Big nativity scene displayed at the Old Cathedral; More roadwork on Cajas highway; Cuencanos mask up as flu cases rise; Christmas dinner options

Dec 10, 2022 | 16 comments

Viernes, 9/12/2022
Hola, Todos –

Actividades –

El pesebre de 2,000 piezas de Martha Coronel (Martha Coronel’s 2,000-piece Nativity Scene) – Martha Coronel’s Nativity Scene can be seen in the Coronel de Mora chapel in the Catedral Vieja until the beginning of enero. She can’t remember when she bought the first figurine, but this is the first year that she has set it up outside of her own house. In addition to the Nativity, the figures and settings depict fiestas celebrated in the towns and showing people from yesteryear. The whole exhibit is divided into spaces and levels. On the lowest level are the characters in the Pase del Niño with floats, the cholas, the believers, priests, and musicians. <I wonder if it includes the horses draped in fruit, candy and liquor bottles?>

Martha Coronel’s Nativity Scene can be seen in the Coronel de Mora chapel in the Catedral Vieja until the beginning of enero. The display includes 2,000 pieces are represents scenes from Ecuador. (El Mercurio)

The highest level has the churches, mercados (including a mercado food court), parks, and rural scenes. There are also sections representing the best known fiestas in Ecuador such as El Diablo Huma from the Saragurans and Otavaleños and the Mamá Negra. Martha Coronel said she enjoys the folklore of the country and the village festivals, so she includes them in her Nativity Scene. There are also 3 paintings of the amanecer, atardecer, y un anochecer (sunrise, sunset, and dusk – 3 words of the day – Merry Christmas, you can regift them if you want) that accompany the pesebre. The paintings show the rivers of Cuenca, its architecture, and the rocío de la mañana (morning dew – bonus words <I never knew Rocío had a meaning beyond someone’s name.>).

Titular – 

Mascarilla es obligatoria otra vez ante contagios (Mask is mandatory again to prevent contagion) – <Just in case you were wondering why there seem to be more Cuencanos wearing masks again.> Due to the increase of respiratory cases, the Comité de Operaciones de Emergencia (COE) is requiring use of masks in closed spaces. The announcement was made 2 days ago. There is a ordinance in effect in Cuenca requiring use of masks at public events and closed spaces. It includes a fine of 25% of the SBU <you an divide $450 by 4 on your own> for not complying. On the Tranvía, most riders have returned to mask wearing and conductors are authorized to insist that riders comply with the COE resolution. On the buses, most passengers were wearing masks, and those that refused, were rebuked by fellow passengers. <I can imagine those who obnoxiously refuse to comply getting thrown off the bus by other passengers.>

Cuenca – 

Un abanico de opciones para la cena navideña (A range of options for Christmas dinner) – Traditional options for Christmas dinner include turkey, ham, and suckling pig with side dishes. There are places that will roast these meats for the Christmas Eve dinner with the cost depending on your order and number to be served. Martha Molina has been offering this service for 20 years at Isabela La Católica and Loja. She said small turkeys between 5 & 6 kilos will serve 20, and a larger one of 15 kilos will serve 40. <The question is do you have enough plates, forks, etc. to serve 40?> The price of a raw turkey ranges from $4.00 to $4.50/kilo and the cost of roasting a bird or a ham including a plum, maracuyá, or mushroom sauce varies from $20-$25. Lourdes Armijos also prepares turkeys and hams along with side dishes with the cost depending on the order. The cost to prepare a stuffed turkey is $50. Her location is on Av. Loja y Nicolás de Rocha.

Martha Molina has been baking holiday turkeys for Cuencanos for 20 years. She says small turkeys between, 5 and 6 kilos, will serve 20, while larger ones, up to 15 kilos. will serve 40. (El Mercurio)

Las propuestas de los restaurantes (Restaurant offerings) – Restaurants are offering turkey, suckling pig, and ham along with starters, side dishes, garnishes and desserts for Christmas dinner at a varying prices. At “El Gaucho,” there are the traditional main dishes with sauces and vegetables, tropical salad <is that shredded lettuce, with tomato and onion?>, and sesame rice. The price per person including a beverage is $24. At “LaMaría,” prices range from $20 to $35. A starter of 2 langostinos in neapia sauce, hummus, crunchy quinua and sorrel; the main dish of turkey in Cumberland sauce, pork tenderloin in coconut curry, and salad; and a dessert of chocolate cake, cocoa honey, and ice cream costs $35 plus IVA.

Region – 

Habilitan paso por variante y Sayausí (Passage through bypass and Sayausí enabled) – As of today, MTOP opened the vía Cuenca-Molleturo-El Empalme at km. 7 in Sayausí, and the bypass at km. 49. In Sayausí, the community sewer that threatened the one functioning lane was replaced. MTOP is continuing the work of placing fill to recover the other lane which failed. The bypass at km. 49 will be in service for about 5 months to allow slope stabilization which is at 43% completion. Vehicles up to 6 tons can use the bypass. Anything heavier needs to take the Biblián-Zhud route to Guayas.

And that’s all for today so hasta ? –



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