Big rig goes over cliff in Cajas, New animal shelter to be built, Cuenca symphony opens new season

Jan 5, 2018 | 0 comments

Jueves, 4/1/2018

Hola, Todos –

Pagina cultural –

Upcoming and ongoing agenda events –

Exhibición – “Ucuyayas: Esculturas sagradas de los Yachay de Narrío” (Ucuyayas: Sacred sculptures of the Yachay de Narrío) by Riardo Montesinos is showing in the Salón del Pueblo of the CCE. The show contains sculpture, ceramics and painting.

Taller – A workshop on “Conciencia Física” (Physical Awareness) started hoy and will run hasta 29/1, lunes a viernes, a las 7-8:30 at the Centro Cultural Atrapasueños (calle Juan Bautista Vázquez 4-131). The workshop is designed to protect the body against injuries, to have good posture, and to have the awareness to get into and hold balance or contortionist poses. <And how is any of that – particularly a start time of 7 am – fun?>

Bandas – “La Guarida” Centro Cultural is starting its 2018 activities with a concert on sábado, 13/1 a las 19:00 with 4 bands including “Vertigo.”

Articles about –

Bienal – The Bienal has a new teaching curator. The previous curator resigned after 3 weeks for personal reasons. <I wonder if “I hate this job and everyone I have to work with,” would count as a personal reason.> The new curator, Cubano-Venezolano Félix Suzo, is a professor, art critic and researcher who will be in Cuenca next week.

Communications conference – “El Tercer Encuentro Nacional de Comunicación e Investigación: Los Entornos Digitales y los Desafíos para la Comunicación” (The Third National Meeting on Communication and Research: Digital Environments and the Challenges for Communication) is being held hoy y mañana in the Auditorio “Claudio Cordero” at the U. of Cuenca.

Cultural directory – The directory of cultural assets and creative services has 675 entries. The book will have color coded sections for Scenic Arts, Visual Arts, Collectives and organizations, Design, Cultural Businesses and Institutions, Cultural Spaces, Festivals, Literature, and Music. These main sections will be subdivided and organized alphabetically <In Spanish, of course.> so that in the Scenic Arts section you can select Theater or Dance, then writers, directors, actors, set builders, etc.

Sinfónia – The OSC will open its first season el domingo a las 11:00 in the teatro Pumapungo with a Conciertos en Familia performance. <An inset paragraph says the concert will be in the Catedral Vieja, so make your choice and take your chances. Or google it.> The program will be light and well known classical pieces – about half instrumental and half vocal. The next concert will be viernes, 12/1 with guest director Emmanuel Siffer. The symphony’s goal is to perform 100 concerts this year. They played 98 in 2017.

Otras cosas –

Titular – Glas, cesado; Moreno arma terna (Glas finished; Moreno assembles trio.) – Moreno declared Glas absent from his job for over 90 days and now the President has 15 days to send the “terna” (group of 3 people) to the Asamblea Nacional to elect a new VP. The terna is likely to include María Alejandra Vicuña, acting VP; María Fernanda Espinoza, Sec’y of State; and Rosana Alvarado, Minister of Justice and ex-assemblist. <And the “terna” seems to be the short list of candidates, with María Alejandra Vicuña regarded as a shoo-in.>

Accident in El Cajas – A tractor-trailor lost its container at km. 28 of the vía Cuenca-Molleturo at a sharp curve. The rig hit the barrier and the container went down the hill. No one was injured, but the trailer torqued 90 degrees. <Relax, any of you who were expecting a container from Guayaquil – it was full of plastic things. This might be the accident that gets all big rigs banned from going through the Cajas – not just trucks carrying toxic materials.>

Animal shelter – The municipality has located a suitable property for an animal shelter and is moving to acquire it and build in the next few months. Currently there are 4 animal rescue groups who do not have their own properties – Los Amigos de Manolo, fundación FAN, Fundación Peluditos Cuenca and Fundación ARCA. Peluditos has a location from a private individual with a right to occupy it for 2 years. ARCA has a shelter in Santa Ana parish near the Sanitary Landfill of Pichacay which it needed to vacate at the end of 2017. A concensus between EMAC <the public garbage company> and the Parish Junta (a governing body) will extend ARCA’s stay until the new shelter is ready. The shelter will house dogs from all the rescue groups except Peluditos which declined to participate. Each organization will remain autonomous administratively and financially, but will observe communal protocols about the management and development of the shelter animals.

The director of the Environmental Management Commission (CGA), Catalina Albán, indicated that the construction of the Comunidad de Protección Animal (Animal Protection Community) will be done in coordination with the representatives of the foundations and clarified that it would not just be for ARCA, but for those organizations that want to be part of the community. Through its Animal Management Unit, the CGA sterilized 2,280 dogs in the rural and peripheral parishes in Cuenca. The campaign will continue in 2018 with a goal of 3,000 animals, and focus on pet owners of limited means which is why the clinics have been in rural areas.

New flu outbreak – A Ministry of Health spokesman said there was a new outbreak of flu, which is diminishing. However, there is a supply of vaccine warehoused throughout the country.

Child support – These payments will be set by 15/1 based on the new SBU which is $386.00.

San Francisco Plaza – The work at the plaza is 16% complete, 4% ahead of the schedule.

And that´s all for today so Hasta Mañana –



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