
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky met with Ecuador President Daniel Noboa Sunday in Buenos Aires following the inauguration of Argentina President Javier Milei. “President Daniel Noboa and I discussed the possibilities of developing bilateral cooperation between Ukraine and Ecuador,” Zelensky said. “Specifically, we talked about building relationships in the fields of security, digitalization, trade and agriculture....
Although more tourists are returning to Ecuador following the Covid-19 pandemic, crimes against tourists have dropped sharply since 2021. According to the National Police, there were 4,391 reported crimes against tourists through November, down sharply from the 5,685 reported in the same period of 2022. In 2021, there were 6,903 crimes against touristsd. The most...
Pink Floyd founder and political activist Roger Waters played to a full house, including thousands from Cuenca, at Quito’s Atahualpa Olympic stadium Saturday night. The concert was the final stop of the “This is not a drill” tour, and Waters said it would be his last performance in Latin America. Featuring the customary visual effects...
By Stephen Vargha The visitors are back! It could be one reason why Cuenca recently was recognized by the country as a “Rincón Mágico del Ecuador” (Magic Corner of Ecuador). “Rincón Mágico del Ecuador is part of a bigger program for all of Ecuador,” said María Rosa Aguirre. “It is based on an area’s charm,...
United States ambassador to Ecuador Michael Fitzpatrick claimed Thursday that illegal drug money is being laundered through Ecuadorian football teams. He made the statement at the Universidad de las Américas during a commemoration of the 20th anniversary of the United Nations Convention against Corruption. “Due to their financial influence, criminal actors are taking advantage of...
Viernes, 8/12/2023 Hola, Todos – Titular – Histórica sequía hidrológica (Historic hydrological drought) – Cuenca has completed 100 days of drought with river flows at unprecedented lows. The rivers with their normal and current flows (in cubic meters per second) follows: Tomebamba – 6.5/1.01, Yanuncay – 6.0/1.43, Tarqui – 3.5/1.03, and Machángara – 4.5/3.79. The...
Electricity blackouts could be extended through February 2024, says Energy Minister Andrea Arrobo. “We hope this is not necessary, but it is important that we are honest with the public and that people understand the severity of the situation,” she said. Arrobo added that statements by the outgoing government that blackouts would end in mid-December...
Author’s note: The is the fourth and final article of a three-part series about medical marijuana. By Garnett Stewart In the last three installments, we examined and discussed various elements of taking medicinal marijuana (MMJ). Anything consumed can be dangerous. Medical marijuana must be used with caution and wisdom. Individual decisions taken deliberately can be highly...
The United States announced Tuesday that it would conduct military flight operations within Guyana as part of routine joint operations, as Britain and Brazil expressed concerns about growing border tensions between Guyana and Venezuela. The long-running spat over the oil-rich Essequibo region, which is being heard by the international court of justice (ICJ), escalated over...
Miércoles, 6/12/2023 Hola, Todos – Sorry all, but this is a long issue following a long issue so I’m very tired. I’m not proofreading anything. You’ll have to take the typos with the news. Actividades – Concierto – The Casa de la Cultura Núcleo del Cañar will present a concert honoring Cuenca for being a...
Although it was widely criticized by his opponents during the election campaign, President Daniel Noboa insists his plan to send prison ships and barges out sea is a practical short-term solution to Ecuador’s prison crisis. “Prison ships are being used successfully all over the world, so this is not a crazy idea,” he said in...
Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination and life to everything. –– Plato By Steven Chasson A year ago Karla Sanchez, Director of the Grace Foundacion (Give Refugees a Chance) of Cuenca, started a dream to help refugee children in Cuenca. As a refugee from Venezuela herself,...

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The Cuenca Dispatch

Week of September 15

The Massive Blackout of September 2024.

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Getting Rid of Verónica Abad: The Conflict the Government is Racing to Resolve.

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Puerto Cabuyal: the commune that protects a marine reserve in Ecuador.

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Fund Grace News

Amazon eco lodge News