Back to school, Vendors banned from city buses, High rate of local wild fires, Traditional games

Sep 5, 2017 | 0 comments

Lunes, 4/9/2017

Hola, Todos –

Pagina cultural –

Upcoming and ongoing agenda events –

VIII Festival “Arte Calle 2017” – The 8th <just in case there’s someone out there who never learned or has forgotten Roman numerals> International Street Art Festival will start el domingo with groups from Colombia, Ecuador, Cuba, Argentina y Venezuela performing at various open spaces in Cuenca.

Arte en Pucurá – Theater artists interested in participating in the “II Festival Internacional de Artes Escénicas de Pucará” need to enter by el viernes. Get a registration form from or

Cómic – “El arte de cómic” (The art of comic), organized by “One Coworkin,” will be 23/9 from 9-17:00. You can learn fundamental techniques to improve your drawing (figures, perspective, light and shade, and color).

Articles about –

Theater, art & science – “La Jornada sobre Oralidad y Docencia: Los cuentos y la ciencia” (Session on Orality and Teaching: The stories and science) started Monday in multiple locations. Tuesday, sessions in Turi will start at 9:00 with students, professors and youth sharing their works and experiences.

Traditional games – The Yantzaza <Typing that name feels very strange – whenever have you typed 4 consecutive letters all with your pinkie?> canton in Morona Santiago had their first Provincial Tourism Fair el sábado anterior which included an orchid fair.

Max Berrú – This musician from Ecuador has been living in Chile since 1962 when he went to see the World Cup. <And evidently just stayed.> He joined the Inti Illimani, famous for the message in their songs. Max was part of the group for 30 years including 15 in exile in Europe during the Pinochet dictatorship. His new group, “Max Berrú y los Insubornables” performed in el Cemuart last viernes.

Otras Cosas –

Titular – Es hora de volver a las aulas (It’s time to go back to class) – The new school year in the Sierra-Amazon started today. A contingency transit plan will be implemented for the return to classes. School started today for the 1st-3d levels of “bachillerato” (high school – not college.), mañana will be the 8-10th years of primary school, miércoles the 5-7th years, jueves the 2-4th years, and el viernes “los pequeños” (the little ones) in their first year of primary.

Forest fires – From 2013-2016, 7,090 hecares were burned in Cuenca with 5 cantons the most affected. Biodiversity is affected by the fires. Animals that fled can’t return, they go in search of food and affect other ecosystems. It takes about 30 years for a burned area to recover. <A map shows the cantons with the most forest fires and it’s a line following the spine of the Andes from Perú to Colombia.> In Azuay the most susceptible cantons are Cuenca, Pucará, Oña, Nabón y Sígsig.

Vendors on buses – After the Cámara de Transport de Cuenca decided to ban vendors on urban buses, the vendors have started to sell on intercantonal and interprovincial buses. Last jeuves, Chamber representatives started distributing the stickers prohibiting selling on the buses.

Business page – The main article is about payroll deductions employers must pay.

Descuentos y compras –

Fiat – 500X SUV from $35,990 incl. IVA – MaresaCenter av. España y Elia Liut (airport redondel) (07) 2808 901.

McDonalds – 3 kinds of extra meat sandwiches for $2.99.

And that´s all for today so Hasta Mañana –



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