Everything you need to know about Sunday’s election; Campaign ‘quiet period’ and the election ‘dry law’ are in effect

Aug 19, 2023 | 0 comments

Viernes, 18/8/2023

Hola, Todos –

This is a special issue for those of you who are planning to vote or are interested in the voting process here. I’m having computer problems so there probably won’t be another post until Saturday or the usual Monday post. I’m going to send this now before my computer crashes again.
Titular –

Elecciones entran en días decisivos (Elections enter decisive days) – See 2 articles below in Elecciones section.

Elecciones –

On Sunday, voters will receive four color-coded ballots.

Una guía para día de comicios (A guide for election day) – On voting day, domingo, 20/8, Azuayan voters will receive 4 ballots. The brown one one is to pick a presidential and vice-presidential team. The sky blue on is to pick the 5 representatives from Azuay for the Asamblea Nacional (National Assembly). The purple one is to pick 15 national assembly members <at-large representatives?>. The green <Was someone at CNE making a joke about the ballot color and the issue?> one is on the consulta popular (referendum). The question on the referendum is, “¿Está usted de acuerdo en que el Gobierno ecuatoriano mantenga el crudo del ITT, conocido como Bloque 43, indefinidamente en el subsuelo?” (Do you agree that the Ecuadorian government should keep ITT crude oil, known as Block 43, underground indefinitely?)

In Azuay there are 55 Assembly candidates from 4 political movements, 1 party, and 5 alliances who have been qualified by the CNE. In this election, voters need to vote by lists. You should make only one line in the box that’s at the beginning of each list. If you don’t mark it this way, your vote will be registered as cancelled or blank. You don’t have the option of picking candidates from different lists as you could in previous election.

There are 271 polling stations in rhe province with 1,982 Juntas Receptoras del Voto (JRV – Vote reception boards). There will be 2 ballot boxes, one white and one brown. The voter should deposit the presidential ballot in the white box. and the provincial assembly ballots, the national assembly ballots <at-large members?>, and the referendum ballots in the brown box.

You can vote with an expired cédula. If you are required to vote and don’t, the fine will be 10% of the SBU or $45. You will need to pay the fine in order to get a certificado de votación <which you will need to do government business and some private business>. There are tables to serve people with disabilities, seniors, and pregnant women <If there are any pregnant men, just look for the table with all the news outlets crowded around it.> Hours are from 7-17:00. 4 businesses and one individual have been authorized to conduct exit polls outside the polling places. Qualified pollsters can broadcast survey results after 17:00, but only election officials can give the official results.

Ley seca y silencio y electoral (Prohibition and silence electoral law) – As of today (18/8), the dry law comes into effect and will last until 12:00, lunes, 21/8. Whoever infringes on this law will be fined $225 (50% of the Salario Básico Unificado – SBU). Campaigning is also prohibited during this period, with a $225 fine for violators. The same fine applies to anyone carrying arms and voting.

And that’s all for today so hasta ? –




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