Calle Santa Ana lighting problems, Gringo school band, Cracks deepen for AP, Bad booze

Oct 28, 2017 | 0 comments

Viernes, 27/10/2017

Hola, Todos –

Just finished making 3 gallons of colada morada. Everything is splashed with purple. Going to be a short column.

Pagina cultural –

Today’s agenda events –

Concierto – The Brass Band of the OSC played Friday in the gardens of CIDAP.

Articles about –

CCE – Since el pasado 3/10, new regulations governing the 24 provincial nuclei of the CCE have been in effect. <Sorry if knowing about CCE is vital to you, but the article is just too boring to read.>

Salesian Community – “Los Salesianos Saludan a Cuenca” was a program Friday at PRAC (Bolívar y Huayna CAPAC)

Festival Internacional de Danza – “Tradiciones y culturas del Mundo” (Traditions and cultures of the World) will be el sábado a las 19:00 in the Teatro Sucre with dance troupes from Bolivia, Paraguay, Colombia y Ecuador.

Poesía – There was a poetry event at the Universidad del Adulto Mayor. UAM also released a CD.

Recital de música sacra (Sacred music recital) – The concert with pianist Alba Saula and 40 singers was Friday in the Complejo Arquitectónico Patrimonial y Religioso del templo de Todos Santos. <Whew. I think shortening that to Todos Santos has merits.>

Festival – the 5th Festival de Música y Danza Latinoamericana Cunca Cultura will be sabado y domingo at PRAC with 18 musical groups and 10 dance troupes. The groups will show the culture of the nationalities in Ecuador.

Otras cosas –

Titular – Se quiebra unidad en AP (Unity in AP broken) – Yesterday’s actions by members of AP show the cracks deepening. <They seem to be going in different directions on the referendum, on impeaching Glas and of course on supporting the previous or the current president.>

Municipal finances – The city owes $103 million, about $51 million of which is for the Tranvía, and is paying about $500,000 in monthly interest.

Ad – An ad from the Mayor’s office is inviting the citizenry to an Asamblea Cantonal to validate the draft budget for 2018. It will be sábado, 28/10 a las 11:00 in the Parque de la Madre. <Interesting juxtaposition of the article above the ad.>

2 gringos jubilados forman banda en Dolores J. Torres (2 retired gringos form a band in Dolores J. Torres) – “Sarita Flautista” (Canada) and Jeff Jones (US) donated musical instruments to the Dolores J. Torres school and are collaborating with Juan Torres (Ecuador) to teach the children.

Lighting in calle Santa Ana – The restored pedestrian way which reopened in April, has been without lighting for a week after vandals disconnected the breakers. The director of the Municipal Historic Areas said they’ve gone to the electric company for a solution since this is not the first time it’s happened.

Liquor without a sanitary seal – The Ministry of Health is warning people not to drink liquor of doubtful provenance or without a sanitary registration (official seal). <You probably wouldn’t want to drink it anyway, unless you have a taste for turpentine.> If you have symptoms of nausea, vomiting, “visión borrosa” (blurry vision – your word for the day just because I like it.), breathing difficulties or a prolonged “resaca” (chuchaqui, hangover) <I’ve always heard chuchaqui here and never thought about a Spanish word for hangover. Should have, though, since Spanish were Catholics and not Mormans, and so would have hangovers. Does use of “chuchaqui” peg me as having learned Spanish in the Ecuadorian highlands?> go get medical attention.

Pagina cultural – The article is about the Capac Ñan which has 108 km in Ecuador from Rumichaca to the sector Espindola in Amaluza. Since 2011, 190 communities along the Camino del Inca have registered.

Amenidades –

Movies – as usual, go to for show times and locations. The following movies open this week. All of the movies are in 2D and only one, which is noted, is subtitled. The rest are in Esp.

Jigsaw 8 – Sub. y Esp.
Mucama Siniestra

The following movies are continuing.

Condorito –
Feliz día de tu muerte
Tal vez mañana
Blade runner 2049
Línea mortal: al límite
Horas exhaustas
Kingsman 2

And that´s all for today so Hasta Domingo –



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