Azuay Community Theater to hold open auditions for ‘The Waverly Gallery’
Open auditions will be held for Azuay Community Theater’s production of “The Waverly Gallery,” by Kenneth Lonergan, on Tuesday, June 18, from 1 to 3 pm, at the theater at 14-48 Antonio Vega Muñoz (between Estévez de Toral and Coronel Tálbot).
No appointments will be necessary, those interested in auditioning can just show up at 1 pm to read from the script.
Performance dates are August 14 through August 18 in the afternoons.
About the play
Described as a “dramedy”, the play explores family dynamics as one of their own slowly fades away. Set in New York City from 1989 to 1991, Gladys is about to lose her “gallery” that has few customers. What will the family do with her? How do they keep from driving each other crazy?
(The play is divided into two acts and eleven scenes. The number of scenes each actor appears in is shown below.)
Gladys Green: Elderly. A former lawyer and Greenwich Village activist, now runs a small art gallery. Growing increasingly deaf and showing signs of dementia. Described as extraordinarily garrulous, immensely charming and a relentless talker. (10)
Daniel Reed: Her grandson. Major role. Interacts frequently with Gladys and also acts as narrator, talking directly to the audience. (10)
Ellen Fine: Gladys’ daughter and Daniel’s mother. Psychiatrist (8)
Howard Fine: Ellen’s husband, Daniel’s stepfather. Also a psychiatrist (5)
Don Bowman: A painter from Massachusetts, age indeterminate (5)
Audition sides available upon request to Bob Fry, director, at
Please contact the director if the above audition time does not work for you. Alternate arrangements may be made.