
Viernes, 18/8/2023 Hola, Todos – This is a special issue for those of you who are planning to vote or are interested in the voting process here. I’m having computer problems so there probably won’t be another post until Saturday or the usual Monday post. I’m going to send this now before my computer crashes...
By Sandra Beaumont It’s been a cold night. I can’t control the shivering that wracks my body. My bones ache as I pull myself from the hollow that’s been home for the last few months. I stretch, first one way, then the other, easing cramped muscles. I need to move. It’s time to leave. The...
In an agreement signed Wednesday, the United States will provide equipment, training and funding to assist the Ecuadorian Air Force track and intercept aircraft suspected of transporting illegal drugs. Although the Foreign Ministry has not released an official estimate, U.S. sources believe that as much as 25% of illegal drugs arrive in Ecuador by air....
“It’s the most important issue on the ballot,” says environmentalist David Fajardo, referring to the referendum question that could end oil production in Yasuní National Park. “All the attention is on the presidential race, but the Yasuní question will ultimately have a much bigger impact,” he says. “The people elected Sunday will only be in...
By Genevieve Glatsky and José María León Cabrera When Europe’s busiest port recently announced the discovery of nearly nine tons of cocaine hidden in a shipment of bananas — its biggest-ever seizure of illegal narcotics — it included a detail that was no longer surprising. The shipment had come not from Colombia or Peru, Latin America’s largest cocaine...
By Lucia Diaz Madurga The ancient inhabitants of the Andes believed that no important activity would prosper if it was not accompanied by coca. In the indigenous worldview, the coca leaf is what makes human activities sacred. It is what blesses the land and the crops, the food that provides energy and vitality to carry...
The National Electoral Council (CNE) approved the presidential candidacy of journalist Christian Zurita Wednesday night. His application to replace the murdered Fernando Villavicencio was approved unanimously after an objection by the Citizen Revolution party was thrown out. Zurita was a close friend and colleague of Villavicencio, collaborating with Villavicencio on more than a dozen investigative...
Miércoles, 16/8/2023 Hola, Todos – Actividades – Actividades en casas patrimoniales (Activities in heritage houses) – Art and music have been scheduled for 2 patrimonial houses. At the Casa de las Posadas (Calles Baltazara de Calderón y Octavio Cordero), there will be guided tours on the 17 & 19/8 to see the show “Del caos...
By Leita Hulmes It’s 6:30 in the morning and everyone is excited. The truck from Hearts of Gold has arrived in Esmeraldas! These are just some of the volunteers who showed up to help unload the truck. Hearts of Gold wants to extend thanks to all those who have donated so much to the victims...
Candidates for the presidency and National Assembly are taking special safety precautions in the final week of campaigning for the August 20 election. Most candidates are avoiding large rallies, focusing on small gatherings and television and radio interviews. The emphasis on security follows the last week’s assassination of presidential candidate Fernando Villavicencio, as well as...
The unprecedented violence shaking Ecuador has claimed the life of another political leader, bringing the number of politics-related killings in the last four weeks to three, including that of a presidential candidate. The fatal shooting of Pedro Briones a organiser for Citizen Revolution, the party of the former president Rafael Correa, was confirmed by Luisa González,...
Lunes, 14/8/2023 Hola, Todos – Titular – Debate: ataques y propaganda (Debate: attacks and propaganda) – See today’s (lunes) CHL for story. <At least the candidates stayed at their respective lecterns and didn’t wander around the stage. There was a countdown clock which changed color at 10 seconds and then started beeping at 5 seconds....

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The Cuenca Dispatch

Week of September 15

The Massive Blackout of September 2024.

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Getting Rid of Verónica Abad: The Conflict the Government is Racing to Resolve.

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Puerto Cabuyal: the commune that protects a marine reserve in Ecuador.

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Amazon eco lodge News