Military conducts weapons, ammo searches; Citizen assemblies are convened; Presidential debate was well-mannered; Botanical garden adds lighting

Aug 15, 2023 | 0 comments

Lunes, 14/8/2023

Hola, Todos –

Titular –

Debate: ataques y propaganda (Debate: attacks and propaganda) – See today’s (lunes) CHL for story. <At least the candidates stayed at their respective lecterns and didn’t wander around the stage. There was a countdown clock which changed color at 10 seconds and then started beeping at 5 seconds. At 0 time left, the candidate’s mike was turned off. Most of the time, most of the candidates completed their answers and questions with a few seconds left. The monitor also stopped the clock a few times to tell a candidate to address the issue or answer the questions and not give a canned campaign speech on a different topic. All in all, a politer and more civilized debate than US debates.> If you weren’t able to see the debate, it’s on

Cuenca –

The Cuenca Bontanical Gardens, at the confluence of the Rios Yanuncay and Targqui, has added lighting for nighttime visits. (El Mercurio)

Jardín Botánico amplía servicios e iluminación (Botanical Garden expands services and lighting) – Since the weekend, the Jardín Botánico de Cuenca has night lighting. Visits are free for the whole family. Walks start at 19:00 and you can learn about the diversity of plants in the garden as well as about the conservation of the region’s native plants. Also, a space has been set up for the sale of organic products.

Rigen desvíos ante obras de asfaltado en Av. España (Detours are in force due to paving projects on España Ave.) – The Dirección Municipal de Obras Públicas (Municipal Public Works Department) is laying asphalt on av. España. Currently they are milling the street in the stretch between av. Gil Ramírez Dávalos and the last tranvía stop in the Parque Industrial. Drivers are urged to take precautions when in the area. Tranvía riders should also be careful.

Hoy comienzan asambleas para definir el presupuesto (Assemblies to define the budget begin today) – From today until 28/8, the city is convening citizens’ assemblies in the parishes. The first was Yanuncay today, with the San Sebastián Parish tomorrow, and pasado mañana (day after tomorrow – your phrase for the day. <I never knew there was a phrase for that so I could have been using it instead of stumbling around trying to explain, “Not tomorrow but the day following tomorrow.”>) the assembly will be in El Vecino. The assemblies end on the 28th with the 4 parishes in San Blas. In these meetings, citizens can give input so that their needs can be budgeted into the 2024 budget which should be established by diciembre, 2023. <So if you want street signs, or potholes filled, or more police on the streets, this is your opportunity.>

Sucesos –

De El Mercurio del domingo, 13/8 (1 article):
Control en las calles (Control in the streets) – <This item is for all of you who were wondering why the streets were full of soldiers this weekend.> There were military controls in Cuenca on la noche del 11/8 and madrugada (early morning) del 12/8 to control for arms, ammunition, and explosives in different sectors of the city. The objective was to fight crime in Azuay during the national State of Emergency. The control was by the Tercera División de Ejército Tarqui (Third Army Division Tarqui) through its Grupo de Artillería Lanzadores Múltiples 80 Calderón (80 Calderón Multiple Launcher Artillery Group). <If the order of the words is wrong, I have no idea of how to describe military groups.>

Region –

Peregrinación será el 23 de agosto (Pilgrimage will be on August 23) – The annual pilgrimage of the Virgen de El Cisne will be from miércoles, 23/8 to el sábado, 26/8. The walk will begin el 23/8 from the Santuario de la Virgen de El Cisne to the San Pedro de la Bendita sector. On the 24th, it will leave from San Pedro de la Bendita to Catamayo. The Virgen will stay in Catamayo until el 26 when the pilgrimage continues to the City of Loja. The image is expected to arrive in the city after 16:00 for a procession to the Cathedral of Loja. <Looks like the Paco’s Blues Band bus to Vilcabamba is going to travel on the Virgen’s rest day in Catamayo. I don’t know how many hours a pilgrimage would add to a Cuenca-Vilcabamba drive.>

Nacional –

CNE descarta una infracción de Construye (CNE rules out a violation by Construye) – Even though Construye had planned to register Christian Zurita yesterday, it would have been difficult for him to be immediately qualified by the CNE. Construye was fearful of Zurita being sanctioned for not participating in the presidential debate. Diana Atamaint, president of the CNE pointed out that since Villvicencio had not been legally replaced, there was no electoral infraction since at the time of the debate, Construye did not have an official candidate. .

Descuentos y compras –

Juan Eljuri – Savings fair, up to 70% off at the OUTLET (Ordóñez Lasso 19-350, Cruz de Balzay sector). From 24-31/8, lunes a domingo.

Juan Eljuri – El mes de Constructor with discounts up to 25%. (Av. Gil Ramírez Dáalos 5.32 y Armenillas & Ordóñez Lasso 10-350), www.eljuristore or order at 098 721 0843 for home delivery.

And that’s all for today so hasta ? –


Editor’s note: Jeanne’s Periodico is a translated digest of news from the Cuenca daily newspaper El Mercurio. If details, such as event dates and times, do not appear in the translation, they did not appear in the newspaper (please don’t ask her for them). If information is incorrect, they are the responsibility of El Mercurio. The text between the carrots, or guillemets (< … >), is Jeanne’s personal opinion and not part of the news translation.


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