‘Black Friday’ draws a crowd; Women march against violence; Neighborhood crime alarms are updated; Pumapungo Museum reopens with new exhibits

Nov 27, 2021 | 2 comments

Viernes, 26/11/2021

Hola, Todos –

Actividades –

Pumapungo reabre con 3 exposiciones (Pumapungo reopens with 3 exhibits) – The Museo Pumapungo is reopening after being closed for a year and half due to the pandemic. The museum has prepared 3 shows which will open el jueves, 2/12. “RE” is a work based on the history of the museum and its collections. Visitors can REmember the start of the institution, RElive those moments in their memories, and REcreate and REimagine the possible worlds. The show includes permanent exhibits, the “Victor M. Albornoz” library, and the archeological and the ethno-botanical parks. The Manuel Tarqui “pintura en forma de” show contains 4 decades of works by Manuel Tarqui in oils, acrylics, drawings and watercolors. The “Árboles de Papel” is a project of Larissa Marangoni and is in the exterior patio of the museum. Until the opening, hours are from 8-17:00 M-F, and from 10-16:00 on sábados y domingos.

Titular –

Pictures of women killed in domestic violence cases were displayed Thursday in Parque Calderon. (El Mercurio)

El comercio ofrece hoy descuentos (Retailers offer discounts today) – Yesterday was Black Friday in Ecuador and other parts of the world. For the business sector, it’s an opportunity to generate sales, and for consumers it’s an option to buy things or services at a discount. <As long as you don’t overconsume your ability to pay for all that crap.> Leonardo Ottato, president of the Cámara Ecuatoriana de Comercio Electrónico (CECE), said Black Friday sales can start in noviembre, the week before the established date, or on the Friday. He said another option for buying is Cyber Monday, el 29/11, for online purchasing. This has grown since the pandemic. He said many of the digital promotions associated with physical stores have a one click option for home delivery.

Cuenca –

Diferentes manifestaciones por la No Violencia Contra la Mujer (Different demonstrations for No Violence against Women) – There were different acts in Cuenca ayer to commemorate the Día Internacional de la Eliminación de la Violencia contra la Mujer (International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women). The Consejo de la Judicatura has an agenda of activities that runs until 10/12 with the “Noche de Luces por la Paz y la No Violencia” and a photo exhibit “El retrato de buen trato” in the Corte de Justicia del Azuay. This morning, the Fundación Alianza en el Desarrollo organized a march through the city center. There is an art installation in the parque Calderón where the Frente de Familias de Víctimas de Femicidio has hung photos of 84 women who were victims of gender violence. Each photo has an araña (spider) referencing an Ethiopian saying, “cuando las arañas tejan sus telas pueden atar a un león.” (when spiders weave webs they can tie up a lion)

Hospital del IESS inaugura centro de trauma (IESS Hospital inaugurates trauma center) – The IESS hospital inaugurated a Centro de Trauma este jueves. The center is equipped with state-of-the-art technology to treat serious injuries. Investment in the equipment was more than $1 million. The area has 11 cubicles for patients in isolation, consulting offices for gynecological emergencies and for minor procedures, and 2 operating rooms with laminar flow which produces sterile air. There is also a new system for endoscopic surgeries, laparoscopies, and other procedures. IESS affiliates can be seen without having been referred.

Sucesos –

Aplicación móvil para la seguridad ciudadana (Mobile application for citizen security) – Technological development will be integrated with the system of community alarms that are in different sectors of the city and that are managed by the Consejo de Seguridad Ciudadana (CSC). The new system will be installed in 120 zones including new barrios and replace defective buttons. This new mobile app will go to barrios where the neighbors have been trained in proper use of the system, and replace the current buttons for community alarm systems. The first sectors for the new system will be Totoracocha, Las Retamas, parque La República, El Valle and some rural sectors.

The app will be connected with a circuit of sirens, centers, and strobe lights or alert lights. There will be colors according to the type of alert. <Guaranteed to bring you back to memories of 60’s rock concerts.> Sirens will have 2 tones, one for cases of assault, and the other for medical emergencies and fires. The monitoring station will be in the CSC where the appropriate response agency will be alerted including the Policía Nacional, Cruz Roja (Red Cross), Fire Department and others.

In 2021 the CSC installed 60 new video monitoring systems where 41,214 incidents were identified. An average of 1,000 alerts are attended to each month, most of which had to to with misuse of public spaces, robberies, fights, and drinkers.

Una adolescente está reportada como desaparecida (A teenage girl is reported missing) – 16 year old Evelyn Bustamante is reported missing since el 18/11. She lives in the Unión Alta sector of Baños Parish in Cuenca. Her mother said the last she heard from Evelyn was that she had caught a cab and was at the service station at Control Sur. After that, her social networks were deactivated and her phone turned off. Evelyn had sent a Whatsapp audio that some men had offered to take her from the country to Spain or the US. Her family is asking for help in finding her. Evelyn is 1.6 cm tall with curly blond hair and blue eyes. If you have information, call 1800 DELITO.

Descuentos y compras –

?- There is a whole page ad and I don’t see the name of the business anywhere – Black Friday sale with up to 70% off air conditioners <you know you’re south of the equator when there are air conditioner sales in November>, TVs, stoves, fans and water dispensers – limited quantities – from 25-28/11 or until sold out.

And that’s all for today so la Hasta la próxima semana –



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