor for the Americas. The group also...
By Cheyanne Daniels A new analysis has found that minority Americans will make up the majority of the nation’s population by 2050. Using data from the American Community Survey, Collage Group found that since 2021, America’s multicultural population has increased by nearly 4 million. About 192.2 million white Americans make up about 58 percent of...
By Stephen Vargha Pizza is one of the most popular foods in the world. It is the most favorite takeaway dish worldwide according to the French producers of Maestrella mozzarella cheese. Worldwide, it is estimated that pizza generates over $132 billion annually. Every year, people consume around five billion pizzas. That includes Primitivo Pizzeria y...
By Gerrit De Vynck On a dark Friday evening in November, three people scaled a fence in the sprawling North Sea port of Antwerp, pulled knives on customs workers and forced them to open a confiscated container. Security officials say the assailants knew exactly what they’d find. Inside, tucked among animal skins, were bricks of...
Viernes, 19/1/2024 Hola, Todos – Actividades – Agenda cultural – 20/1, 9:00 – Guided tour – Museo de la Paja Toquilla. 21/1, 14:30 – Workshop – Making paper masks – Ex Escuela Central. 22/1, 14:30 – Workshop – Making notebooks – Centro Cultural Los Eucaliptos. 23/1, 1500 – Reading meeting – Casa del Artista. De...
President Gustavo Petro acknowledged Wednesday that part of the international drug trade has moved from Colombia to Ecuador, saying it reflects “changing market conditions in the United States and Europe.” In interviews with German and Dutch news services, Petro said a major geographical shift is underway in the market. “Today, parts of Ecuador have higher...
By Paul Constance Among demographers, 2023 will be remembered as the year Brazil “shrank” by almost 5 million people. A new census put the country’s population at 203 million people — well below the 208 million previously estimated by Brazil’s national statistics institute, and even further from the 216 million calculated by the United Nations....

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The Cuenca Dispatch

Week of September 15

The Massive Blackout of September 2024.

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Getting Rid of Verónica Abad: The Conflict the Government is Racing to Resolve.

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Puerto Cabuyal: the commune that protects a marine reserve in Ecuador.

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Amazon eco lodge News