Louis Bourgeois
The culmination of our 3-part series focuses on our relationship with the world. Released from the bondage of the past and the future, we now focus on the meaning of life itself. The key to the meaning of life is simplicity itself. I use the term “singularity,” but not in the way commonly described by...
Author’s note: This is the second of a 3-part series. Following our First Face of Freedom, Freedom from the Past, our second is integrally connected to the first. Essentially an unhealed past requires a future. This is the ego at work, where denial and projection are the fundamental defensive tools it uses. A case in...
Author’s note: This is the first part of a 3-part series. The keystones in the foundation of personal happiness are forgiveness and gratitude. For those of us over 70, the vast majority of our lives is our past. How we enjoy the last chapters of our lives depends fully on how we have chosen to...
Reflecting as I do, especially on my 71st birthday, about life, the evolution of consciousness, and the path of mastery, I appreciate what has manifested around me. I began my search for this perfect paradise some 20 years ago. Eventually my search led me to the Andean highlands of Ecuador. As a Taoist, my definition...
By Louis Bourgeois I have learned over a lifetime of study and experience a most valuable lesson. This is about our function, which translates to the all-important “meaning of life.” I was quite young when I had my first “encounter” with God. I actually had no belief in said entity, being a typical young intellectual,...
I predicted in early 2019 that by the end of that year “the event” would begin. This event, as described to me by another who possesses a similar ability to see outside the box, would last 12-13 years and would see a radical transformation in our world. I took this information to heart, and I...
Editor’s note: This is Part 1 of a five-part series and focuses on “Freedom from the Past.” Part 2, on Friday, considers “Freedom from the Future.” At the tender age of 17 I received an appointment to the U.S. Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs, Colorado. Less than a week after graduating from high school...
It was interesting that last year, a few weeks before the lockdown would begin in mid-March, I had decided to leave my paradise in Jadan as little as possible. Luckily for me I am married to a Cuencana who cherishes her time with her tribal clan so she was happy to be the sole shopper...
I have been pondering this essay for quite some time, well before the current global crisis began. I have been living in paradise for the past 18 months, and I have witnessed quite an interesting phenomenon during this time. Those who have come to visit our eco resort are filled with a sense of awe;...
We welcomed a new member to our intentional community at the Oasis this week. Marilyn is a very bright light and we are delighted to have her join our family. Her donation to the community will support us in completing our current upgrade to our farming and animal husbandry program, that we might take a...
By Louis Bourgeois I am being called this morning to begin writing in earnest, as we collectively “cocoon” around the world. In my writing as Sun King, I speak from a “place” that I call the energy body. I encourage any who are reading this post to accept that we have three aspects of our...
I was down at my quebrada (mountain stream) working to rebuild a stone wall that recent rains had washed away. I could have been annoyed that hundreds of hours of my work had been erased in a matter of a few days, the river rising to great heights. But I have learned a valuable lesson...