
By Carol E. Leutner When I chose Cuenca, Ecuador as my retirement home in 2015, I didn’t consider whether it would be a good place to write. Cuenca checked all my boxes — location, climate, cost of living, a language I’d studied, and medical resources. A place to write wasn’t on the list. Perhaps in...
By Anna Bawden Consuming large amounts of ultra-processed food, especially drinks containing artificial sweeteners, is associated with a higher risk of depression, research has found. Despite extensive data linking ultra-processed food with physical ill health, such as strokes, heart attacks and raised blood pressure, this is the first large study to suggest that consuming ultra-processed...
By Alexandra Valencia Ecuadorians go to the polls on Sunday to choose between a young centrist promoting economic development to provide opportunity for the country’s young people and another pledging a return to leftist social programs designed by a former president two decades ago. Banana industry heir Daniel Noboa, 35, has led polling since the...
Viernes, 13/10/2023 Hola, Todos – Actividades – Agenda Cultural – 13/10, 19:00 – Exposición – Fotografía hecha a mano (Handmade photography) <Do they mean you don’t need a camera?> – Casa de la Lira. 14/10, 16:00 – Cine – All Tomorrow’s Parties – Casa de las Posadas. 16/20, 14:00 – Capacitación – Taller con telgopor,...
By Zeke Hausfather Staggering. Unnerving. Mind-boggling. Absolutely gobsmackingly bananas. As global temperatures shattered records and reached dangerous new highs over and over the past few months, my climate scientist colleagues and I have just about run out of adjectives to describe what we have seen. Data from Berkeley Earth released on Wednesday shows that September...
A 260-seat passenger jet is on the way to Tel Aviv to bring home Ecuadorians stranded in Israel by the war against Hamas. According to President Guillermo Lasso, 140 Ecuadorians have been able to leave the country on other flights but at least 200 remain. Most scheduled air service to Tel Aviv has been suspended...
Author’s note: Many subjects will be covered in this four-article series about thyroid health and healthy metabolism. In Part 1, we covered iodine requirements, associated drugs, self-care, medical and home treatment, and medical repercussions are covered. Although it is hard to cover every piece of information, a broad overview will be provided in each section. Low thyroid...
Evo Morales ruled Bolivia for 14 years and along with Brazil’s Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva and Venezuela’s Hugo Chavez was part of a wave of leftist leaders who reshaped the region’s politics. He’s now intent on running for president again. With the announcement that he will be a candidate in 2025, Morales is seeking...
With all attention focused on Sunday’s election of a new president, the announcement by the National Electoral Commission that President Guillermo Lasso could remain in office weeks longer than expected has received little notice. The CNE originally predicted a new government would take office in November but now says it may be as late as...
Miércoles, 4/10/2023 Hola, Todos – Actividades – Antología rememora obra de fotógrafos cuencanos (Anthology commemorates the work of Cuencanan photographers) – Mañana (jueves) there will be a book launch for “Antología de la fotografía cuencana en los siglos XX y XXI.” The photos were studied and selected by photographer and researcher Gabriela Parra. The book...
By Michael Stott Transnational criminal gangs have become such a serious problem in Latin America that they are damaging the region’s overall economic performance, according to a top IMF official. Rodrigo Valdés, the fund’s western hemisphere director, said governments in the region needed to work together to fight the illegal groups, whose activities — including...
Amid charges of “dirty tricks,” Luisa González and Daniel Noboa conclude their campaigns for the presidency at midnight Friday, when a quiet period goes into effect before Sunday’s runoff election. In the final days of the campaign, the campaigns are blaming each other for a rash of “fake news” and disinformation. On Tuesday, González continued...

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The Cuenca Dispatch

Week of September 15

The Massive Blackout of September 2024.

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Getting Rid of Verónica Abad: The Conflict the Government is Racing to Resolve.

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Puerto Cabuyal: the commune that protects a marine reserve in Ecuador.

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Amazon eco lodge News